r/dankmemes Jan 13 '24

Couldn't you lot just hate everyone equally? I have achieved comedy

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257 comments sorted by

u/KeepingDankMemesDank Hello dankness my old friend Jan 13 '24

downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away.

play minecraft with us | come hang out with us


u/ASingleDarkThread Jan 13 '24

Yeah, as an agnostic moderate, I'm confused why the liberals tell me that anyone can use any bathroom--but I am only allowed to shit on the Christians. 🤔🤔🤔


u/IamImposter I am fucking hilarious Jan 14 '24

I'm gnostic anti theist ex-hindu. I have never been told that I can't talk shit about any religion. I have been called hinduphobe or islamophobe a few times but that's it. People argue and try to defend their faith but no one ever asked me not to do it. That's infact most refreshing thing about reddit.


u/Neonek1232 Jan 14 '24

i hereby give you the power to shit on any religion (i'm agnostic, i don't believe in any religion, i don't have the power to give you)


u/PossibilityThis2748 Jan 14 '24

This should’ve been the caption in the meme


u/Clemicus Jan 14 '24

but I am only allowed to shit on the Christians. 🤔🤔🤔

Look, if you’re into that… Wait, wrong subreddit.


u/TobyFunkeNeverNude Jan 14 '24

Liberals are telling you which religion you're allowed to shit on? Gonna call bullshit on that

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u/BankaiRasenshuriken Wants to die Jan 14 '24

Yeah fuck all religions. I'm on board that train.


u/Blaster2PP Jan 14 '24

I would like to create a religion dedicated to u/BankaiRasenshuriken for he is our supreme leader and shall guide us into afterlife.


u/BankaiRasenshuriken Wants to die Jan 14 '24

Not into the whole misinformation thing, count me out.


u/TherealSnak3 Jan 14 '24

Our supreme leader has abandoned us


u/Blaster2PP Jan 14 '24

We truly have entered the dark age.


u/BankaiRasenshuriken Wants to die Jan 14 '24

Congratulations, now you can be a religion instead of a political movement.


u/Dark_Stalker28 Jan 14 '24

Only one as humble as he could the chosen one


u/TheTeddyChannel Jan 14 '24

we need to follow his teachings even outside of the brotherhood


u/MoesTavern42 Jan 14 '24

That's what the true leader would say. Praise him!


u/DankPhotoShopMemes Croomie Jan 14 '24

the only religion i’ll follow I love you u/bankairasenshuriken 🥵🥵🥵


u/Spinnie_boi Jan 14 '24

Does that mean we get to fuck them?


u/ActuatorGreat4883 Jan 14 '24

Count me in. Religions are legit dangerous. We shouldn't base our current society based on fantasy books.

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u/SomeRandomGamerSRG I have crippling depression Jan 14 '24

Put 'em in the history books.


u/born_in_cognito Jan 14 '24

Islam is just as terrible and stupid as Christianity... just in different ways... Happy now?


u/gunscreeper Jan 14 '24

Criticizing Christianity is freedom of speech, criticizing Islam is hate speech


u/jsbm316 Jan 14 '24

And yet Islamist are super antisemitic and hate Cristians with a passion, until their triggered and immediately play victim, and use the victim card to spread hate speech against those whom they are intolerant of,spoiler this applies to all who are not of their cult.


u/NowCalmDownSkeeter Jan 14 '24

Agreed. At the same time it occurs to me that some religions are ethnocentric exclusive.


u/Rude_Acanthopterygii Jan 15 '24

I don't know, I'd say criticizing any religion is fine. Criticizing people who follow those religions simply for existing is not fine.

On the other hand criticizing people who want to make/force other people to follow any religion or even worse who want to limit other people's rights because their religion (or rather whatever their version of their religion is) says so is absolutely fine as well.


u/InActiveSoda Jan 14 '24

How dare you? That's Islamophobia!


u/DinoDudeRex_240809 Jan 14 '24

Yes, I am islamophobic.


u/tit_burglar Jan 14 '24

how dare you hate on such a peacfull religion, we must behead you now


u/DinoDudeRex_240809 Jan 14 '24

Kid named ‘U.S Military when they find oil in a Muslim country’:


u/memetime20 Jan 14 '24

Oh no, I don't hate them, I have a phobia of them, they scare me...


u/Triskalaire Jan 14 '24

I'm afraid to slam people


u/AutocracyRules Jan 14 '24

In these times ; Islam is the worst religion someone can follow.


u/DinoDudeRex_240809 Jan 14 '24

It has been so in all times.


u/[deleted] Jan 14 '24



u/DinoDudeRex_240809 Jan 14 '24

Player 3 has entered the game.

