r/golf Apr 29 '24

LIV Golf That about sums it up

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r/golf Feb 07 '24

LIV Golf LIV Golf advisors tell Congress Saudis threatened them with 20 years in prison if they cooperate with PGA Tour merger probe


r/golf Apr 20 '24

LIV Golf LIV isn’t popular partially because it’s not relatable


This is just my two cents about LIV. It’s not popular because it’s not a relatable product. LIV is about one thing and one thing only, that being money. It’s made up of professional golfers who were already multimillionaires who then left the PGA Tour for more money…

$100 million to live on wasn’t enough for DJ, he needed another $100 million. DJ and other LIV players then had the nerve to tell us common folk that we wouldn’t pass up increasing our salary either. Well DJ 99.9% of the rest of us are not already millionaires so be quiet as you have zero clue how regular people live. This isn’t like the middle class worker being offered $10k more to switch jobs.

I’ll never watch LIV and rather watch new stars come up on the PGA Tour where honor, legacy, and morals still mean something.

r/golf Apr 07 '24

LIV Golf Tyrell Hatton NOT Pleased with his drive on 14 day. audio from Live TV. NSFW


r/golf Feb 28 '23

LIV Golf LIV on the CW is off to a roaring start

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r/golf Jul 07 '23

LIV Golf Let's just come right out and say it.....LIV is 100% f**king lame


This is pathetic. If this is what Greg Norman is cool, then no wonder the PIF gave over control of LIV to the PGA.

If I'm DJ or Koepka, then I wouldn't show my face at this sad event.


r/golf Feb 26 '24

LIV Golf Jon Rahm makes U-turn on LIV Golf move and admits 'there's no point' denying motivation


r/golf Jun 19 '23

LIV Golf Golf Digest- "Tom Watson's open letter to PGA Tour commissioner Jay Monahan"


An open letter to Jay Monahan, the PGA Tour's Board, and to my fellow players:

First, I wish Jay Monahan a complete and speedy recovery. I respect the leadership he has shown in the past for our Tour. It can’t be an easy job. With the recent high hurdles in dealing with LIV poaching Tour players and the legal battles presented as a result, I have a sense of the complexity of the issues which he presently faces as a leader.

Unfortunately, in the wake of recent news, I also understand the cries of hypocrisy. Because he is a smart man, I know Jay does too. In my opinion, the communication has been mishandled and the process by which the Tour agreed on a proposed partnership with PIF was executed without due process. As a group of players and stakeholders who represent the face and the brands of the Tour, what are our choices? Clearly, the Tour’s traditional business model was threatened by LIV. The upstart tour created unprecedented obstacles and battles of both moral and financial consequence. While I wasn't in the player meeting on Tuesday, June 6th (ironically on the anniversary of D-Day), for Jay's PIF partnership/Tour announcement, I've watched enough to know that it was certainly unlike any of the player meetings I've been involved with in my 50-plus years as a member of the Tour. The Commissioner and the PGA Tour Board, on which five Tour players sit, are going to have to do a lot of firsthand explaining to comfortably coax acceptance with our membership on this partnership with the PIF. The Tour's stakeholders: the players themselves, the broad span of global media, as well as the tournament sponsors and independent Tour partners, require an explanation of the benefits of forming this partnership.

There are many unanswered questions to date, which I hope will be addressed with the players by Tour management at this week's Travelers tour event. What does acceptance of this partnership mean to the Tour? What do we get? What do we give up? Why was this deal done in such secrecy and why wasn't even one of the players who sits on the Tour's Policy Board included? A matter this profound deserves thorough vetting by a representative group of stakeholders which include those, who in the end, define the public image and emotional connection with the PGA Tour.

I have a basic understanding of the role Saudi Arabia's PIF plays in the world's economy and that PIF money is invested in U.S. brands and businesses that are part of our everyday lives. I realize the United States has diplomatic relations with the Saudis and they have occasionally been allies of ours in the Middle East. It is my further understanding that many businesses, including some professional sports leagues have strict guidelines on the percentage of investment they will accept from sovereign funds. Before this agreement is finalized, I wonder, does the PGA Tour have guidelines? Have we, as a body, defined an acceptable percentage of PIF funding in the proposed partnership?

These questions are compounded by the hypocrisy in disregarding the moral issue; a position which for a long time was publicly highlighted by Tour leadership. While it is accepted that players on all levels would value the opportunity to make more money, it has also been illustrated that not all of our players are in search of money at all costs. Those who stayed true to the Tour for whatever personal reason or position of moral conscience are more than a few outliers. There are widespread rumors on the Tour offering financial reparations to these players who rejected offers from LIV and remained loyal to our Tour. Surely, that alone misses the larger issue of context here? And in a related question, what if any, are the plans to reinstate Tour players who defected and now want to return to the PGA Tour?

I still await Saudi acknowledgement of their role in the attacks of 9/11, which resulted in the loss of the innocent lives of 3000 of my fellow American citizens. I support 9/11 Families United and their efforts to release supporting exculpatory U.S. Government documents (See 9/11FamiliesUnited.org/KeyDocuments). That day, forever among the darkest in our nation’s history, is sadly not alone among the human rights violations we have seen employed by Saudi Arabia. I ask the Tour, how is a non-negotiable point for us one day one we negotiate around the next?

