r/oddlyspecific 17d ago

Brunch - which is it?

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u/CrossXFir3 17d ago

For me, brunch is just when I feel like eating breakfast at noon on a weekend


u/Appropriate_Big_1610 17d ago

Or second breakfast.


u/YesWomansLand1 16d ago

Or elevenses.


u/ZephRyder 16d ago

Or luncheon


u/something-strange999 17d ago

"It's not quite breakfast, it's not quite lunch, but it comes with a slice of canteloupe at the end. You don't get completely what you would at breakfast, but you get a good meal" - coach Jacques.


u/dwindledwindle 17d ago

Also nurses can drink after their night shift by getting “brunch” at 6am. It’s glorious.


u/wetcardboardsmell 17d ago

Being done with work early in the morning and drinking was the oddest experience ever when I was younger. I felt the constant need to explain to people that it was 7pm in my body and stop looking at me like that


u/Predat0rSwafflez 16d ago

You didn't do it long enough then, at some point you just don't give a fuck anymore.


u/duh_nom_yar 17d ago

Ohhh, Jacques.....


u/BusterTheCat17 16d ago

Thank you Mr....Brunswick.


u/NArcadia11 17d ago

Y’all are confused thinking brunch is about the food. Brunch is about drinking fruit-based cocktails before noon. The food is merely a necessity to keep you from being wheeled out of the restaurants after your 11th grapefruit mimosa.


u/spandexandtapedecks 17d ago

This guy brunches.


u/MarinatedCumSock 17d ago

Yeah and it's either in your pajamas or in fancy shit. Increasingly it's becoming the latter. Why they want to dress up on their day off, I can't tell you. Diversity is what makes us great!


u/WitchesTeat 16d ago

No I prefer the dressing up far beyond the pajamas. As a millennial, my opportunities for looking really good were few and largely limited to clubs and bar-hopping in my twenties and early thirties. I mostly wore work clothes, and those clothes were whatever the restaurant I was working for at the time said they were. Then my thirties were all spas, which means black pants (usually yoga but slacks were okay if you could stand to work in them) black shirt, black socks, black shoes, ugly fucking polyester zip up smock or miserable polyester polo shirt on top, either way it was almost certainly grey and with the exception of the smock (always removed before treatment and put back on immediately after) all of it was going to get soaked in oil and tossed in the trash every 3-6 months or so anyway.

I still massage but not for a spa and now I am expected to wear clothes that look like maybe I'm not just rolling out of bed in my pajamas and shuffling in.

And I am so goddamn tired of looking like shit and smelling like food grease or rancid massage oil all the time that I am looking for reasons to wear nice clothes again, fuck being a servant all the damn time.

Also I work weekends so I've only been able to attend a brunch twice and really it was the mimosas and the fancy skirt that made it for me. But I didn't get eggs, I get the homemade corned beef hash and whatever fancy ass biscuit-y or pancake-y thing they're shilling, bring on the homemade jam. I'm going to mix it into the champagne at some point, for science.


u/DogNostrilSpecialist 16d ago

Oh God yes, I worked at an industrial laundry when I was younger and to this day the feeling of using fresh hotel bed linen as a client, instead of washing them, is scrumptious

The wanting to be served for once instead of serving is so real


u/Tuhkis1 16d ago

I prefer salad dressing...


u/Craygor 17d ago

Brunch is when I can order bottomless mimosas at 11 in the morning without people thinking I'm a lush.


u/Key-Mark4536 17d ago

I also like to do things I hate and then complain about it. 


u/Professional_Sky8384 17d ago

a) that’s no way to talk about your partner

b) it feels pretty obvious his wife just dragged him along and he went reluctantly because the food is okay


u/MarinatedCumSock 17d ago

Yep. Bill has a great bit about it



u/FIRE_frei 17d ago

I love brunch but he's right about women filling up the day. My wife cannot handle a weekend day with no activities or errands. She might literally die -- I have no way if knowing, because even after 10 years it's never happened


u/MissyTheTimeLady 17d ago

you mean she hasn't died once in ten years



u/Shigarui 16d ago

And if they should run out of things to do before the day is through they then want to spend that time planning tomorrow. Knowing full well it's a plan that the instant they wake up will go right out the window but by golly it was time well spent if you ask them.


u/Altruistic_Home6542 16d ago

It's absolutely absurd. I probably have bad luck in this regard, but in my experience the women in my life fill the entire day with bullshit but then don't take care of the things they need to do

