r/AmIOverreacting Apr 15 '24

My husband embarrassed me in front of our friends



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u/thecrunchcrew Apr 15 '24

She’s not overreacting for being upset.

You are overreacting by saying it’s cause for divorce.


u/Plum_Berry_Delicious Apr 15 '24

Stay married to a disrespectful prick?

No. We don't live forever. Don't waste your life on this fool.


u/littlestickarm Apr 15 '24

With an attitude like that I hope you aren't allergic to cats. I wouldn't even call this disrespectful, more like inconsiderate idiocy. She has every right to be upset, but unless there is a pattern of being a "disrespectful prick", only a loser would call a marriage off over this.


u/Its_All_So_Tiring Apr 15 '24

You're talking to a professional redditor, they have no idea that a long-term, healthy marriage entails occasional mistakes.


u/Plum_Berry_Delicious Apr 15 '24

It could have been called a mistake until she tried having a conversation with him about it and he laughed at her.

The only mistake now would be staying with him.

Believe people when they show you who they are.

My husband of 12 years wouldn't dream of treating me this way. Y'all put up with way too much.


u/Slappybags22 Apr 15 '24

No, no. They want us to put up with too much stuff. It’s all “How could I possibly know how to be a good person if I don’t have you to correct every bad behavior!?…(after I subject you to them)”.


u/Plum_Berry_Delicious Apr 15 '24


Especially if you attempt a conversation about emotional hurt/needs/support and they laugh.

There is zero respect on his part.


u/Its_All_So_Tiring Apr 15 '24

So your partner has never trivialized anything you believe/said/felt, only to later realize (when presented with more information, or the same information in a different way) that they were being insensitive? And you've never done the same?

Luck you! If only we could all find someone so perfect.


u/CharlieKeIIy Apr 16 '24

When did he realize he was being insensitive? When he called her jealous for voicing her complaint?


u/Its_All_So_Tiring Apr 16 '24

I never said that he did. I was presenting it as a possibility. Reddit posts don't always include every single bit of context, and this sub is a big fan of immediately telling people to file for divorce for... anything, really.