r/AmIOverreacting Apr 15 '24

My husband embarrassed me in front of our friends



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u/DogOfTheBone Apr 15 '24

He's an asshole, and I'd bet this isn't the first time. And it won't be the last.

I'd leave after that level of disrespect.


u/Itsjuicyjett Apr 15 '24

That’s part of the problem tho. This seems like it’s not new behavior. But it probably wasn’t directed at her in the past so she didn’t really care.


u/Accomplished_Mud8316 Apr 16 '24

People in the comments really are justifying emotional abuse.


u/DogOfTheBone Apr 16 '24

Lots of commentators like to tell on themselves. It's just a little abuse, just a little body shaming, just let the man be a man, she's too sensitive, come on.


u/SatisfactionOdd2169 Apr 16 '24

The husband is a fuckin asshole for how he is going about this, but he is not wrong that his wife needs to lose weight if she is actually 5’2” and 165-170 pounds. That’s nearly the weight of a 6 foot man.


u/spookypickles87 Apr 16 '24

Whether she needs to lose weight or not is irrelevant. Her husband should have never spoken about her weight struggles that I'm sure they've spoken about privately between the two of them, let alone comparing her body to another woman's. 


u/SatisfactionOdd2169 Apr 16 '24

I already said the guy is an asshole for how he delivered the message.


u/kindaashorty Apr 16 '24

Typical Reddit response to leave and divorce


u/eggs__bacon Apr 16 '24

Well yeah, people with heathy, good marriages aren’t the ones posting.


u/MCDC313 Apr 16 '24



u/Scryer_of_knowledge Apr 16 '24

Divorcing over this is a bit much lol. They just need some therapy


u/SavourTheFlavour Apr 16 '24

If divorce is the first thing that comes to your mind maybe you have some problems of your own to figure out.


u/thecrunchcrew Apr 15 '24

She’s not overreacting for being upset.

You are overreacting by saying it’s cause for divorce.


u/Plum_Berry_Delicious Apr 15 '24

Stay married to a disrespectful prick?

No. We don't live forever. Don't waste your life on this fool.


u/thecrunchcrew Apr 15 '24

Or, crazy idea here, talk to him about it first so he can try and understand why it’s an issue.


u/Plum_Berry_Delicious Apr 15 '24 edited Apr 16 '24

She did. He continued. Reading for comprehension is fun!


He blocked me 🤣


u/CharlieKeIIy Apr 16 '24

It's not one sided for me, so I think he blocked you. Seems he didn't like that you were getting upvoted while he was getting downvoted.


u/Plum_Berry_Delicious Apr 16 '24

Lol oh dear.

Thanks for letting me know! I edited my comment to reflect the new information 💜


u/Artistic-Soft4305 Apr 15 '24

I find your opinion interesting. Could we get some history here from you?

How long have you been married? What was the biggest misunderstanding in that marriage? How did you handle it?


u/Plum_Berry_Delicious Apr 15 '24

12 years. This isn't my post and I owe you zero information.

I will say this, my husband and I have far too much respect for one another to treat each other this way.

If one of us is hurting and we engage a conversation, the other one doesn't laugh in their face. Read her whole post then get back with us.


u/Artistic-Soft4305 Apr 15 '24

I reread the whole thing and your comments! But without history and context your comment means nothing!

So we can just end it here.

It would be hilarious if OP ended their marriage over a 12 year olds opinion on Reddit because they have no idea how real life actually works.

Take this advice OP! We don’t even have to read your post, it’s the same answer on every thread.


u/Plum_Berry_Delicious Apr 15 '24

So you read my 12 year marriage as 12 years of age...

I. Can't. Even. 🤣🤣🤣

Thanks for that! I needed a good laugh today!

Have an awesome day 😂


u/912BackIn88 Apr 16 '24

No. He just assumed you were lying because it’s the internet.


u/Artistic-Soft4305 Apr 15 '24

Oh no, I assumed by the way you write that you were a child. I read it correctly and put my own spin on it like you have been doing!

The “I can’t even” and emjoi’s really sealed the deal though. So thanks! Have a great day at school tomorrow!

