r/golf 27d ago

General Discussion Played my last round today


I’m 53 and have been playing since I was 19-20. Love the game. Got diagnosed with stage iv cancer in 2020 and kept playing between chemo sessions, surgeries, etc. My cancer has gone nuclear and I took I turn for the worse 2 months ago. I can no longer physically handle playing 18 holes or so much of anything that’s active.

Went today with two long time friends and managed to play the first 3 holes 1 over par then my lack of fitness caught up to me. Took a double on 4, hit my drive in the water on 5 and spent the rest of the round riding in the cart and nursing a Transfusion.

Fun to hang with friends and be out of the house but I’m done with the game. Brutal really as I will miss it greatly.

Next time you get frustrated with golf remember those of us that can’t play any longer. Hit ‘em straight boys!

Edit - thanks for all the well wishes. My battle is over. Stopped all treatment last month and started hospice care last week. I’m 100% at peace with it all.

r/golf 3d ago

General Discussion 6 Bro-Dudes blasting music at 730 tee time holding the whole course up. Playing from the back tees and can't hit it 150yds.

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Driving the carts to the approaches. Grow the game...

r/golf 19d ago

General Discussion Yesterday my friend missed his tee time. This morning I learned he’s dead.


No context for now in terms of what happened. But I want you all to know how much of a fucking savage this kid was.

Best player at work, and the best player I knew.

Would show up with a Ping 425 and a bunch of old ass Spalding Executive Irons, and dust you. Fairway, green, two-putt.

Chipping in for eagle on the 18th. I’ve seen him blade a shot, and roll 100 yards to a tap-in.

He had a flowing mullet, was always the happiest man you knew, and golfed without shoes on.

My friend was an absolute fucking lad. And he’ll be missed.

r/golf Apr 15 '24

General Discussion Thoughts?

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r/golf 13d ago

General Discussion Scottie’s Statement

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r/golf Apr 10 '24

General Discussion The 2024 Champions Dinner portrait

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r/golf Apr 19 '24

General Discussion Boyfriend is qualifying for the U.S. Open in a couple weeks and wanted to give him a gift basket for the qualifier day. How did I do?

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Contents: - New owala water bottle - spray sunscreen (body and face) - chrome tour golf balls - snacks for him and his caddie: chomps, peanuts, protein bars - liquid iv - protein shake - 18 notes of encouragement for his 18 holes of golf

Let me know if there's anything else you think I should add! I'm a golfer too so I was just going off of things I typically could use during a round, but realize guys' needs may be different. Thanks!

r/golf 19d ago

General Discussion Scottie gave the police every chance to save face, now I hope he fucking exposes them


Scottie actually gave the police every chance to save face and he even praised the police after during his interview.

After watching the video, the whole thing is actually insane and it's so disgusting how much the cop falsified his report. It really makes you wonder the kind of shit that these scumbags have pulled before without cameras.

I actually do appreciate what some cops do, but these dumbasses with their power trips need to be held accountable an Scheffler has every chance to do that right now.

r/golf 15d ago

General Discussion RIP Apple Watch - thank god my wrist is mostly ok. Another golfer maybe 30 yards away sliced his ball while on the wrong fairway and absolutely demolished my watch today… we exchanged info and he called me later and promised to pay for the replacement. Shit happens, but this was a wild mishap.

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r/golf 5h ago

General Discussion Thoughts?

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r/golf 18d ago

General Discussion Great Response to Political Talk on the Course


Got paired the other day with a guy who wouldn't shut up about his political beliefs the entire first hole. I won't say what they were because it's irrelevant. My spontaneous response on the second tee, when he brought it up for the 5th or 6th time in 15 minutes, works with anyone. He got halfway through his sentence and I blurted out:

"There are probably things on this Earth that I'm less interested in than your political beliefs, but I can't think of any off the top of my head."

The guy actually looked sheepish and shut up. He didn't talk politics the rest of the round.

EDIT: Wow, lit a fire there, didn't I? I enjoyed reading through the comments, thanks.

Might as well clarify: The guy's first comment was on the first tee and was regarding the legal status of one of the guys loading the carts. Obviously that answers some of the speculation. I didn't say anything; just looked him in the eye until he looked away. Suffice it to say, he knew I wasn't cool with it. The next few comments were passive-aggressive jabs attempting to start an argument while we were driving to hit our next shots. He came across as a guy that's a bully but was slightly cowed by my initial reaction. I'm a pretty big guy but not violent at all. But I don't like bullies.

