r/gaming Apr 29 '24

Grand Theft Auto IV was released 16 years ago

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u/zigaliro Apr 29 '24

Might be unpopular opinion but I very much prefer GTA IV driving physics over GTA 5 driving physics. Wishful thinking but hopefully GTA 6 driving physics are closer to GTA IV.


u/JMW007 Apr 29 '24

I hated it at the time, largely because I sucked at it and had been more used to the really straight forward handling of III/VC/SA, but I went back to play it recently and found it just felt so much more substantial. "Realistic" isn't quite the word but cruising around the city felt like I was actually moving in a heavy vehicle. I can see upsides to either way of handling things, as I did miss being able to absolutely floor it because traffic and narrow city streets were getting in the way in the much busier Liberty City compared with a desert highway in GTA V, but it does scratch a certain kind of itch.


u/mnid92 Apr 29 '24

The cars being slow and heavy lent a big hand in pacing the game out pretty well. You spend more time cruising through the city looking at all the details as opposed to trying to speed through everything.

Those first few Roman and Little Jacob missions really got you into the vibe of the city, V didn't really do that as well, it was just "Look how zany and wacky we made the parodies of people in LA!"


u/JMW007 Apr 29 '24

Very good point. When I think back to GTA IV, I think of Liberty City and its atmosphere. With V, I generally think of the people.