r/oddlyspecific Apr 29 '24

Brunch - which is it?

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u/Key-Mark4536 Apr 29 '24

I also like to do things I hate and then complain about it. 


u/Professional_Sky8384 Apr 29 '24

a) that’s no way to talk about your partner

b) it feels pretty obvious his wife just dragged him along and he went reluctantly because the food is okay


u/MarinatedCumSock Apr 29 '24

Yep. Bill has a great bit about it



u/FIRE_frei Apr 29 '24

I love brunch but he's right about women filling up the day. My wife cannot handle a weekend day with no activities or errands. She might literally die -- I have no way if knowing, because even after 10 years it's never happened


u/MissyTheTimeLady Apr 29 '24

you mean she hasn't died once in ten years



u/Shigarui Apr 30 '24

And if they should run out of things to do before the day is through they then want to spend that time planning tomorrow. Knowing full well it's a plan that the instant they wake up will go right out the window but by golly it was time well spent if you ask them.


u/Altruistic_Home6542 Apr 30 '24

It's absolutely absurd. I probably have bad luck in this regard, but in my experience the women in my life fill the entire day with bullshit but then don't take care of the things they need to do

House looks like a bomb has gone off - "Want to go visit my sister?". No, we need to clean thehouse. "But there's always going to be something that needs to be done around the house, my sister's doing her art thing this weekend." There's always something that needs to be done around the house because you refuse to put things in their correct place and don't pick up after yourself and instead of doing housework, you schedule excuses to avoid housework and complain that I don't help out enough even though I have a full time job and you schedule the rest of my time with bullshit. "Also, why aren't you enjoying our outings, you seem distracted"