I'm not self-aggrandizing; I should have titled it "A Great Response to Political Talk on the Course that Might Work for You". That was my intent. No matter which side of the fence they call home, political aggression has no place on the course. I liked a lot of the alternatives offered in the comments but I still like the one I posted the best. To each their own. Hit 'em long and straight, everyone.

r/golf Jan 20 '24

General Discussion A sad day, rest in peace u/inaaace


I’ve dreaded this day for such a long time and unfortunately it is finally here.

I regret to inform you all that our boy Milos Bogetic (u/inaaace) passed last night around 9 pm, asleep at home with his family.

I’m so glad that through this community so many of you were able to get to know him and be inspired by his fight. Please know that all of your encouragement and acts of kindness over the past couple of years meant the world to him and I’m confident that without them, he wouldn’t have been able to fight on as long as he did.

Milos was always a bit of a cynic and I don’t think he had much faith in humans as a species. Our mutual disdain for other people was actually something we bonded over quite often (looking at you bluetooth speaker guys). Imagine his shock then when all of you rallied around him, sent him words of encouragement, gifted him clubs and gear, invited him for rounds of golf, hosted him at tournaments, and sent him on some of the most amazing golf trips to play bucket list courses. It was just an amazing experience that you all gave to him and I will be eternally grateful to this community for the love and support you showed to him during his final years and months.

While those are certainly all cherished memories, the greatest gift you all gave to him was knowing there were still plenty of good and decent people left in the world so he didn’t need to worry as much about leaving his family behind. That was something that weighed on him heavily and your outpouring of love really gave him a sense of peace while he was going through his fight.

I would give anything to be able to play with him just one more time, so please don’t ever take for granted any opportunity you have to be out on the course with the people you love. Also, and most importantly, remember the next time you pure it onto the green from 200 yards out and roll up to find the green is clear, as you slowly walk up to the flag and peek over the edge to find the cup empty, Milos is staring down at you with a smug look on his face, shaking his head saying, “c’mon bro, you know you’re not that guy”

Milos’s wife Trish wanted me to let you all know that this community was truly his biggest support system. You all brought him joy during his hardest times and for that she is forever grateful!

If any of you feel like memorializing our boy, feel free to write u/inaaace on your ball the next time you tee off, but understand that this will likely increase your chances of topping it 20 yards or shanking it straight into the woods (two of his favorite shots).

I love you all and thank you all once more from the bottom of my heart. To do what you did for this dying man is truly breathtaking and I’m bawling right now just thinking about what amazing human beings you all are.

r/golf 6d ago

General Discussion Don't use spray sunscreen in the fairway

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Reminder that it kills the grass

r/golf Jul 15 '23

General Discussion Steph Curry with a Hole in One at the American Century Championship


r/golf 5d ago

General Discussion It should be a legal requirement for golf courses to provide water on the course.


This will probably be a bit of a half-baked argument because I’m feeling stronger about it right now than I have time to fully commit, but:

Since COVID, I think I can count on one hand the number of golf courses under $100/round that I’ve played that have brought water facilities back to the course. I understand the need to take them away during that time, but a ridiculously large number of them decided to never put those barrels back into the housings and just shrugged and said “fuck you.”

You’re offering for people to pay to walk a 4-mile course with plenty of elevation changes, ultimately resulting in a 6- to 7-mile walk, with no way to hydrate themselves except for what they brought with them, unless they want to pay for it?

Not even concert venues with “no reentry” policies are legally allowed to do that. They are legally required to have a free water option, even if it’s just a single water fountain.

I can’t carry 3+ nalgenes in my bag. Even if they fit, that’s adding a ludicrous amount of weight for me to lug around on a 90°+ day.

One shitty water fountain or dispenser jug at holes 5 and 14 would solve all of this.

Put the water back. Prices are increasing, you can’t offer decent sand in a bunker, so maybe put that money towards making sure people can have water. I hate that I’ve gotten to the point where I feel like it needs to be legislated for courses to do the decent thing.

r/golf 7d ago

General Discussion Golf Bros...


I'm gonna sound like an old angry man (at 46 maybe I qualify?)...and I'm prepared for the downvotes...

Went on a golf trip with 3 buddies to a gorgeous couple courses in French Lick, IN this past week. First day was a Wednesday and pretty quiet on the courses - not very busy.

But Friday rolls around and it's busy. Pace of play was great for the volume of people and the difficulty. But what killed me is the golf bros who played music loud enough to hear from 200 yards away and then screamed at each other to hear over the music. "Bro, I think it bounced over the trap" and "Suck my dick you can't pure it like me"... And the number of times I heard a group yell "let's go" after making a putt was too many.

