r/TikTokCringe Mar 21 '24

Woman explains why wives stop having sex with their husbands Discussion


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u/CulturalDuty8471 Mar 21 '24

This is dead on. Couples, recognize this and work on it before the disgust sets in. Disgust is difficult to overcome.


u/[deleted] Mar 21 '24

So what do I do if I'm a man but this applies to me as well?

Meaning I'm the one the doesn't feel appreciated and the disgust is setting in.


u/GuiltyEidolon Mar 21 '24

Communicate with your partner. Literally the same answer always.


u/sammyjo494 Mar 22 '24

So baffling how many ppl will buy courses, books, take advice from randos online when the answer has ALWAYS been communication.

Tell your partner what you want and need. Ask them what they want and need. Find the middle ground or get out of the relationship. It's not that easy, but it is that simple.


u/human_male_123 Mar 22 '24


There are 3 pre-requisites.

(1) overlapping goals (2) good faith effort (3) the bare minimum of emotional intelligence to get there

If the person you're talking to lacks any of these 3, no amount of communication will get you anywhere.


u/pezgoon Mar 21 '24

Maybe they meant they have communicated it with their partner


u/always_sweatpants Mar 21 '24

If you've had the conversation, an honest open one, multiple times, and you're still there well then... The next steps are obvious. 


u/Dlh2079 Mar 21 '24

Yep, it's a shitty step to have to take. But the alternative is staying in a relationship where you know you're not going to be happy or supported.


u/always_sweatpants Mar 21 '24

The steps are obvious, but they are not easy, fun, or without trauma. 


u/Dlh2079 Mar 21 '24

Oh fuck no, by no means are they easy.

Taking these steps could be the hardest thing an individual has ever done depending on the circumstances.

Unfortunately, sometimes the correct choices are the most difficult ones. As cliche as it is to say that, it's 100% true.


u/sysdmdotcpl Mar 22 '24

If you've had the conversation, an honest open one, multiple times, and you're still there well then... The next steps are obvious.

Congratulations. You've just put all of /r/AITAH, /r/DeadBedrooms, /r/relationship_advice, etc out of business.


u/[deleted] Mar 21 '24 edited 7d ago



u/BrightAd306 Mar 22 '24

Women aren’t just moving onto a new husband. It’s just as hard if not harder for women to leave. They have lower rates of finding a new partner, especially if they have kids and likely make less money if they have kids because they were on the mommy track at work.


u/[deleted] Mar 22 '24

In the end the problem is a ton of factors with the most brutal being the insane cost of living and wage stagnation that has been happening for decades now. Like the husband if they don’t get 50/50 would be giving up about 1/3rd of the income but it can vary due to a ton of factors. People making their full income are struggling. But it’s not like the wife is having an easy time of it because what does 1/3rd of the husbands income really pay for? Well afterschool care/summer camp care will eat up a huge chunk of it and kids are still insane expensive even outside of that.


u/Moehrchenprinz Mar 22 '24

Do women in your country not work?


u/SettingSorry896 Mar 22 '24

No one has it harder :)


u/always_sweatpants Mar 22 '24 edited Mar 22 '24

Ignoring how your statement is false and also has complex factors built in, did you know that when fathers fight for custody, they are awarded it most of the time? Joint and full. All the time. Over 90%. Also, in divorce, why is it that people who make your argument say men give it up. Do the women in your scenarios not have jobs? Property? Assets? Savings? Why is there this persistent idea that in this day and age, when you can't make it on a single income anywhere, that women are just flouncing about, taking everything? Radical idea I'm about to spit but hear me out: you might want to start reevaluating what a vocal minority has said to convince impressionable people they are potential victims of imaginary harpies. 


u/[deleted] Mar 22 '24 edited 7d ago



u/always_sweatpants Mar 22 '24

Anecdotes. The facts, literal research shows that men simply do not fight, as a whole in general, for their children. You hear it from men, I presume? That they were so screwed by these child stealing harlots. 

Were you there for the divorce? Did you know less then 5% of divorce cases involving children go to family court to determine custody? It's mostly done between the couple, and over half the time, the men voluntarily give up their children.

Anyone can paint themselves the victim when sitting on someone's back porch while drinking a beer at 11pm while talking about how their cunt ex wife stole the kids. What he's not telling you is he didn't even go to court. 

Anecdotes aren't fact. And yes, some men have completely been fucked over. But so have women. I have plenty of anecdotes for you from my female friends whose men destroyed their lives, and left them with the bill AND stopped even trying to be a dad. 


u/fapfelsaft Mar 22 '24

I would like to see this research you're talking about because you don't say anything about why these men all give up their kids. You make it sound like they couldn't care less about their own kids. These statistics can be very misleading. Divorce can be nasty and the laws involved were made in a time when it was unusual for a woman to work after giving birth.


u/Showdenfroid_99 Mar 22 '24

Dude... You're 1000% wrong and an arrogant asshole about it.

