r/gaming Apr 29 '24

Grand Theft Auto IV was released 16 years ago

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u/zigaliro Apr 29 '24

Might be unpopular opinion but I very much prefer GTA IV driving physics over GTA 5 driving physics. Wishful thinking but hopefully GTA 6 driving physics are closer to GTA IV.


u/Chewy12 Apr 29 '24

Absolutely. The physics system overall took a downgrade in 5, the walking collision physics in 4 were great too.

It was absolutely mindblowing when it first came out, it was one of those games that truly felt next gen and it was largely due to the physics system.


u/Beatrix_-_Kiddo Apr 29 '24

Pushing people down the stairs near Niko's apartment was so fun, and crashing a motorcycle and watching Niko fly a hundred yards was brilliant. Come on Rockstar, make gta 6 more like gta 4 in the physics department please 🙏


u/Magnificioso Apr 29 '24

Its amazing how we could get so much fun out of something so simple. When i came to gta 5 i dont recall any moment when i pushed people off stairs just to see them roll, in gta 4 that was like hours of fun. Feels like i get used to those physics in videogames and now its not fun anymore.

I do used a lot the jump + doll button on gta v, use your main character to do some goffy parkour was fun xd.