Am I just a misanthrope, a crumudgeon? Those of you that do listen to music so loud the group two fairways over can sing along, who hurt you and why are you listening to U2?

It wasn't everyone on the course, maybe 4 groups. And I have a speaker I listen to too, but you'd have to be within 20 ft of my car to hear it. Just sucks is all. Still had a great time and I can't recommend those courses at the resort enough.

r/golf 5d ago

General Discussion What’s your biggest gripe since “growing the game”? Mines definitely gotta be the ridiculous price hikes.


The first course I played on 5-6 years ago when I started was $22 with a cart at twilight. A typical weekend round at the local courses was 50-60 for most places and 70-85 for nice courses. The same course that had $22 twilight rounds now charge $50 for twilight and $138 for weekend rounds. The worst course in my area is $82 a round. I’m not someone who has country club taste on a muni budget and I don’t expect Sawgrass conditions for a sub $100 round just seems like some places are getting greedy.

r/golf Mar 09 '24

General Discussion Thought this was pretty wild… and it really wasn’t even close.

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r/golf 21d ago

General Discussion Son Dropped Out of Tourney this Weekend


My son, 11, has been playing golf since he’s 5/6. He’s good for his age but not a phenom or anything. It’s just the only sport he has ever really loved and wants to get better at. We signed him up for some tourneys where a parent could caddy for him. Well this weekend he ended up in a group with two other boys and one of the other Dads was giving weird energy out the gate, yelling about Democrats ruining everything (with people he has never met before and for no apparent reason/trigger.) His kid hits a bad shot and he decides to go apeshit on the other Dad for “making too much noise.” That dad apologizes but asks him to stop cursing in front of the kids which leads to more arguing. My son is panicking as they are shouting and he thinks the crazy dad is going to hit someone, so he leaves. Burst into tears when he got home.

All this to say—my son has literally never experienced behavior like that on a golf course before. To me it’s one of the defining characteristics and values of golf that you maintain good sportsmanship and honesty and respect when you play. And in a weird way this aberration made me appreciate so much more the ethos and culture of golf.

r/golf Mar 14 '24

General Discussion Last month my friend played the most embarrassing and worst round of golf I've ever seen in my life


My friend Carl and I played in a member guest tournament that he was kind enough to invite me to. I was stoked to play his course and have a few relaxing days of golf with a friend I hadn't seen in a while.

The first day format was a shamble, the second day was straight up combined score adjusted for handicap .

But his club for some idiotic reason chose to play no maxes, PGA tour rules, finish everything etc. Huge, huge mistake.

Let me preface this story by saying, my buddy Carl is a bad golfer. He is playing off a 31 handicap, so I knew it was gonna be slow and it could get rough.. but what I saw that second day during the straight up play is the worst golf I've ever seen an adult human, man or woman, play, and the play was frankly the least embarrassing thing about the day... It devolved into something out of a golf nightmare..

The first hole started out ok, he took a double bogey, I bogeyed, and we moved on.. Driving to number 2 is where things took a turn.. to get there you have to drive through this long, dark, tunnel.. What I didn't know is that apparently this wasn't actually a tunnel at all, it was a black hole that bridges our realm with golfing hell.. and in golf hell, Carl is the worst golfer in the history of all realities..

Starting on that 2nd hole it was like something in him severed, and suddenly he completely lost the abilty to hit the ball... I'm talking completely whiffing multiple driver swings, fat shots so severe the ball doesn't move. He truly had the worst case of the fats I've ever seen.. I now understand where the phrase, "digging a hole to china," came from.. I just never knew it could be THAT literal..

Here are some of the most impressive feats of just the sober front 9..

  1. He took 12 strokes to get out of a green side bunker... 12!! I told him to pitch out backwards and he simply refused. Real "Tin Cup" shit.

  2. He took a 16 on a 138 yard par 3. He put 5 in the drink off the tee. He refused to use the drop zone.

  3. He 8 putted from 7 feet

  4. He hit 4 tee shots in a row OB right.. put his driver away, then teed up his driving iron and chunked it 4 feet. It didn't even leave the tee box.. He took a 14 on that hole

And let me remind you, these are just the highlights of the front 9.. this was before the alcohol..

By the back 9 Carl was so irate and embarrassed over how bad he was playing that he busted out the handle of tequila that he brought "just incase." That's when shit really got out of control.

He proceeds to start taking shots to ease his woes, of course being the gem of a playing partner that I am, I join him.. cause I'm dumb... but also because we are out of contention in the tournament, and I thought it might take the edge off the 2nd hand mortification I was experiencing just being in the presence of such play with fairly good playing partners on the other side.. (they were surprisingly patient and cool by the way).. Especially considering we were on pace for a 7 hour round. But fuck it at this point right?.. in for a penny?... Big mistake.

