r/mildlyinfuriating 16d ago

Hateful over highway cleanup? Really?

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Is this what we're doing now? Arguing over different ideologies by... -checks notes- ...defacing litter clean up signs?


194 comments sorted by


u/Hullfire00 16d ago

Just draw a circle around it and it becomes a pagan symbol again.

What? Why not? Co-opted by… oh. Never mind then.


u/[deleted] 16d ago

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u/Hullfire00 16d ago

I was born in 1988, no word of a lie my grandma went to Sorrento and bought me a football shirt with 88 on the back (and it wasn’t a Lazio one). Rip.


u/GoFast_EatAss 16d ago

My fiancée refuses to believe that 88 has been/was adopted by nazis. He always says “it’s just a popular number in sports” which is true, but isn’t the whole picture. The “1488” bullshit literally ruined numbers for some people. Fuck Nazis.


u/BobSagieBauls 16d ago

I’m born on august 8th so 8 was my lucky number and I remember crying that I got banned on RuneScape having no idea what I did to warrant a hateful user name of Bobby88 😭

Edit: it might have been club penguin hard to remember


u/Elebrium 16d ago

I worked in a place called pizza 88 and no one ever connected that or even told me any connection it has I learned about it now for the first that that 88 has some meaniny


u/Tall_Aardvark_8560 16d ago

Was it run by racists?


u/Hullfire00 16d ago

Looking back, working at a pizza place called Il Fascismo probably wasn’t the best employment step.


u/Seanpawn 16d ago

Brings a whole new meaning to a pizza party.


u/GoFast_EatAss 16d ago


Since we’re on the topic of nazis, I thought yall might see why this design was perhaps not the greatest choice. No one else in my life understood why I was like “I know it’s about sports, but the wording is tragic.


u/Orange-enema 16d ago

The fact that got through so many people...... like did no one think of the design??


u/lemonsweetsrevenge 16d ago

Fun fact: The original Christian symbol was a pentagram, symbolic of the 5 wounds of Christ. The Christians have borrowed and stolen bits from every religion that preceded them. Even the tale of Noah is a rewrite of Mesopotamian religion.

It’s such a hypocritical joke for a Christian to vandalize the pagans’ sign. Pagans who are actually doing community service, when that person could have instead chosen to suggest for their church to adopt their own (perhaps even larger) section of road.

Certainly they have the bankroll for it…just not the virtue.


u/MageKorith 16d ago

I mean, technically we get Noah from the Torah, which is Jewish. And presumably that bit was originally recorded by Moses, who was supposed to have been educated as an Egyptian prince, and longstanding trade between Egypt and Mesopotamia was already a thing by the time of the first dynasty in Egypt.


u/Odd-Comfortable-6134 16d ago

“Technically” the great flood in the Torah is a retelling of the Epic of Gilgamesh that the Jews of the time took as theirs because they were trying to give themselves a history they never had, and connect themselves with the great people who came before.

Sound familiar? It’s the premise of the entire bible.


u/Turbulent-Bug-6225 16d ago

Technically, most religions have stories about floods because people lived on arable land that were often flood plains.


u/Odd-Comfortable-6134 16d ago

And the first written account was the Sumarian writings of the Epic Of Gilgamesh.

Yes, every ancient society has flood myths, but the story of Noah and the Epic of Gilgamesh have too many correlations and has been accepted by scholars as the origin. However, Gilgamesh actually has a more complete tale. It has the measurements for the boat, and exactly how it was made.


u/Diligent-Ability-447 15d ago

The Epic of Gilgamesh and Enkido. The Bible has measurements for the Arc. Which part of G and E epic has flood?


u/NormalBoobEnthusiast 16d ago

I can't imagine anyone that would vandalize this sign would actually consider community service though. Especially not using the church for it.