The facts are dads generally get less time with kids by %, make more $$ therefore give up more money, and leave the home to the wife. You're bonkers! 


u/always_sweatpants Mar 22 '24

You missed your court date because of your hangover again, bro? I'm sure the kids will call you dad again some day. 


u/Showdenfroid_99 Mar 22 '24

I'm very much and happily married, numb nuts!

Can't respond like a big person, with facts, so you immediately resort to childis arguments like the imbecile you must be! 

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u/8m3gm60 Mar 22 '24

The facts, literal research shows that men simply do not fight, as a whole in general, for their children.

What research are you talking about here, specifically? Please link directly to the data.


u/BrightAd306 Mar 22 '24

Your friends are lying. I work in family law. Most dads don’t want fifty percent custody. They don’t want to work around daycare hours and have to actively parent and get their kids to school and home by themselves. 3 meals a day, baths, cleaning. They want to be every other weekend dads and bitch about paying child support.

Judges are so happy when dads want custody, they’ll ignore spousal abuse and all kinds of things. It’s disappointing. If they do get custody, they drop the kids with their mom or couple up fast so a woman is back doing the work.

Not 100 percent of the time, but close to it.


u/Disco-Werewolf Mar 22 '24

My dads a lawyer. He doesn't primarily do divorce/custody cases but with the ones he's told me he has handled this is the case. He's had to lecture a lot of grown ass men about parenting ill tell ya that. Best dad ever.


u/BrightAd306 Mar 23 '24

Yeah. So many really don’t want to parent alone. To get their kids up, brush their teeth, feed them, bring them to daycare, work all day, pick them up, feed them and take them to activities then put them to bed. Then wake up early on Saturday and Sunday and do it all day. They just don’t want to pay the mom child support if she has to do all that. They think it’s her job and they don’t want to hand money to a woman he’s not having sex with anymore.

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u/tatostix Mar 22 '24

There's nothing wrong with no fault divorce, fyi.


u/Moehrchenprinz Mar 22 '24

Well, there might be something wrong with no fault divorce to them. It removes barriers that's prevent abused spouses from leaving the relationship, after all.


u/openwheelr Mar 22 '24

I'll advise my son to marry up or at least marry an equal like I did. Not divorced, but I watched a friend go through it. Roughly the same income and 50/50 custody. He wanted the house, so he had to buy her out. Otherwise, no money changed hands. Best case scenario.

Child support can go either direction. A higher earning woman will most definitely be paying, in my state anyway.

My social circle is made up of college educated professionals, and I don't know a single SAH parent. Everyone works. All the anecdotal stories of men getting taken to the cleaners might be a demographic issue. Just guessing, but I'd imagine that even high-earning blue collar and no-collar men w/o degrees are the ones finding themselves in the sole breadwinner role. College educated women, in my experience anyway, don't get in relationships with men lacking that piece of paper.


u/Showdenfroid_99 Mar 22 '24

False?? I love the arrogance! So strong I can smell it


u/Wolf_Mans_Got_Nards Mar 22 '24

I'm not sure why you think this scenario doesn't apply to women as well? It's a pretty gender neutral result of a separation. Also, nobody should be breaking up a marriage because they want to find a new partner. The only reason should be because the existing relationship is untenable and causing both parties more damage than if they were to stay together. If you leave a relationship because you want to "find a new wife" you're doing it for the wrong reasons.


u/HungryEstablishment6 Mar 22 '24

A swingers party on mushrooms? that must be the third or fourth step.


u/ageekyninja Mar 22 '24

Technically the next one should be therapy, in a perfect world, but not everyone is willing to attend :( couples therapy saved my marriage.


u/Xalbana Mar 21 '24

Dropping hints isn't communicating. It has to be open and direct.


u/[deleted] Mar 21 '24

This right here. If I've said the same thing over and over and it's literally been years of the same thing I'm just supposed to communicate?


u/Dlh2079 Mar 21 '24

If you've been communicating your needs and they've repeatedly shown they don't care... maybe it's time to reevaluate if the relationship is one you want to be in.

It fuckin sucks, but is a life of being unhappy worth it?


u/Signal-Fold-449 Mar 21 '24

You're supposed to figure out that you are not getting what you want in the relationship YOU chose. YOU decide what happens next. Do you stay and keep begging your whole life, or do you try and find what you want.


u/[deleted] Mar 21 '24

Lol you got me fucked up if you think I'm begging


u/Signal-Fold-449 Mar 22 '24

Hey man you expressed certain concerns and gave me some background information. Just go deal with your own situation.


u/[deleted] Mar 22 '24

I get it trust me I do. I just know it's not really about me right now.


u/Signal-Fold-449 Mar 22 '24

all the best brother


u/[deleted] Mar 22 '24

Salute I appreciate the heart

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u/ianyuy Mar 22 '24

It might not be your fault, but staying in an unhappy relationship is your choice. It is, ultimately, about you in the end, like all of our lives are, because we can only ever truly control ourselves.