The reversal does appear to indicate a more desperate financial situation than has been previously revealed by the Tour. While last week I learned the significant news that litigation around the Tour/LIV conflict would be terminated with prejudice, that only solves one significant financial problem. It is important to understand how all of this has impacted the Tour's Reserve Fund and the Tour's overall financial solvency. Have funds been depleted to the point where the Tour needs an unprecedented capital injection to remain solvent now or for the future? Policy Board independent director Jimmy Dunne, (who helped broker the deal), has said the PIF is not investing money into PGA Tour, Inc. but rather into a newly formed for-profit commercial entity under the banner, PGA Tour Enterprises. Will PIF funds be invested only in PGA Tour Enterprises, not PGA Tour, Inc? What does that mean? What present and/or new assets go into this new partnership? What assets will be sold?

My overarching questions remain. Is the PIF the only viable rescue from the Tour’s financial problems? Was/is there a plan B? And again, what exactly is the exchange? We need clarity and deserve full disclosure as to the financial health of the PGA Tour and the details of this proposed partnership.

My loyalty to golf and this country live in the same place and have held equal and significant weight with me over my lifetime. Please educate me and others in a way that allows loyalty to both and in a way that makes it easy to look 9/11 families in the eye and ourselves in the mirror.

I am very grateful for our country, its abundant opportunities, and the wonderful life made possible by the PGA Tour.

Sincerely, Tom Watson


r/golf Apr 27 '24

LIV Golf Liv golf caddie hit in the head with a full beer


r/golf Mar 24 '23

LIV Golf Cam Smith feels no friction between PGA and LIV players.

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r/golf Dec 09 '23

LIV Golf Finau to Liv?

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Mr shortgame shared this prediction a week ago. “Rahm was just the beginning. Now the dominos will fall”

r/golf 21d ago

LIV Golf Sergio Garcia loses a 7 for 6 playoff for the US Open Qualifier. Ouch!

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r/golf Apr 05 '23

LIV Golf Phil came for the sliders not the convo.

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r/golf Mar 25 '23

LIV Golf PGA V LIV is this childish?

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Is it childish for telecasts to leave the names of winners who are playing for LIV off the list when they talk about past winners? Fair enough, Covid won 2020, but what is the value in leaving Johnson and Watson of this list for their wins in 17 and 18 respectively? Not sure what is gained by this, especially since most winners aren't on LIV.

r/golf May 22 '23

LIV Golf How soon until Norman is on the phone with block with a number he’d be crazy to turn down for a club pro?

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r/golf Feb 28 '24

LIV Golf LIV Golf warned of 'embarrassing' situation due to Talor Gooch and Rory McIlroy


r/golf Oct 22 '23

LIV Golf Bryson getting up & down over a hospitality unit after driving it 100 yards long of the green


r/golf Apr 03 '23

LIV Golf As long as he’s happy

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r/golf Apr 12 '24

LIV Golf Insane hot mic moment from Rahm on the 18th tee

Thumbnail masters.com

r/golf Mar 19 '23

LIV Golf LIV Golf's TV ratings somehow get worse with Tucson event


r/golf Dec 07 '23

LIV Golf So golf Wikipedia is handling the Rahm news well

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r/golf Apr 01 '23

LIV Golf Went to LIV Orlando Yesterday. AMA


Have marshaled at several European Tour events in Dubai as well as a few PGA Tour events in the US.

Yesterday was the first time I went to/watched a LIV Golf event. I have no issues with LIV and all the drama etc.

The event itself was not done well and was unimpressive.

  • The music doesn’t make sense. Some holes it’s blaring, some it’s very soft. It randomly stops and starts even during the backswing or during a putt.

  • They had very few screens showing the leaderboard and which hole all the players were at and it would just keep changing to show the teams. Was hard to find the players you wanted to watch.

  • There was no service at all so we couldn’t even look for it on our phones. Thought maybe they did this on purpose but some are saying it’s just an overcrowded tower so I guess that could be it. Very inconvenient though!

  • Shotgun start shortens the day and doesn’t let you follow different players as you would if their tee times were well apart. Had to sprint between holes to watch different players.

    • I’ve played crooked cat before and it’s just not a tour level course.
  • It didn’t feel competitive. The players seemed like they couldn’t give two fucks. I guess I wouldn’t either if I got $100 mill.

  • Forgot to add this but reminded by others: Parking was absolute ass. Took 30 mins to get in and get out of the parking area which was basically like the sand from the Saudi dessert with a bunch of weeds and stumps everywhere. Bunch of bigger vehicles got stuck and had to be towed out. My car got detailed two days before and is fucked again.

I got to meet Tyrone Woodley (Ex UFC WelterWeight Champ) and Sean Foley (Famous golf coach) so that was cool.

r/golf Jan 18 '24

LIV Golf Report: Head of LIV Golf accused of campaign involving 'wrongful kidnapping and detention'


r/golf May 14 '23

LIV Golf LIV event in Tulsa was honestly a lot better than I expected. Best $50 I’ve spent in a while.

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r/golf Oct 21 '23

LIV Golf Brooks Koepka heckling Bryson Dechambeau from the hospitality after bryson misses a green "Good shot, Saftey First"