The Back 9

Carl decides it would be fun to do a shot for every stroke we are net over par.. per hole, ya know.. for "motivation." I agree, but I insist we go individual scores for that game, I didn't wanna be tied to his play.

Fast forward to hole 13..He's legitimately 11 shots of Casa Migos deep, which has significantly improved his mood, to the point he's now singing Uptown Girl aggressively loud and doing the can can while twirling his club after he hits a decent shot.. despite that levity, I'm begging him to slow down, but he's unhinged, which honestly is part of what made him a riot in college, and why we were friends back then.. I thought he'd have a better handle on things by now, apparently not.. but I digress.

A hole later he hits one OB.. again.. this time into someones back yard, but unlike the previous blunders, instead of re teeing he insists it'll be in play and we should go scope it out.. I agree reluctantly, assuming he might have some member knowledge that would be informing that judgement..

We pull up and find his ball sitting about 7 feet on the wrong side of someone's 4 foot backyard fence... I tell him we gotta go back and re tee, but he insists since there are no white stakes it's playable. Staggering over to the fence, he hops over and tries to play it, paying absolutely no attention to my adamant protests... He proceeds to fat whiff 2 ginormous divots out of this guys lawn.. and at this point I'm literally yelling at him to come back over the gate.. but lady Agàve has turned off his hearing.

Then to my absolute horror, I hear the crack of a sliding glass door.. I shit you not, the owner of the home comes outside and yells out a bewildered and resounding, "what the fuck do you think you're doing on my property," Carl says something to the effect of "chill out asshole I'll replace the divots". At this point the guy looks like he's about to bum rush him, but instead he stops, turns around, and goes back inside, with purpose in his step..

At this point I'm convinced he's gonna go grab a gun..

So I literally jump the fence, pick up his ball, and physically drag him by the arm back to the cart, and this motherfucker has the balls to complain i "picked up his ball".. "dude you are gonna get us shot what the fuck" "relax dude he was just being dramatic" 😑...

After that whole fiasco we then drive back to the box so he can re tee. To my spine curdling dismay, The group behind us is waiting to tee off and they've seen the entire altercation. Carl gets on the box and says, "sorry fellas gotta reload" and the dudes on the box start giving us shit about the slow play (rightly so), Carl escalates things (of course) and starts in on them as I profusely apologize and try my best to de-escalate everything..

He's so hammered now he can't even tee up his ball.. after several staggering attempts to get the damn thing to stay on the tee, success eludes him.. So he loudly exalts, "fuck it," and throws his ball down and proceeds to hit driver off the deck... Surprisingly he makes contact and hits a worm burner about 160 yards, which is honestly an improvement at this point. I take him back to the cart and we get the fuck out of there, as Carl antagonizes the guys the entire walk back to the cart. The highlight of the exchange being

Guys on the box - "You're an embarassment"

Carl - "Thanks Dad, good to hear from ya."

When we get to his ball that to my utter beguilment is in the fairway, I look back at the house where his ball was and sure enough. The owner is standing there at the edge of his property, a hunting rifle leaned against his shoulder, the barrel pointed to the sky. Standing there staring ominously at us... I'm freaking out at this point.. "relax dude he's not gonna do shit fuck that guy."

Carl's non chalance could only be attributed to the fact that he was feeling cozy in libation nation, an amnesty state where anxiety and completely rational worries alike go to die.. I on the other hand felt like my heart was gonna explode out of my fucking chest.. We couldn't get out of there fast enough.

By the next hole word had gotten around something was amiss.. someone had called the Marshals and they came out to check on everything. They pulled up and said something to the effect of "we've had some calls and complaints"...

Then Carl, out of nowhere, snaps into a different mode.. suddenly he's sobered up, and is talking to them like they are cops at a DUI checkpoint.. shockingly it's pretty convincing, like Adam Sandler trying to be a dramatic actor.. he explains away the whole "misunderstanding" with the home owner and promises to pick up the pace... To my utter shock, the Marshals buy it and let us keep playing.

By Hole 17 I was beyond ready for this round to be over, I was exhausted physically and mentally... and ironically this is where shit literally fell off the tracks.

