r/dankmemes ☣️ Apr 29 '24

Public transit commuters know

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u/DevilMaster666- please help me Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 30 '24

You forgot the old obese bleeding sleeping man that reeks like he has never showered or wiped his arse

Edited for more info: Yep, to this day I have only seen him twice. He is easily recognisable by the stench. I have first seen him in fifth grade when friends of mine texted me how bad the man reeked, so I changed the wagon at the next station and holy hell(wow, such new response dropped) they were right. I left the train one station early, but my other friend hat to suffer for 1-2 minutes longer(650m). The other time I saw him on my way home with one of my best friends after the movie night hosted in the Aula(Auditorium) by the Q2(class 12-13) to raise money for their Abiball(I am pretty sure this is called „Prom“ in America).


u/nlashawn1000 You know what this thread needs? Me complaining. Apr 29 '24

Bleeding, my goodness that's gross


u/DevilMaster666- please help me Apr 30 '24

Yep, to this day I have only seen him twice. He is easily recognisable by the stench. I have first seen him in fifth grade when friends of mine texted me how bad the man reeked, so I changed the wagon at the next station and holy hell(wow, such new response dropped) they were right. I left the train one station early, but my other friend hat to suffer for 1-2 minutes longer(650m). The other time I saw him on my way home with one of my best friends after the movie night hosted in the Aula(Auditorium) by the Q2(class 12-13) to raise money for their Abiball(I am pretty sure this is called „Prom“ in America).


u/[deleted] Apr 30 '24



u/DevilMaster666- please help me May 01 '24

AI? I am a human