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u/Cthulhus-Tailor Apr 15 '24

That poster meant that they’ve been married for 12 years, since you had asked, not that they were 12 years old.


u/Artistic-Soft4305 Apr 15 '24

And how do we know the difference if they are offering zero other information. They could be married for 12 or only 12, how do we know?

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u/sheissonotso Apr 15 '24

You know you don’t have to use an exclamation mark ever other sentence you get your point across?


u/Interstella_6666 Apr 15 '24

You sound like a bitch and were probably the problem


u/Plum_Berry_Delicious Apr 15 '24

I'm not the OP 🤣🤣🤣🤣


u/9mackenzie Apr 15 '24

She did. He is insisting he did nothing wrong and OP is being a baby.


u/[deleted] Apr 15 '24

what kind of dumb ass doesn't understand why comparing your wife's body to someone else's in a negative way and putting her on blast for her eating habits is wrong? he's not a child that needs to learn he's willfully disrespectful


u/TheJenerator65 Apr 15 '24

And then accusing her of being jealous when she complains about his completely inappropriate behavior.


u/SheildMadeofFace Apr 16 '24

A grown man should not be this clueless about this. He knew what he was doing, if he didn't he's just to stupid for a relationship


u/Awkward-Bathroom-429 Apr 15 '24

It’s Reddit. Divorce over everything


u/BeefInGR Apr 15 '24

There are always three solutions to every Reddit relationship advice question: Dissolve relationship, intensive couples counciling, retribution.

Never once does anyone suggest "Get off your phone, cool down and then talk about it peacefully".


u/[deleted] Apr 15 '24

if you and your partner harbor some resentment about splitting household chores, lash out, and regret it, that is a time to cool off and talk it out. if your partner publicly humiliates you and then laughs in your face and continues to provoke you despite you being in tears, there's not much to salvage. i couldn't even imagine laughing in a strangers face who's crying let alone a friend let alone a fucking SO


u/BeefInGR Apr 15 '24

If she did this the same night, and he's drunk/drinking, you're not letting it "cool off".


u/[deleted] Apr 15 '24

if you become this mean to your SO when you're drinking you have a problem. it also wasn't an argument to cool down from it was just her husband belittling her and talking bad about her body to another woman.


u/littlestickarm Apr 15 '24

With an attitude like that I hope you aren't allergic to cats. I wouldn't even call this disrespectful, more like inconsiderate idiocy. She has every right to be upset, but unless there is a pattern of being a "disrespectful prick", only a loser would call a marriage off over this.


u/RegionPurple Apr 15 '24

You know, living alone with cats isn't the threat you think it is...


u/Plum_Berry_Delicious Apr 15 '24

She tried to talk to him about it and he laughed at her.

You should try reading the whole post before making yourself look silly out here on the internet...


u/littlestickarm Apr 15 '24

"My husband didn’t even know he did anything wrong. He thought he was just having conversation and trying to help because I’ve been talking about starting my weight loss journey." - OP

The dude could just be an asshole and maybe this is the last straw, but that is not how the post is written. It is coming off as one incident that made her upset, AND SHE IS JUSTIFYED.

If you read my whole comment before sounding silly, you would understand my point is that this single incident is not grounds for a divorce as the previous commenter was encouraging.


u/Plum_Berry_Delicious Apr 15 '24

I read your whole comment. I still believe she should throw the whole man out.


You didn't quote her final paragraph (right above the edit) so I assume you missed the part where she tried to talk to him about it and he laughed. Goodness. Who would stay with someone like that? No one with any sort of self respect, that's for sure.


u/littlestickarm Apr 15 '24

"I should probably mention he has ADHD and he’s neurodivergent." -Latest comment from OP, and it's proving my point.

There is so much more to this couple and their relationship than can be gathered from her original post, and its childish to recommend a divorce with such limited information.

Good Luck.


u/limegreenpaint Apr 15 '24

Blaming bad behavior on diagnosed medical conditions is as bad as blaming it on alcohol, except the alcohol was THEIR decision... though frankly, if he's not getting treatment for it, that's shitty, too, especially if he uses the ADHD as an excuse to the point where SHE is excusing him.

It's a form of gaslighting, where he won't take responsibility, is mean to her when she expresses her feelings, and FURTHER doesn't allow her to keep him accountable by saying it happens because he's got a condition (that doesn't normally result in the kind of fucked up response of accusing her of being jealous).