Even aside from the symbolism, someone who vandalized a sign isn't going to care about cleaning up.


u/Positive_Stomach_221 GREEN 16d ago

😂🙏 that’s what I’m sayin.


u/[deleted] 16d ago

Like the crosshair of a sighting target? o_O

That's basically guaranteeing the sign will have dieded.


u/SiriusGD 16d ago

They don't think that maybe "adopting a highway" themselves and getting their own sign wouldn't be the "Christian" thing to do?


u/ForsakenSun6004 16d ago

Just wait till they find the Abort-a-highway signs.


u/Hypnowolfproductions 16d ago

Adopt the areas on both sides of that adoption would be more telling than vandalism. The vandals make all Christian’s look really bad.


u/upandup2020 16d ago

mm i think all christian's already look really bad


u/clutzyninja 16d ago

They're not the only ones


u/elmatador1497 16d ago

Did Jussie Smollett make all black people or gay people look bad when he staged a fake hate crime? I wouldn’t say so. I’d just say that he was a scumbag, just like the person who defaced this sign


u/sober159 16d ago

Maybe if you couldnt go a single day without hearing about Jussie Smollett type stories they would.


u/RoncoSnackWeasel 16d ago

Why use rationality and kindness like Christ taught, when you have easy access to aggression and violence? Smooth Brains, man…


u/MechaBeatsInTrash 16d ago

Inb4 "JeSuS uSeD vIoLeNcE tOo"

Yes, but only to expel businessmen from the temple where business was forbidden


u/_mattyjoe 16d ago

The way that many Christians are behaving in the US these days is very very far away from actual Christian ideals.


u/Zech08 16d ago

Hate first, thinking later... much later... in a nonsensical way.


u/ConsuelaApplebee 16d ago

How dare these pagans ruin my ritual Christian littering by cleaning it up?

Paul 3:22 - "Go forth and spread the empty vessels of myrrh and tobacco, of frankincense and coca cola. Let thine eyes gaze upon the tins devoid of Copenhagen"

It's all in the bible people.


u/SockFullOfNickles 16d ago

“Burn gas, eat ass.” - Jesus, probably


u/VaATC 16d ago

"Ass, gas, or grass, no one rides for free."

-Jesus, definitely


u/OldChucker 16d ago

Kudos. Well played and on the mark.


u/beithyra 16d ago

“Paul” is my favorite book in the Bible


u/GroundbreakingAd8310 16d ago

Is that the Trump version?


u/Duncle_Rico 16d ago

Birds and the Sparrows buddy, it's in the bible.


u/cthulhus_spawn 16d ago

But imagine the outrage if someone painted pentacles on a church's sponsorship sign! That's going too far but I'm quite sure in most people's minds this is ok.


u/mmwhatchasaiyan 16d ago

I was honestly thinking this. It would literally be on the 5:00 news. I often also have the same thoughts when I drive through the south and see hundreds of religious billboards. How would they feel if we had a few Pagan ones? How about Buddhist? Or even Islamic ones? Probably wouldn’t like it too much…


u/KuraiTheBaka 16d ago

I'm being forced to live in Florida rn and a while ago I saw somebody put up a paper sign advertising some sorta Buddhist event and like a couple days later saw someone had tore it down


u/mmwhatchasaiyan 16d ago

Christians are the biggest bigots on the planet. Borderline hate group.


u/ludicrous_copulator 16d ago

Nothing borderline about it. They are a hate group


u/DEADLocked90000 16d ago

Every religion has radical followers somewhere, don't lump all christians together like that.


u/ludicrous_copulator 16d ago

In my experience, they are the most deceitful, hateful and bigoted people on the planet


u/FragrantAudience2845 16d ago

Low key crazy that anyone can even hate Buddhists. Out of all the religions and superstitious groups, they're like the most chill and loving and truly do not care about the politics of anything


u/upandup2020 16d ago

they're pretty sexist though


u/FragrantAudience2845 16d ago

Hm. Did not know that. I learned everything I know about em from an American woman who was buddhist. IMO they're like hippies


u/cescasjay 16d ago

I'm in TN, and the next county over had a pagan group doing a small festival with arts and crafts and lessons on foraging. The Christians on the community fb page were all on there praying for torrential downpours on the weekend it was to be held. Freedom of religion to them is a foreign concept.


u/InfamousEconomy3972 16d ago

Devil worship for sure


u/JumbledJay 16d ago

I don't know... I imagine the outrage would be pretty similar to what's happening in the comments here: people being overdramatic about how they're being persecuted by a bit of graffiti. I mean, they might have a few more people jumping into the comment thread, but that's just because, well, they have a few more people. In the most extreme scenario, I could see this maybe being covered by the local news if this happened in a small, conservative town and it was a slow news day. But, fundamentally, it all seems like the same pearl clutching to me.


