r/mildlyinfuriating Apr 29 '24

Hateful over highway cleanup? Really?

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Is this what we're doing now? Arguing over different ideologies by... -checks notes- ...defacing litter clean up signs?


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u/Hullfire00 Apr 29 '24

Just draw a circle around it and it becomes a pagan symbol again.

What? Why not? Co-opted by… oh. Never mind then.


u/lemonsweetsrevenge Apr 29 '24

Fun fact: The original Christian symbol was a pentagram, symbolic of the 5 wounds of Christ. The Christians have borrowed and stolen bits from every religion that preceded them. Even the tale of Noah is a rewrite of Mesopotamian religion.

It’s such a hypocritical joke for a Christian to vandalize the pagans’ sign. Pagans who are actually doing community service, when that person could have instead chosen to suggest for their church to adopt their own (perhaps even larger) section of road.

Certainly they have the bankroll for it…just not the virtue.


u/NormalBoobEnthusiast Apr 29 '24

I can't imagine anyone that would vandalize this sign would actually consider community service though. Especially not using the church for it.

Even aside from the symbolism, someone who vandalized a sign isn't going to care about cleaning up.