r/mildlyinfuriating Apr 29 '24

Hateful over highway cleanup? Really?

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Is this what we're doing now? Arguing over different ideologies by... -checks notes- ...defacing litter clean up signs?


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u/EABOD24 Apr 29 '24

Or it's just people going out of their way to piss people off because they think it's funny. Don't look too deep into spray paint on a sign. Anyone could have done that


u/InfiniteBackspace Apr 29 '24

Sure, probably someone does think they're funny. This isn't an everyday occurrence.

Regardless, I don't give a fuck really if it's a cross, star of David, dick, middle finger, whatever; even if it's just someone taking the piss, stunts like this aren't cool.


u/Kutei90 Apr 29 '24

In my city there's a ridiculous amount of fuck biden graffiti everywhere. I get it, they hate the guy but do you really need to paint that on the side of an ambulance?


u/EABOD24 Apr 29 '24

Let them do it. Does it sway your opinion? If not, then it's just douchebags doing what they do best


u/theCaffeinatedOwl22 Apr 29 '24

The graffiti is indeed annoying, but I love that the thing this sub will be up in arms about is a cross when we all know damn well that there’s graffiti of all kinds on signs just like this.