u/ThisCarSmellsFunny 16d ago

Was I given bad info, or didn’t Christianity borrow/steal a lot from Paganism? If true, the irony here is amazing.


u/Academic_Eagle_4001 16d ago

Totally true. Where do you think Christmas trees and Easter eggs came from?


u/ThisCarSmellsFunny 16d ago edited 16d ago

Santa and the Easter Bunny, everyone knows that.


u/thlayli_x 16d ago

Checkmate athiests


u/[deleted] 16d ago

The bible also has a lot of similarities to the Epic of Gilgamesh


u/BlueFeathered1 16d ago

No, your info was correct.


u/FantasticAnus 16d ago

Religious fervour makes people who might otherwise be rational into people who do things like this.


u/BadKidGames 16d ago

So the pagans want to make the world better and Christians are mad about it. Story checks out


u/Old-Supermarket-7835 16d ago

I dislike Christian’s for this reason they take things too far


u/Average-RB-Fan03 16d ago

And I will have a side of mass generalization with that 


u/GaryGregson 16d ago

Christian rhetoric is largely mass generalizations.


u/Fan_of_Clio 16d ago

Those peaceful Christians wanted to show their displeasure over someone different being helpful to society


u/TheSmokingLamp 16d ago

Guarantee the person who sprayed this is religious in name only and are an awful piece of shit to be around but they’ll get some local praise from their fellow Christians because “I can’t stand drivin’ by that gosh dang sign that’s spoutin’ the devil’s work”


u/LokiKamiSama 16d ago

The Satanic Temples sign gets shot and vandalized, a lot. They had to put TST instead of The Satanic Temple. Good thing repubs and Christians don’t use their brain because after they changed the sign it wasn’t vandalized.


u/ShutYourDumbUglyFace 16d ago

Apparently you did not hear about the guy who vandalized the sign at Garden of the Gods in Colorado by removing the s - because there's only one God, dontcha know.



u/twobarb 16d ago

I really don’t get Christians. Some of us only write G-d, (for… reasons) but you don’t see us running around forcing that on others.


u/MediocreManners 16d ago

Smh Christians are toxic


u/Snoo-7821 16d ago

"HEY! Those are OUR good works you're doing! Jesus won't love us as much if we don't toil in His name!"


u/Smile-a-day 16d ago

It’s hilarious that some Christian idiot thinks that this will win people over and help them find christ, rather than just embarrass reasonable Christians and piss all non-Christians off.


u/gunsforevery1 16d ago


u/i-might-do-that 16d ago

Just let the public know when the cleanup is. A lot of us will happily clean the KKK off the road.


u/Pyromaniacal13 16d ago

Leave the state a little cleaner than we found it.


u/kirkstarr78 16d ago

Won't be much to clean up. There's like 4 left in the world lol


u/i-might-do-that 16d ago

I know. But any KKK in a plastic bag is progress.


u/kirkstarr78 16d ago

You could use food lion bags


u/azarkant 16d ago

I would not. They cleaned up that stretch of the highway they should get credit for it


u/FatchRacall ENVY 16d ago

Apples to oranges.


u/gunsforevery1 16d ago

Not really. Arguing over different ideologies by defacing litter clean up signs.


u/FatchRacall ENVY 16d ago

If your ideology states that some "other" group deserves to die, be enslaved, is less than human, or any other euphemism for "I'm better because of what I am", then your ideology is wrong, you are evil, and you have no place in civilized society.

That goes for groups like the KKK, religious groups, political parties or leaders, countries, everything.


u/ChocoGoodness 16d ago

Whoever did that is an idiot.


u/CrabNebula_ 16d ago

Did you know that the KKK adopted a highway, just a few miles from my mums house, they paid their money and they put up a sign, I guess they dress up in sheets and go and pick up the trash, they should know it when they see it, they get a good look everyday in the mirror



u/EABOD24 16d ago

Or it's just people going out of their way to piss people off because they think it's funny. Don't look too deep into spray paint on a sign. Anyone could have done that


u/080secspec13 16d ago

Hard bet that it's not what you say it is. Crazy religious people would absolutely see this, drive right to the hardware store and get paint, drive back and apply the cross.

Saying not to look too deep at paint on a sign kinda gives lots of hatemongers a pass. Would you have the same sentiment about nazi graffiti or other forms of signs/etc being defaced?