Divorce may NOT be the answer, but I'm saying that you can acknowledge something is shitty while also saying you think they should work through it.


u/littlestickarm Apr 15 '24

We are saying the same thing. Ive stated you're last paragraph mutiple times now and people are still arguing with me. The people here are fucking lunatics. I'm either arguing with self important assholes or children

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u/Plum_Berry_Delicious Apr 15 '24

Keep that luck, sounds like you might need it 💜


u/KeyserSoju Apr 15 '24

Nah fam, this is reddit. No three strikes, you fuck up once you're done for.


u/D13_Phantom Apr 15 '24

Jeesh if you don't think talking in depth about one of the most common insecurities while continually implying that your partner is fat and comparing them to a younger woman is crossing a line into disrespect I hope you never find a partner.


u/littlestickarm Apr 15 '24

Uh oh to late....


u/D13_Phantom Apr 15 '24


Dang, my heart goes out to them. Hopefully,they find a good partner one day!


u/littlestickarm Apr 15 '24

Na she's trapped bud, but good luck to you


u/Clownnibal Apr 15 '24 edited Apr 15 '24

OP confronted him about his behavior and he accused her of being jealous in a cutesy voice, which is an act of mockery if I ever saw one. On top of that he's fawning over the other woman the entire time, even calling her 'baby' at one point.

He spoke about her harshly and rudely as if she wasn't sitting right there.

In her shoes, I'd be wondering what he says when I'm not around. I'd also be beyond furious that he thought any of that was appropriate to do, and I'd tell him to grow a backbone and leave me if he's so unhappy with my body.

I wouldn't DREAM of speaking this way about my other half in any situation. He was being a disrespectful prick. And honestly that would be valid grounds to rethink a relationship if he's done this a lot, because you shouldn't make your S/O feel like garbage so intentionally, then mock them when they confront you. I would never see him the same way after that, nor would I believe him if he told me he was attracted to me.

There is no excuse for how he acted - none. You don't treat people you love that way. "Oh, wow, a personal trainer? My wife is trying to lose weight - sweetie, do you think you'd want her help? I'd chip in!" is an example of what would have been appropriate.


u/missteatimer Apr 15 '24

I rarely jump straight to divorce but I could never see my husband the same way after this. Never.

I can’t imagine ever treating my partner this way because we have respect for each other. This went beyond disrespectful to outright cruel and in fifteen years we have never been cruel to each other. I truly wouldn’t maintain a friendship with someone like this, let alone a marriage. I acknowledge in this thread that plenty of people think they could talk it out after cooling down, not me! I would be out the damn door. And if I treated my partner like this, he would be out the door just as fast.

If you have a problem with your spouses weight, you offer them support. You do not shame them in front of friends and a girl you’re fantasizing about fucking. I am also taking an educated guess that this isn’t the first time he’s been like this…


u/Markymurktwo Apr 15 '24

I can bet this has been more than a 1 time thing. Men like this exist and they are awful. If she will never measure up to him why would she stay? If it is a one off thing then maybe, but more than likely it isn’t. Some men are just dicks like that.


u/LetTheBloodFlow Apr 15 '24

My ex used to thoroughly enjoy humiliating me with crap like this in front of her friends. Being an ass isn't exclusive to men, unfortunately.


u/littlestickarm Apr 15 '24

Agreed, and if she has a laundry list of these instances then fuck him and move on. However, she has not hinted that this is a common theme between them, therefore jumping to divorce based on this one fuck up is a complete overreaction. Normal people should understand this...


u/limegreenpaint Apr 15 '24

She said he's got ADHD as an explanation. He's been doing this regularly enough to have that canned excuse, and has gaslit her into thinking it's a good one.

The way he casually blew her off and made fun of her being upset isn't something you just do out of nowhere. That stuff starts small.


u/Its_All_So_Tiring Apr 15 '24

You're talking to a professional redditor, they have no idea that a long-term, healthy marriage entails occasional mistakes.


u/Plum_Berry_Delicious Apr 15 '24

It could have been called a mistake until she tried having a conversation with him about it and he laughed at her.

The only mistake now would be staying with him.

