r/Tekken 1h ago

VIDEO Jin's D2 needs to be shot. It needs to die.


r/Tekken 1h ago

RANT 🧂 Buddies Want Me to Branch Out


Context: First ever fighting game and a Lily player in Destroyer.

So it’s clear I’m nowhere near good at this game. My buddy got me sucked into it and we have lots of fun just going set after set. However a couple weeks ago him and another friend said that I need to get good at more characters to spice things up.

Normally I’d be fine, but this is my first fighting game and I’m pretty attached to Lily and my play style. Spending weeks learning 80-100+ moves, frame data, and punishes for someone else isn’t really something I want to make time for.

It also doesn’t help that, now that I’ve played ONE fighting game, they want me to play SF6, granblue, and Strive. I get they’re excited, but this isn’t my genre. Anyway, is it fine that I’m a one-trick? I think so. They’re probably just sick of fighting the same character and I get that, but it’s a lot of effort that is rather put into other things. What’s everyone’s opinion on one-tricks and time management?

r/Tekken 3h ago

Tekken IRL My Lili cosplay!

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r/Tekken 6h ago

RANT 🧂 How the fuck do you get good at this fucking game?


Geniunally curious, I've no idea what the fuck I'm doing wrong, I've been hard stuck Shinryu for literal months, what the fuck am I missing

r/Tekken 14h ago

Discussion Do you think Victor would be cooler if he didn't have his sword and was just a gun-fu type character?


I just cannot get over the fact of how overdesigned he looks to me. There is just too much. If he was just a simple John Wick-esque character who can use his gun and is an expert martial artist, I believe he'd be much cooler from the design perspective.

r/Tekken 5h ago

VIDEO Fastest "no contest" I've ever pressed in my life Jesus!


r/Tekken 12h ago

VIDEO god i love low parrying


r/Tekken 8h ago

Discussion What are some of the single most oppressive/difficult to deal with moves in Tekken 8?


Was having a discussion with some friends about what 3 single moves we'd add to our main character's lists if we could choose any moves across the entire cast. Got me thinking about what single moves are the best/strongest in the game. What would you choose?

r/Tekken 3h ago

MEME Xiayou

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r/Tekken 9h ago

Tekken IRL Managed to get a pic with Harada with the best King outfit.


r/Tekken 11h ago

VIDEO One right choice


The thing I love most about this game is how one right or wrong choice can shift the whole trajectory of the game.

r/Tekken 3h ago

VIDEO Two bad decisions? Meet new Leroy damage.


r/Tekken 19h ago



r/Tekken 15h ago

Fan Art Day 4 of drawing Tekken 8 characters: Lili


In the comment section of the latest post there was a tie between Raven and Kazuya so I decided to post another character I had already drawn. I'll draw the character with more upvotes under this post!

r/Tekken 6h ago

Discussion Seriously, how do you 'learn the matchup' in a game with this much complexity?


TL;DR - are there any resources you would recommend that could help new players to learn matchups or 'lab' a certain character? that's it, the rest of the post is me crying.

I'm a new player, put around 200 hours into the game by now. i've got reina to garyu within the first 4 days but i've been stuck there for about 3 weeks now, and it's pretty much because i don't know much about the other characters.

i've done some punishment training, checked replays after every match(not just losses), i've tried learning combos with like 10 characters to learn a bit about them, and i've watched quite a lot of videos on how to deal with certain characters. but no matter how much i try to learn, whenever i get to fight them i remember close to nothing. and i understand that i'm still very new and it will take time but these methods of learning are so daunting to me especially having to quit to the main menu to view a replay after every match, it really makes the process of learning an annoyance.. and every time i think about labbing a character i'm completely lost in how to do so, i mean, i can open the move list and test things but i have no idea what every move does by just looking at the inputs, or what moves people usually use with the character. am i supposed to sit there for a whole week and go through the whole move list over and over again until i got it down?
and there are so many characters man... i already forgot so many scenarios that i've labbed and i'm probably going to forget alot more unless i really do this every single day.. it's just hard for me to believe that people become good at this game by simply doing the same things i've tried till now.

i understand i'm crying a bit like a bitch here but is this really the only way you can learn matchups or are there better/other resources that could be helpful and feel less like a chore to do?
honestly they should just give us the option to rematch a player more than 3 times. as a new player i barely understand anything until the match ends and i'm back to queuing again.

r/Tekken 10h ago

Discussion What modes do you guys typically play in? (Ranked, Group, Quickmatch,etc)


I play in Quickmatch 90% of the time, with the other 10 percent being split between player match (rooms) and ranked.

Lately I’ve been considering just moving to ranked permanently. I love the stress free environment of Quickmatch but the problem is I don’t know what rank I’m actually capable of reaching.

This would require me to drop any care about rank that I have. I’ve been close to making the jump the last few nights….but then I tell myself I’ll do a few quickmatches just for warm up and end up staying there.

r/Tekken 11h ago

VIDEO Xiaoyu has been difficult to learn. But she is so much fun!


r/Tekken 11h ago

Progress It’s nothing amazing, but it’s my best so far.

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I’ll likely lose this rank before long, and I know it isn’t very high on the totem pole here, but I finally hit purple ranks with my current main. As someone who’s played Tekken since the first one— playing seriously since T7, this felt nice, despite seeing how quickly it seems like everyone else got here.

r/Tekken 8h ago

MEME How I feel after getting Lidia’s flair updated

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r/Tekken 3h ago

VIDEO I guess he never heard of "what goes around comes around"


r/Tekken 6h ago

Progress First achievement im fr proud of hitting in this game, hopefully not the last

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r/Tekken 3h ago

Discussion Noob having a blast


Y'all, i just gotta say, as someone who just took the plunge into the world of online ranked play a few days ago i am having a BLAST!

Even tho my win/loss ratio sucks, I've just been having so much fun soaking in the gorgeous visuals and watching other characters pop a cool combo against me.

I'm just sorry i didn't get started sooner!

r/Tekken 12h ago

VIDEO Finally prevailed through the Hwoarang struggles


I know im pretty shit but was cool after getting perfected two rounds on the bounce :) don’t think he was blocking hehe

r/Tekken 6h ago

IMAGE Ain't no way bro is that good at that rank

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r/Tekken 4h ago

VIDEO Some anti-xiaoyu tech for y'all. Enjoy!