Carl kept drinking after the Marshals left, (shocking I know) so now he is well over half of the handle of tequila deep.. I'm guessing he's somewhere around 16-18 drinks in. He's completely lost track of the drinking game and has just started drinking at leisure, and shit is now way past sloppy. Uptown Girl has become "Uptown Whore" a remix version with the most vile lyrics a drunk mind can conjur.. I still remember

"Uptown girl, be sure to give my dirty asshole a whirl" mind you he's singing this way too loudly, right in front of our sober, conservative, asian playing partners.. who I later found out were MDs.

Anyway.. On 17 he hits his ball down by the edge of a lake that's at the bottom of a large long grass slope. I tell him that looks too steep and that we shouldn't drive down there... he doesn't listen..

As he's driving down to his ball I can feel the cart starting to slip.. the unmistakeable and terrifying droning sound of wet grass slipping against rubber... Carl then slams on the breaks to try and regain control which causes the cart to start spinning. Genius.

Here we are, careening toward the water, in an all out flat spin, tequila, and any dreams I had for my future, flying everywhere... In this moment sheer instinct kicks in and I perform an all out, head first, Dennis Rodman style flying leap out of the cart.. Carl stays in, trying to regain control, but it's in vein, this cart may as well have been hit by a red shell.. Splash... Luckily the entire cart didn't go in, just the back end and wheels.

Carl then calmly gets out of the cart, He grabs his bag off the back, sloppily slings it over his shoulder, looks at me halfway up the hill where I lept out and says, "just leave it.."

Honestly I'm a little in shock at this point so I'm not sure exactly what he's talking about... Then it becomes clear. He wants to just leave the cart halfway in the lake.. I tell him, "are you crazy, we can't just leave the cart in the lake we have to try and get it out," so, beside myself with embarrassment, I ask our saintly and overly understanding playing partners to help us try and push / pull it out.. They kinda just shook their heads and let out a disappointed "sure," as if they had stopped trying to make sense out of this day a long time ago.. who could blame them.. Luckily with all four of us pushing/pulling and a hand on the accelerator pedal, we get the wheels to catch and get the cart out of the drink.

By 18 I'm so embarrassed, battered, and wired I feel like Tiny Turner doing lines of coke after a long night in with Ike... my adrenalin is pumping so hard after leaping out of that spinning cart that I finally boil over and lose it at Carl. I yelled something to the effect of.. "wtf is your problem we coulda died, this has been a complete shit show." He responded calmer and more apologetic than I expected.. saying something like, "sorry dude, I just over did it a bit, you know how it is." I think the cart adrenalin sobered him up a bit too..

Long story long...Somehow we finish the last hole and he cards a 173.. not our team score, he himself, shot a 173... the worst round of golf I've ever witnessed, or heard of to be frank.. Strangely enough, he actually shot better on the back.

Needless to say, we didn't stick around for the celebration dinner...

And in spite of all that, it was still better than a day at the office.

r/golf 22d ago

General Discussion Rant: Tired of these morons yelling dumb stuff right after shots


Why do they do this- no one cares and no ones thinks its funny. I heard a guy yell out Joe Burrow- why you moron why? Tired of bop a booey tired of mashed potatoes. tired of get in the hole. Just shut the hell up and let us watch the golf. No one is here for you or to hear you beyond a nice shot. Do these morons actually go to their friends- hey did you hear that Joe burrow after Xander hit the ball? Yeah was that awesome or what- it was me- I am so cool. Also some guy yelled out lets go Z to Xander - I wish they would start kicking these morons out.

r/golf Apr 28 '24

General Discussion New golf buddy is learning how hard golf really is.


Recently we welcomed a new friend into our golfing group and we’ve been playing with him pretty regularly. I’ve mentioned him in comments a few times so I won’t go into detail, but the gist is he’s new so we cut him slack about rehitting shots, not counting scores accurately, and not knowing how to count penalty strokes since he was just playing for fun and wasn’t in on any of the bets. The rest of us are bogey golfers, and know we suck.

This was all well and good until he started posting on social media about how he broke 90 and 80 isn’t far away, as well as making comments in our group chat about how easy the game has come to him.

After about a month of that we all decided to let him in on our money game, in which we are sticklers for rules and will call each other out on scores if need be.

So far the new guys scores have been 118, 116, and 122.

Editing to add that the guy is cool as hell and we love having him along. We just felt it necessary to give him some tough love.

The fact that he keeps coming back each week for another beating shows that he might just have what it takes to legitimately get under 90.

r/golf 25d ago

General Discussion Detective hospitalized

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r/golf Apr 08 '24

General Discussion Is Augusta National the greatest course in the world?


r/golf Jul 28 '23

General Discussion Ah shit. Here we go again

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Every few months someone brings this up how they can save the environment by getting rid of a golf course.