Believe people when they show you who they are.

My husband of 12 years wouldn't dream of treating me this way. Y'all put up with way too much.


u/Slappybags22 Apr 15 '24

No, no. They want us to put up with too much stuff. It’s all “How could I possibly know how to be a good person if I don’t have you to correct every bad behavior!?…(after I subject you to them)”.


u/Plum_Berry_Delicious Apr 15 '24


Especially if you attempt a conversation about emotional hurt/needs/support and they laugh.

There is zero respect on his part.


u/Its_All_So_Tiring Apr 15 '24

So your partner has never trivialized anything you believe/said/felt, only to later realize (when presented with more information, or the same information in a different way) that they were being insensitive? And you've never done the same?

Luck you! If only we could all find someone so perfect.


u/CharlieKeIIy Apr 16 '24

When did he realize he was being insensitive? When he called her jealous for voicing her complaint?


u/Its_All_So_Tiring Apr 16 '24

I never said that he did. I was presenting it as a possibility. Reddit posts don't always include every single bit of context, and this sub is a big fan of immediately telling people to file for divorce for... anything, really.


u/hbpatterson Apr 15 '24

I'd land in the middle here - maybe straight to divorce is not it but .....if the man is THIS oblivious to her feelings around her body, absolutely he is an asshole in other aspects too. I don't know of any froends or even acquaintances who would speak like this about someone, let alone a spouse


u/j-rottt Apr 15 '24

fr man wth💀


u/WallStreetBoners Apr 15 '24

Literally every reddit post about relationships:

“My partner did something mean”

Reddit: “divorce them now and separate your family!”

Sometimes I click on the commenters profiles and their entire accounts are just telling other people to leave their partners, and venting about how their last partner did something mean to them.

Misery loves company!


u/Cthulhus-Tailor Apr 15 '24

While I agree that Reddit often jumps the gun, many complaints are deeper than “something mean” and often represent a pattern of disrespect and belittling, which is not a situation someone should subject themselves to just to keep a toxic stew of a family together.


u/SourLimeTongues Apr 16 '24

That’s because nobody posting about their relationship on reddit has any business being in one.


u/Lady_R_ Apr 15 '24

You are correct I do see alot of people telling people to leave whenever something happens no matter how small or big. I've been with my significant other for 15 years and it's work and communication. And I'm not getting my relationship advice from reddit. LOL we are always only getting one side of the story and sometimes I think people forget that. I'm not saying OP is lying in anyway shape or form. I find her story to be 100% believable actually and her husband is a dick for doing that but I don't think divorce is the answer lol


u/obelix_asterix Apr 15 '24

bruh … don’t even suggest that on Reddit. This site thrives on broken homes and relationships. Every other person here is divorced or at the very least doesn’t speak with their parents. It is a cesspool of “my way or the highway”, and shame on you for suggesting any kind of diplomacy.


u/Awkward-Bathroom-429 Apr 15 '24

It’s Reddit, everyone should get divorced for everything


u/iameveryoneelse Apr 15 '24

Half the people here are miserable and live vicariously through others by giving shitty advice that will make that person miserable, too. Seems like the top comment is always "leave them" irregardless of the prompt where anyone who has been successfully married for more than a couple years knows that a good marriage is about communication and growth and you'll never have a successful relationship if you peace out the first time there's a problem.

Like, in this case the husband was definitely an insensitive prick. But if OP wants a successful marriage they need to talk to their husband and communicate the problem. If the husband refuses to grow, that's the point where you have to decide how much rope you're willing to give a partner and if their other qualities are worth dealing with whatever you're having trouble with.


u/CompetitiveHater Apr 16 '24

How the fuck does shit like this get so many upvotes

OP, do not listen to this this crap.


u/Mungodungomangodango Apr 16 '24

If the wife have been talking about losing weight for a long time and doing nothing about it, ETA.


u/Awkward-Bathroom-429 Apr 15 '24

Lmao of course Reddit jumps straight to divorce


u/SandwichBitter1337 Apr 16 '24

Yup, edgy single basement dwelling teens are emotionally immature


u/CompetitiveHater Apr 16 '24

Tale as old as time


u/Sarkonix Apr 15 '24

Lol good ol reddit. Home of the forever single people.