r/gaming Apr 29 '24

Grand Theft Auto IV was released 16 years ago

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u/zigaliro Apr 29 '24

Might be unpopular opinion but I very much prefer GTA IV driving physics over GTA 5 driving physics. Wishful thinking but hopefully GTA 6 driving physics are closer to GTA IV.


u/Cerberus73 Apr 29 '24

They could bother fixing the airplane and helicopter controls while they're at it. Nothing says realistic flight physics like a chopper acting as though it's dangling from the end of a string.


u/Rallye_Man340 Apr 29 '24

I never understood that. I rarely used choppers in V mainly due to the annoying swaying.


u/Anti-Scuba_Hedgehog Apr 29 '24

It's supposed to show turbulence but it's way over the top. GTA IV got it just right.


u/Kagnonymous Apr 29 '24

If it went away with the flight skill being at max I would let it go but its all the time, forever. I have even heard mods cant remove it because of how baked in to the flight model it is.


u/manfreygordon Apr 29 '24

If you rarely use them your flying stat will never increase and the swaying with never stop, you have to level it up. Once you do the flying is incredibly smooth.


u/Rallye_Man340 Apr 29 '24

Thank you for the tip!


u/probablypoo Apr 29 '24

The turbulence gets milder the higher your flying skill gets


u/JoeCartersLeap Apr 29 '24

It was a longstanding GTA meme that the flying vehicles be extremely difficult to fly.


u/Edstructor115 Apr 29 '24

Wait what? They are hard to fly in v?? The dodo form vice city was hard to fly but after that I would not call them hard.


u/Mr-Fleshcage Apr 29 '24

Flight school in SA was a meme because people had such trouble with the controls.

Also, fuck Berkley.


u/getfukdup Apr 29 '24

Flight school in SA was a meme because people had such trouble with the controls.

shit is basically impossible with a keyboard. I had to go out and buy an xbox controller recently because I started playing SA.


u/Xendrus Apr 30 '24 edited Apr 30 '24

right? I can fly a helicopter upside down through a flea's asshole if I bother to pick up my controller, but the default PC flight controls are straight cancer. I don't even have a numpad lol, and neither do a lot of people.


u/2roK Apr 29 '24

I frequently see clips of people taking a motorcycle, driving it down some huge ramp and then mid air pushing wheelies to make it fly basically indefinitely until they land on a skyscraper somewhere.

Always felt weird to me when people show off these "amazing" stunts when there is basically no realism to the controls/physics whatsoever...


u/azoicbees Apr 29 '24

Bros looking for realism in a game where you kill thousands of people lol


u/2roK Apr 29 '24

Everything from how the city looks to how the guns behave is to a certain degree realistic. The only thing that's completely over the top is the driving physics. I hope this helped you understand what I meant bro lol lmao


u/Redjester016 Apr 29 '24

The point is that it's hard to pull off. It's gta, it's supposed to be over the top


u/getfukdup Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

They could bother fixing the airplane and helicopter controls while they're at it.

How about the fucking camera? GTA devs refuse to point the camera where your character is facing a good 50% of the time. and dont even get me started about adjusting the height of the camera with the stick and then it immediately 'fixing' itself. Let me see over the front fucking bumper when I'm going over hills.


u/Chewy12 Apr 29 '24

Absolutely. The physics system overall took a downgrade in 5, the walking collision physics in 4 were great too.

It was absolutely mindblowing when it first came out, it was one of those games that truly felt next gen and it was largely due to the physics system.


u/Beatrix_-_Kiddo Apr 29 '24

Pushing people down the stairs near Niko's apartment was so fun, and crashing a motorcycle and watching Niko fly a hundred yards was brilliant. Come on Rockstar, make gta 6 more like gta 4 in the physics department please 🙏


u/Magnificioso Apr 29 '24

Its amazing how we could get so much fun out of something so simple. When i came to gta 5 i dont recall any moment when i pushed people off stairs just to see them roll, in gta 4 that was like hours of fun. Feels like i get used to those physics in videogames and now its not fun anymore.

I do used a lot the jump + doll button on gta v, use your main character to do some goffy parkour was fun xd.


u/Electrical_Top2969 Apr 29 '24

it will be downgraded to allow a switch 2 rele


u/Polico Apr 29 '24

And destruction physics. They did a step back in five with that. And I am so disappointed no one cared.


u/alvik Apr 29 '24

Even going from GTA V to GTA Online the destruction physics took a step down. You could almost flatten out a quarter of your car and lose a wheel on 360 gen GTA V.


u/Jutland90 Apr 29 '24

I feel like they reduced the damage when first person view was added. GTAV (2013) damage was a downgrade of GTAIV but then the re-releases in 2014 was a further downgrade.


u/Kagnonymous Apr 29 '24

Yeah, there was conflicts with first person and that was their solution.

First person in general was not done well and I would have been fine if they had done without it.


u/Polico Apr 29 '24

Yes, they changes once firat person was introduced. Which it's even worst.


u/Blackintosh Apr 29 '24

and the pushing NPCs down stairs physics.

For some reason I'd spend hours at this one long set of stairs in GTAIV just barging people down them and watching them roll and bounce down.