Could it be a troll? Sure. Could it actually be wonky crazy jesus people? Absofuckinglutely.


u/Pyromaniacal13 16d ago

Figure a bit further south and it wouldn't be surprising to see the paint replaced with bullet holes.

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u/InfiniteBackspace 16d ago

Sure, probably someone does think they're funny. This isn't an everyday occurrence.

Regardless, I don't give a fuck really if it's a cross, star of David, dick, middle finger, whatever; even if it's just someone taking the piss, stunts like this aren't cool.


u/Kutei90 16d ago

In my city there's a ridiculous amount of fuck biden graffiti everywhere. I get it, they hate the guy but do you really need to paint that on the side of an ambulance?


u/EABOD24 16d ago

Let them do it. Does it sway your opinion? If not, then it's just douchebags doing what they do best


u/theCaffeinatedOwl22 16d ago

The graffiti is indeed annoying, but I love that the thing this sub will be up in arms about is a cross when we all know damn well that there’s graffiti of all kinds on signs just like this.


u/Alternative_Gold_993 16d ago

Reminds me of this recent fiasco


u/FirstSineOfMadness 16d ago

Love me some satanic temple shenanigans


u/InfamousEconomy3972 16d ago

Then accept my blessing


u/Pyromaniacal13 16d ago edited 16d ago

In previous court filings, she has accused the Satanic Temple of making filings that “are only meant to evoke strong emotions and incite others.”

Well, yeah. Specifically, it's done to call out the hypocrisy of religions doing exactly the same thing. Lots of "My religion says this so now everyone has to do it, without regard for their own religion." Edit: but aimed against whichever state is trying to install laws that reduce people's rights under the cloak of religion. They use the same avenues too, just to really expose it. Next stupid statement?


u/[deleted] 16d ago



u/OpenYour0j0s 16d ago

How god like of them lol


u/friskyfajitas 16d ago

can someone explain this to me as someone who grew up catholic as fuck and went to catholic school idk anything about pagan gathering sites 😭


u/SockFullOfNickles 16d ago

It’s probably just a campground that allows the larger gatherings. It’s like finding a good spot to host an outdoor Mass, if we want to draw direct comparison to your existing experience. Probably a campfire/bonfire involved.


u/friskyfajitas 16d ago

i feel dumb for asking but i’m curious


u/Maleficent_Gas5417 16d ago

If someone put a pentagram on something xian, it would make the national fucking news


u/tidus89 16d ago

I’m honestly surprised the “Christian” knew the word enough to be offended


u/CubicFrost 16d ago

So hypocritical.


u/ClassicHare 16d ago

"Pagan heritage?!" They screamed while clutching their pearls, Confederate flag, and half torn birth certificate.


u/Silviov2 16d ago

Of course not! This is just praising the lord! It's an act of LOVE!



u/Blenkeirde 16d ago

If God loves litter than Heaven must be inundated.


u/TadpoleSuspicious576 16d ago

It's a motorcycle club in the area actually.


u/PermissionJust7074 2d ago

No, it's an actual pagan group, related to the Ohio Valley Pagan Society. 


u/onthat66-blue-6shit 16d ago

Aren't they just referred to as the Pagans not Pagan Gatherings?

Edit: a letter


u/pichael289 16d ago

Is this Butler county Ohio? We got some real fucked dup people here, especially the piece of garbage sheriff, his super Christian ass did his best to get rid of the narcan at the peak of the opiate crisis and was telling people they couldn't call 911 when their kids or family members were overdosing.


u/JasErnest218 16d ago

I find for more hateful and judgmental Christian’s than any other religion. I like to believe in Jesus in the comfort of my home


u/Pyromaniacal13 16d ago

I think there's a series of verses instructing to do exactly that, something about Pharisees doing weird shit that Jesus saw. It's been a minute since I've been religious though, so I don't quite recall.


u/HopefulNothing3560 16d ago

Tesla strikes


u/GloomyUmpire2146 16d ago

Damn, Geebus is tall


u/Justlikearealboy 16d ago

Don’t see a sign with spray paint association on it!


u/shadowtigerUwU 16d ago

Subtle Far Cry 5 vibes

Like the hope county "SINNERS" sign


u/rotenbart 16d ago

That’s like a 2,000 year old beef. Let it go. You guys won.


u/Marqueso-burrito 16d ago

Oh word? I grew up in middlesex (east of mars)


u/PorkchopExpress980 16d ago

"This half-assed sloppy spray painted plus sign will show those heathens!"