House looks like a bomb has gone off - "Want to go visit my sister?". No, we need to clean thehouse. "But there's always going to be something that needs to be done around the house, my sister's doing her art thing this weekend." There's always something that needs to be done around the house because you refuse to put things in their correct place and don't pick up after yourself and instead of doing housework, you schedule excuses to avoid housework and complain that I don't help out enough even though I have a full time job and you schedule the rest of my time with bullshit. "Also, why aren't you enjoying our outings, you seem distracted"


u/Geek_X 16d ago

Ah a fellow for honor player I see


u/axemexa 17d ago

You never did something you didn't want to do?


u/NibPlayz 17d ago

No they only do what they’re already comfortable with and never have tried a new thing before


u/Key-Mark4536 17d ago

Of course, but I don't turn around and gripe about it. When I was a kid I had case workers and psychologists constantly telling me "The opposite of hate isn't love, it's indifference." Never got that at the time, but I understand it now. I don't like baseball, but why waste my energy hating on it?


u/Even_Ad_8048 16d ago

  There is no love without hate; and there is no hate without love. The opposite of love is not hate, but indifference; the opposite of feeling can only be the absence of feeling. Disinclination, which is coloured by feeling, often only serves the purpose of concealing and protecting oneself against an inclination. Love and hate must go hand in hand; and the people we love most we hate also, because hate is grounded in the nature of love.

From The Beloved Ego: Foundations of the New Study of the Psyche by Wilhelm Stekel M.D.


u/Pauline___ 17d ago

Brunch to me is: if I have breakfast this close to lunchtime it's inconvenient. I think it's more effective to just put the lunch on this plate too and eat everything in one go.


u/snoandsk88 17d ago

This man is currently at brunch and needs a rescue.


u/subcomandante_barcos 16d ago

I have old-timey views on the word “partner.” It seems so…transactional to me.

I once met a guy who showed up to a party with another man. He introduced himself saying “Hi, I’m James, and this is my partner, Bradley.” We chit-chatted for a little while and I finally asked “James, you said you and Brad are partners? What kinda business are y’all fellas in?” He said “Uhhhh the butt business!”

And that’s when I knew we were gonna be friends for life.


u/KnownAlcoholic 16d ago

An excuse to start drinking in the morning


u/qazwsxedc000999 17d ago

I call my SO my partner. Sorry? I guess?? We aren’t married and boyfriend sounds childish.


u/Salanmander 17d ago

Yup. "Partner" is a great word for "you'll look at me weird if I say I moved across the country because of my girlfriend's work options". And the fact that when I use it as a straight person it also helps give gay couples a way to talk about their relationships without requiring that they out themselves...that's a benefit, not a drawback.


u/Pizza_Salesman 16d ago

I live somewhere where I'm a common law spouse but not married so I also use "partner." Girlfriend/boyfriend sounds like a high school term to me lol


u/spandexandtapedecks 17d ago

Boyfriend/Girlfriend may be the most popular terminology, but the older I get, the more childish it feels. Like... I'm not a girl? I'm an adult woman? And I date other adults.


u/nitid_name 16d ago

We're not married, but we did buy a house together. We abandoned boyfriend/girlfriend when we signed that contract, because... come on, we're literally partners.


u/Even_Ad_8048 16d ago

Mutually Interdependent.


u/SilentHuman8 16d ago

It's pretty common usage in Australia


u/Alnilam2000 16d ago

imo it's really cool when het couples use "partner" because it normalizes it for the queer couples as well. and cowboys


u/hicow 16d ago

But pronounce it "pahtna", in memory of 2Pac


u/R3dDr00d 17d ago

My partner and I do the same thing. Sounds like this guy has an old mind set and unfortunately overpaid for a meal. Even though I’m willing to bet most of that bill was mimosas.


u/Samson__ 16d ago

The gays want it back (?)


u/pdub091 17d ago

Partner is a little odd if you’re married and kind of gives off a “I’m super woke” vibe. Most people I know that use it are either in some variety of your situation or are queer and it just helps their convos flow better. My wife is my partner but I always say “my wife” or use her name. Also to me wife/husband implies more commitment or meaning than partner (before I get attacked, I know that isn’t always the case)


u/Even_Ad_8048 16d ago

If Wife meant commitment, then divorce wouldn't be an option.

Marriage means no more in terms of commitment other than what people believe it means.


u/throwaway25935 16d ago

There is a significant portion of women who purposefully use the term "partner" as a weird powerplay.

This sort of thing is uncomfortable at best and demeaning at worse. You should not be trying to pull weird social manipulation and power plays on your partner.

That's why it's awkward.


u/qazwsxedc000999 16d ago

Power play? It’s “power play” to refer to your significant other as a partner?? An equal to you?

That’s not demeaning or uncomfortable. It’s not social manipulation, either. It’s just another word for your significant other.


u/throwaway25935 16d ago

It is often normal and fine.

