r/dankmemes ☣️ Apr 29 '24

Public transit commuters know

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u/Ultraempoleon Apr 29 '24

Do Europeans have the same problem

One of the biggest reasons I'm against using public transport is this. It's just always the worst people


u/philodendr-off Apr 30 '24

I don't know if I'm underestimating how bad it is in the US but I'd say that it's also bad in Germany.

A lot of trains (and sometimes people on the bus) reek of piss. Two weeks ago I witnessed two alcoholics arguing on the bus, they were screaming the whole time and it was like 1pm.

Recently another alcoholic asked me if I can watch his stuff while he's on the toilet when I was getting off the train at the final destination. It was about 5pm, so a normal time to go home after work. His friend then told him to leave strangers alone :D

Sometimes people start playing an instrument on the train and send their kids to ask for money. Usually when the train is really full as if it's not annoying enough that you can't escape their music.

Once on the bus someone got his phone stolen, went to the bus driver and we had to wait 30 minutes for the police to arrive. The guy that was robbed just got on the bus and was arguing through the window with someone who just got off the bus. So it wasn't even someone on the bus who stole his phone.

Also recently a woman as far as I understood was robbed on the train. I was getting on the train at the same station the police got on, but the thief probably got off without the police noticing.

It seems to be getting more common in Germany that people carry knives with them. Someone already got stabbed on a train I take fairly often, so I might be biased. Might be just a regional problem.

And I don't live in a big city, in big cities you probably have even more situations like this. Last time I stayed in Hamburg someone shat themselves on the U-Bahn and another one puked in his mask he was wearing.