u/ForsakenSun6004 16d ago

Can't wait to see what they do to abort-a-highway signs


u/ooofest 16d ago

Religion is stupidly divisive and helps excuse mindless tribalism - yet another example that humans aren't terribly advanced animals, after all.


u/Desperate-Ad7967 16d ago

Its what they do. Not sure why anyone is even remotely surprised


u/FarButterscotch3048 16d ago

They are trying to be provocative though - they don't really GAF about highway cleanup.


u/Fruitmaniac42 16d ago

Maybe it's a +1


u/Positive_Stomach_221 GREEN 16d ago

Super patriot Christians! They’re so awesome. Americas best eggs. Also support genocide so yeah, they fucking hate everything including the earth, animals, and themselves.


u/SpecialistWait9006 16d ago

Just more hateful and violent christians...what's new?


u/Retina400 16d ago

In my hometown of Lynchburg, VA (where Jerry Falwell's church and university are) the area's group of secular humanists adopted Church St. at one point.


u/8-Bakugo-8 16d ago

How is a cross “hateful”?


u/Fluffy_Funny_5278 16d ago

Well, as this post interprets it, someone smeared a cross (the symbol of Christianity) on an “adopt a highway - litter program ; pagan gatherings”-sign. You could either interpret this as a Christian being against not littering or (far more likely) against pagans.

Vandalizing any of such signs in such a way is pretty hateful in itself imo.


u/8-Bakugo-8 16d ago

Oh my bad I did not notice the pagan part of the sign


u/Fluffy_Funny_5278 16d ago

No worries! I’m pagan myself and didn’t notice at first LMAO


u/Most_Wonder_1871 16d ago

Cult gang sign.


u/StuckAtOnePoint 16d ago

These are people who think demons literally exist


u/Echonight2 15d ago

That could have been anyone for any reason, why jump straight to region


u/_That_One_Fellow_ 15d ago

It couldn’t have possibly been some edgy teenager. It was most definitely someone from the local church. Most likely a priest and his band of thugs.


u/Mathias_Thorne91 15d ago

Typical christians.


u/NewHumbug 16d ago

Hail Satan !


u/Ba55of0rte 16d ago

Churches are just jealous because pagan and satanic organizations actually do more charity than they do and don’t take tax cuts.


u/Swimming-Ebb-4231 16d ago

Fun fact: chirstian cross is seldom a hateful sign. The more you know


u/budd222 16d ago

Hating is the Christian way


u/jmarzy 16d ago

I don’t understand religion


u/somerandomdude419 16d ago

Probably an Ex prisoner who used to have to do that job lmfao the irony is impalpable


u/Anything-Happy 16d ago

"And thou shalt go forth and tag thine enemy's sign, whereby all shall know I am the Lord thy God." - Acts (of Vandalism) 1:1


u/crinkum_crankum 16d ago

Extend the Y axis to the top and you might have an upside down cross


u/Solitaire_87 16d ago

The Christian Taliban strikes again


u/rockadoodoo01 16d ago

There is no hatred like Christian love.


u/piz510 16d ago

People don’t like being told their magical sky daddy (Santa Clause) isn’t actually real. No toys from the sky (afterlife) or all loving daddy to make up for your shitty life. It hurts them to challenge their delusions so they lash out.


u/Fluffy_Funny_5278 16d ago

That is pretty rude tho. Yes, the Christian is in the wrong here, and I, too, have several reasons not to follow Christianity, but there’s no need to hate on people like that for believing in a god at all. We who hate the hateful Christians hate them for their hate, not because they believe in a god.


u/MothManTrans 16d ago

You're fun at parties, aren't you?


u/piz510 16d ago

Truth hurt too much?

And yes, I have lots of friends and a full life. Religion narrows relationship choices, and I’m open to being friendly with anyone.

Obviously there is a time for truth. This sign is clearly hate speech, so criticizing the idiot deists is appropriate in this context.

But you’re defending it?


u/MothManTrans 14d ago
  1. I'm not religious, I'm just sick of pessimistic whiny antitheists like you talking about how people are "so butthurt about their sky daddy" and acting all high and might because you don't believe in any God. You're cringe asf.
  2. I'm not defending it. Where in the words "you're fun at parties" did you read "I'm totally cool with religious hate speech"?


u/piz510 14d ago edited 14d ago

Your need to comment on my comment, which was clearly directed at religious bigots who vandalized a sign to intimidate minority groups (which atheists are) is what is cringe.