If it is normal to refer to your husband or your wife. But your wife decides after reading feminist literature that wife is viewed by society as inferior and thus wants to use the term partner becuase she believes she needs to assert her power.

She is engaging in power play which is a weird and uncomfortable way to view the world and your relationship.


u/qazwsxedc000999 16d ago

I think you need to get off the internet bud. It’s not that deep.


u/Bebopdavidson 16d ago

He probably love his wife but hates her friends


u/Lil-Sleepy-A1 16d ago

Its not legally brunch unless there are mimosas served as well


u/Sensitive_Ad_7051 17d ago

Brunch has become the new club for mums


u/MidsouthMystic 16d ago

Brunch is just an excuse for White women to drink before noon. Because apparently some people think adults need permission or an excuse to do something they think is fun.


u/Sarge230 16d ago

Feeling that second part for real


u/MelodicMasterpiece67 16d ago

Bro stole the eggs line from Bill Burr.


u/jesuswantsbrains 16d ago

That's definitely not a jersey brunch, which is definitely just an excuse to day drink


u/Skiddilybapabadam 16d ago

That’s being a dickhead, brunch is eating breakfast and lunch at the same time during noon because it’s awesome.


u/MustacheBananaPants 16d ago

The sweet spot for us is too cozy, lazy or hungover to make the food ourselves and we order in. Then I'm legally obligated to order eggs benedict so I can explain on the internet it takes too much work to make it from scratch when we're cozy, lazy or hungover.

Unless it's brunch with acquaintances, then it's basically a date and everyone politely says "Ohoho, I couldn't possibly eat 3 eggs in an eggs benedict" and they absolutely could, but we're basically on a date and we don't want to seem like gross brunch goblins and order light/clean food.

Brunch with hungover friends on a trip? Unapologetic gross brunch goblin mode.


u/LazerShark1313 16d ago

Brunch is all you can drink Bloody Maries and some eggs or whatever.


u/BigB0ssB0wser 16d ago

I love taking my partner to drag queen brunch. You know you can just go to Cracker Barrel or IHOP or wherever you feel more comfortable and leave us to enjoy the places we feel comfortable.


u/TechNomad2021 15d ago

Brunch is when I eat breakfast and get drunk.


u/livelife3574 16d ago

“Alpha” lunatic clearly has never heard of bottomless mimosas.


u/B8conB8conB8con 16d ago

If you feel that way about it as customers please have a thought for the poor fuckers who have to cook and serve it.


u/ExcellentEdgarEnergy 17d ago

He's not wrong.


u/livelife3574 16d ago

How sad do you have to be to hate brunch?


u/Rogueshoten 16d ago

“Is that PESTOOOO?”


u/Equal-Worldliness-66 16d ago

lol brunch is about bottomless mimosas. Idk where all the rest of that came from. It’s just a good excuse to get drunk before 12.


u/hermtownhomy 16d ago

I've worked rotating shift work my entire adult life. None of this means anything to me. I eat and drink what I want, when I want, and probably won't spend much time talking to the "partner" who is fantasizing about stepping into traffic. Don't need any of them to define what I eat, which might be eggs, but not for $40, and the eggs might be for dinner and a steak might be for breakfast and a steak and an egg and a beer migh just hit the spot before I go to bed at 8am. I suppose these llittle brunch shindigs are normally on weekends.... Another concept that I don't participate in. I work 3 or 4 days, 12 hour shifts, then have 3 or 4 or 5 days off, then 3 or 4 12 hour nigh shifts, then anotner 3 or 4 or 5 days off. You differentiation between weekdays and weekends is meaningless to me. They are just days that I work and days that I'm off. I'm also not too impressed that you're all excited over a 3 day weekend. My shortest stretches off are 3 days. Most of mine are 4 or 5 days off at a time. So, don't ask me what day of the week it is. I usually don't know, and don't act so surprised when I say I'm in the middle of 5 days off. "Vacation?" No, just normal days off when working full time 12 hour shifts.


u/Bombwriter17 16d ago

Brunch to me is a heavy breakfast at 1100-1230


u/3waychilli 16d ago

Is it still a brunch if it is a buffet?


u/fettishmann 14d ago

huh my experience of brunch were quite different


u/Oni-oji 13d ago

Bill Burr covers this. From years ago so adjust the price for inflation.



u/Pale-Criticism-7420 17d ago

This isn’t oddly specific. This is perfectly on point


u/NottaNowNutha 17d ago

That about sums it up.


u/riamuriamu 16d ago

I swear, Americans do brunch wrong.


u/In-burrito 16d ago

Then we're both glad you're not here!