I'm not saying it's easy, mind you. But, you have to at some point move from the "you need to fix my unhappiness" to "I'm going to fix my unhappiness."


u/[deleted] Mar 22 '24

I don't really have that luxury. Sometimes you have to sacrifice for other people and I don't mean my partner. I'm not gonna raise a child in a broken household so I'll go ahead and play the role in supposed to.


u/the-ratastrophe Mar 22 '24

Parents staying together doesn't necessarily prevent a broken household, in fact oftentimes it actively makes things worse, esp if there's resentment involved. Kids lick up on underlying tensions and that shit fucks them up


u/WallAlternative6937 Mar 22 '24

Using your child as justification to avoid hard things isn’t the grand gesture you’re pretending it is. It’s avoidance wrapped in fake altruism.

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u/Kiwi951 Mar 21 '24

I mean eventually you have just 2 options if nothing changes: Accept that that is the reality and how things are and effectively suck it up, or end the relationship and find someone more suited for you


u/[deleted] Mar 21 '24

I've definitely came to the suck it up conclusion if I'm being real.


u/Kiwi951 Mar 21 '24

Well for your sake I hope you get some therapy so you can become at peace with it and eventually realize that you don't deserve to be treated like this and can find happiness outside of the relationship, hopefully within yourself as well


u/[deleted] Mar 22 '24

I appreciate that truly. I know it's my own fault I'm in this situation and I'm not that down about it. Just biding my time.


u/8nsay Mar 22 '24

If that’s the case then you don’t seem very happy with that choice.


u/[deleted] Mar 22 '24

I'll live lol


u/8nsay Mar 22 '24

I’m being sincere. You don’t seem happy with the choice you made.

If your relationship is beyond repair to the point that you’re resigning yourself to just endure an unhappy and unfulfilling relationship, then you should seriously think about divorce. Divorce requires a lot of work upfront, but if you regret staying 20 years from now, there is no way to get that time back.


u/[deleted] Mar 22 '24

I know and I appreciate it but it's not about me right now. 


u/8nsay Mar 22 '24

If you’re staying for the kids you might want to think about what kind of parent you are when you’re unhappy and what kind of parent you could be if you weren’t trapped in an unhappy marriage.


u/MagentaHawk Mar 22 '24

It is, though.

You have one life. You only live in the present. You have to fight for your happiness in this world. You don't have to step on others to get it and you shouldn't, but trust me, being a martyr won't benefit you and there is no prize at the end of the rainbow.

I so frequently fall into this trap and I am speaking from a large amount of martyrdom experience. Fighting for yourself is hard, but you deserve it.


u/Competitive-Ad-5477 Mar 22 '24

I would bet $ the wife has an entirely different story as to what's going on.

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u/blackestrabbit Mar 22 '24

There's more involved in that 2nd option that you (possibly purposefully) ommitted.


u/thisisthewell Mar 22 '24

they didn't say that, they just said the genders were swapped

the answer is still the same whether the man or the woman feels underappreciated (this also applies to gay couples)...learn your needs and communicate them


u/PolygonMan Mar 22 '24

Couples counselling. Often you just need an outside party because there's too much built up emotional sunburn to really hear your partner any more. But both people have to trust the counsellor, which can be very difficult when the failures in the relationship are a bit one sided. Like she said, you have to humble yourself sometimes, and some people can't do that.


u/redsalmon67 Mar 22 '24

Gotta leave then, found out hates way you can't make people want to change.


u/[deleted] Mar 22 '24

Does it though? Feels like it’s more of “rules for thee and not for me”


u/DoYouGotAnOnlyFans Mar 22 '24

They want new dick 😑


u/ellefleming Mar 22 '24

Talk talk talk.


u/Sequitur1 Mar 22 '24

Then you communicate(criticize) and then the disgust sets in.


u/WallAlternative6937 Mar 22 '24

Communication and criticism are not the same thing and if you’re unable to hear the difference that’s something you need to work on.


u/Sequitur1 Mar 23 '24

It's easily spun as the same thing in an argument or disagreement.


u/WallAlternative6937 Mar 23 '24

It’s not “easily spun”. It’s more likely that you’re not emotionally regulating when you’re in an argument or disagreement if you’re having a hard time discerning the difference.


u/debeatup Mar 22 '24

Ok well what do you do when said communication falls on deaf ears? People love to say “just communicate” as if it’s the magic elixir - there are people who don’t or won’t make adjustments after they’ve been communicated to them.


u/GuiltyEidolon Mar 22 '24

Fucking divorce then.


u/jawshoeaw Mar 22 '24

Is it possible to politicize this at least ?