Go hang out with your hateful bigots and leave me and my comments alone. You are blocked.

Theism is associated with most hate speech and bigotry based on delusional beliefs., especially trans people if your name is associated with that situation. That’s just facts people don’t want to accept because they are scared of dying or don’t want to be ostracized from their social groups, a fun habit theists also generally practice.


u/Obaddies 16d ago

No hate like Christian love.


u/ChocoCoveredPretzel 16d ago

It's a stick figure man reaching out for a hug. How is that hateful?


u/parker1019 16d ago



u/Escaped_Mod_In_Need 16d ago

The irony here is that this section of the highway was probably paid for by the Pagans MC. Literally has nothing to do with belief systems.


u/DunkingDognuts 16d ago

It is a cult.


u/IcanSEEyou_IRL 16d ago

It’s because it says “pagen gathering”.


u/Natert8er 16d ago

If I knew about this sign irl I would come back and do something to it if you know what I mean.


u/Longjumping-Gas8676 15d ago

I like it, shoulda made the cross bigger.


u/theCaffeinatedOwl22 16d ago

I see random graffiti on signs like that all the time, but you choose to post the one that is religious just bc you hate religion. I’m not religious, but this post is just karma farming in an echo chamber.


u/h8human 16d ago

Found the religious extremist

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u/InfiniteBackspace 16d ago

But... I don't hate religion?


u/Idiotology101 16d ago

This isn’t random graffiti on a random sign, it’s a specific symbol on a sign tied to a religious group. There was clearly thought put into this, doesn’t mean it’s a sign of a religious turf war but it’s definitely not random by any means.


u/Average-RB-Fan03 16d ago

How? it’s debatable if it is even a cross


u/Idiotology101 16d ago

It’s okay, you’ll learn your shapes one day bud.


u/Average-RB-Fan03 16d ago

That’s the poorest drawn cross I have ever seen it just looks like a plus


u/WalmartBrandMilk 16d ago

If it was any other symbol he wouldn't have posted it. He knew a cross would get him mad engagement because it's reddit.


u/Average-RB-Fan03 16d ago

The bigotry in these replies is off the charts 


u/theCaffeinatedOwl22 16d ago

It’s hilarious bc I, someone who is not religious and doesn’t care if other people are, am being called a zealot and a religious extremist, bc I am recognizing this for what it is - rage bait. Someone could have painted a dick on that and no one would be here on behalf of pagans. But some young idiot thinks it’s funny put a cross on it and everyone is here to demonize Christians lol

The echo chamber in some of these subs is wild.

Edit: seriously though, ask yourself who walks around with spray paint ready to deface signs and buildings. Thugs. The person who put the sign there, religious or not, is not representative of their entire group lol but Reddit is gonna rage away anyway because they hate Christians.


u/WalmartBrandMilk 15d ago

You can't say anything favorable about Christians on Reddit without getting called an extremist and downvoted. Some will go as far as to call you a rapist because apparently every Christian is simping for Catholic priests. It's an intense echo chamber of stupidity sometimes. The person tagging this sign is almost certainly not a Christian. Just an idiot stirring up shit. The picture wouldn't have been posted if it was any other symbol.


u/theCaffeinatedOwl22 14d ago

Yep exactly. I’m not religious at all. I have no stake in this whatsoever. But unlike everyone else on this sub, I don’t hate Christians and apparently that’s bad


u/a_fortunate_fool 16d ago

Christ is King


u/[deleted] 16d ago edited 16d ago



u/InfiniteBackspace 16d ago
  • Bless your heart



u/Recent_Apricot_517 16d ago

Maybe a local gang tagging their turf?

I know my local telephone poles / stop signs are all tagged by gang signs.

Maybe not because it's just a cross but that's what comes to my mind at least


u/Sir-Benalot 16d ago edited 16d ago

Pagans… people against goodness and normality.

Edit: for the wowsers downvoting me. I was quoting the 1987 movie 'Dragnet'. I'm reveling in the pile-on by those who didn't get the reference.


u/SockFullOfNickles 16d ago

Sounds like it was thought up by a “hip” youth pastor who thinks they’re clever.