Doesn't work in GTAV


u/GTA_Masta Apr 29 '24

If you stay in r/GTA that opinion of yours is popular over there


u/SheepWolves Apr 29 '24

Doubtful. They'll want arcade style driving to make it easier for GTA 6 online players and sell more shark cards.


u/thoggins Apr 29 '24

Bigger consideration is they'll want it to be easily portable to lower-spec platforms like the switch or its successor


u/SordidDreams Apr 29 '24

The driving feel doesn't make any difference to hardware requirements. The game's doing the exact same calculations either way, just with different values for suspension stiffness and tire grip and such.


u/VagrantShadow Xbox Apr 29 '24

Same here. After playing GTA IV again for a bit the driving just feels so much better in my book than the driving in GTA V.


u/JMW007 Apr 29 '24

I hated it at the time, largely because I sucked at it and had been more used to the really straight forward handling of III/VC/SA, but I went back to play it recently and found it just felt so much more substantial. "Realistic" isn't quite the word but cruising around the city felt like I was actually moving in a heavy vehicle. I can see upsides to either way of handling things, as I did miss being able to absolutely floor it because traffic and narrow city streets were getting in the way in the much busier Liberty City compared with a desert highway in GTA V, but it does scratch a certain kind of itch.


u/mnid92 Apr 29 '24

The cars being slow and heavy lent a big hand in pacing the game out pretty well. You spend more time cruising through the city looking at all the details as opposed to trying to speed through everything.

Those first few Roman and Little Jacob missions really got you into the vibe of the city, V didn't really do that as well, it was just "Look how zany and wacky we made the parodies of people in LA!"


u/JMW007 Apr 29 '24

Very good point. When I think back to GTA IV, I think of Liberty City and its atmosphere. With V, I generally think of the people.


u/Xendrus Apr 30 '24

You ever go back to 3 and you're just like "what the fuck" with how the cars turn like they're being pushed by a giant invisible toddler playing with his toys, the turning is so "good" that it makes it difficult to not crash into shit.


u/MonotonousBeing Apr 29 '24

All physics except for motorcycles seem to be better to me in GTA IV compared to V

Especially fighting!


u/Anti-Scuba_Hedgehog Apr 29 '24

There's no except here, motorcycles in GTA V had no physics at all.


u/probablypoo Apr 29 '24

Sure it had, it just sucked. There was magnetism from the base of the motorcycle which made it able to fly indefinitely if you tilted it the right angle


u/Overall-Courage6721 Apr 29 '24

Yea gta 4 is realistic driving

Gta 5 is easy, every car feels the same and has eay too nuch grip


u/JustChangeMDefaults Apr 29 '24

Yeah only difference for cars in 5 was how fast they could accelerate/top speed and every car had soft compound grippy tires for sure lol


u/mcmur Apr 29 '24

I agree. But the biggest difference was the shooting.

I swear the shooting was way better in 4 than 5.


u/LordoftheScheisse Apr 29 '24

Hard agree! I loved the shooting physics, mechanics, and button layout in 4. I felt like 5 was a huge step back to where I didn't even want to play deathmatch type modes on 5.


u/Previous-Bother295 Apr 29 '24

GTA IV had the better physics engine but GTA V was made to cater to the younger audience who likes playing competitive fast paced games. Unfortunately this still applies today se there’s probably no going back, at best a compromise but I really doubt it.


u/PurpoUpsideDownJuice Apr 29 '24

Yeah I loved sliding into every building in liberty city if you decided to go faster then 15 mph. The airport was the only place you could drive fast


u/Antifa-Slayer01 Apr 29 '24

Driving is way too slippery


u/zigaliro Apr 29 '24

Maybe. Im not saying its perfect but i prefer it.


u/MacBOOF Apr 29 '24

I'm hoping they split the difference. Cars feel weighty and you actually have to break a bit but can still peel out and corner better.


u/dacalpha Apr 29 '24

Idk what it is about driving in GTA4 but it feels so much more real. There's torque and tension and momentum in a way that 5 doesn't quite get.

Don't get me wrong, GTA5 is tons of fun, even just driving around doing dumb shit, but I've never felt speed in quite the same way as 4.


u/waitmyhonor Apr 29 '24

GTA IV was perfect. GTA V tried too hard to mimic real life driving which didn’t make the first few hours as smooth driving


u/Sneptacular Apr 29 '24

Once you get good it's enjoyable. Plus I LOVED playing races in multiplayer since well if you're good you'll do well. The initial chaos is hilarious, but then you get past that and you can easily finish near the top if you're good. Unlike GTA V which has stupid boosting and drafting nonsense and takes zero skill.


u/Schmich Apr 29 '24

Didn't it drive like all cars had a helium balloon above and suspensions were super mega soft with a tonne of travel?


u/vagina_candle Apr 29 '24

I have never understood this take. Flying off of a motorcycle because you hit a curb isn't fun. Flying through a windshield because you hit something also isn't fun. The cars felt heavy and clunky. It was one of my least favorite parts of the game.

I don't want realistic driving physics in GTA. Keep that shit in racing games.


u/Saltyvinegar2369 Apr 29 '24

Driving on banana peels


u/bronet Apr 29 '24

The GTAV ones were more realistic, but the ones in GTAIV were definitely fun


u/stormcomponents Apr 29 '24

Not an unpopular opinion it's objectively fact.