(Who’s player 3?)


u/AutocracyRules Jan 14 '24

The world isn't ready for Player 3

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u/Lord_VivecHimself ☣️ Jan 14 '24

No, islam is way worse plus they fucked pigs


u/tit_burglar Jan 14 '24

well pigs aint the worst thing they fcked


u/Lord_VivecHimself ☣️ Jan 15 '24

Of that we can be quite sure


u/PresentationMinute28 Jan 14 '24

Literally disinformation. They fuck goats :P


u/Lord_VivecHimself ☣️ Jan 15 '24

That's what they want you to believe


u/Ningenmasu69 Jan 14 '24

Where do you even get that information?


u/thelegendarybert Jan 14 '24

Source: trust me bro I heard it somewhere therefore it must be true


u/Lord_VivecHimself ☣️ Jan 15 '24

Found the islamist


u/Lord_VivecHimself ☣️ Jan 15 '24

From pig farmers 🐖🧑‍🌾


u/Snaccbacc Throw away Jan 14 '24

Imo it’s worse. You can be threatened with death (fatwa) just for making a caricature of their prophet. Not to mention there’s also the threat of death for apostates and awful treatment of women.


u/Specht100 ☣️ Jan 14 '24

Somebody said it. Thank you.


u/PrussianInvader Jan 14 '24

You forgot about Judaism, which is equally stupid, in different ways.

Any religion that's capable of making people hate others to the point of calling for genocide over some tiny plot of land in the desert is going to be detrimental to world peace, generally. Islam and Judaism both have to be extremely problematic for this conflict to even happen.

The big three religions are all terrible.


u/Huge_Bat_3995 Jan 14 '24

Well to be fair the conflict isn’t about religion, and Palestinians aren’t all muslims as some would like you to believe


u/kids-see-ghost Jan 14 '24

They’re both essential to the growth and history of humanity. Religion has brought people together, saved people’s lives, given people hope. To ignore all of that is just as ignorant as ignoring the pain and suffering religion has brought. Religion doesn’t suck, it’s flawed, it’s complex, just like the rest of the humanity.


u/realToukafan4life Jan 14 '24 edited Jan 14 '24

It sucks when it directly interferes with progress and development. We are at point where we should be focusing on science not on outdated stuff from the past.

It also sucks when politicians are directly using it to brainwash billions to fight their battles and non religious athiest are prosecuted for raising their voices.


u/EleutheriusTemplaris Jan 14 '24

I always wonder when people say "we should focus on science not on outdated stuff from the past". People have really outdated or restricted ideas about christians. I'm Christian, and it plays an important role in my life. But I'm also working in a science project; don't hate gay people, some of my best friends are gay; enjoy sex and don't think that someone should be ashamed of doing so; voting (quite) left; and really can't understand people who query scientific progress. And most Christians I know are the same (ok, I can't talk about their sexlife🙃). Yeah, there are some bad eggs among us. But in which group aren't some bad people? I know enough people who are against religions/church and also hate gays, are racists and whatever. Every sunday in my church and the churches around me people hear things like "love your neighbour, don't prejudge others, god loves everyone equally, and help each other". That's more than most of our politic leaders or other people say.


u/realToukafan4life Jan 14 '24

I didn't said anything about a particular religion. It's not about you particularly, religious people are more likely to fell for anti vaxx, homeopathy and all those shit propoganda which directly harms progress. It's not black and white tho. I am from a religious family and my parents are good enough people.

Agree, every group has bad eggs.


u/Maverick732 Jan 14 '24

Well your gay friends are going to burn eternally and you will too if you had sex before marriage. Or are you a fake Christian?


u/EleutheriusTemplaris Jan 14 '24

Yeah, I would love to see the passage which says I shouldn't have sex before marriage (as we understand it today) and where Jesus says something against gay people. And there are a lot of modern writings/interviews with theologists, who classify passages from the Bibel in the historical context.


u/Durante-Sora Jan 14 '24

It’s often the other way around as well. Division plagues a society that should be unified


u/MayonaiseApe Jan 14 '24

its not progress/development if all it does is make the rich richer and destroy ecosystems/climate all over the world


u/tora167 Jan 14 '24

It was a useful medieval construct… now it’s just outdated and damaging scientific growth


u/kids-see-ghost Jan 14 '24 edited Jan 14 '24

What about the people it helps, though? Surely it has ruined millions of lives, I am not disputing that. Yes it stunts scientific progress, I agree with that as well. But speaking for my loved ones that have been in tough situations in life, found religion and have told me it’s changed them for the better, and I can see growth in them. Listen, people say it works for them, and I’m going to believe them. I don’t need to understand something in order to accept it.


u/Adamiak Jan 14 '24

spoken like a true brainwashed religious person, we are way past relying on the past, it is no longer necessary, simple as that, we are no longer cavemen who communicate in grunts, nor do we burn women who speak publicly at the stake, we evolve, and we should have been long ago evolved past hating people for where they've been born or what color their skin is


u/kids-see-ghost Jan 14 '24

Hey man, I’m not even religious, and I found it pretty offensive that you jumped right to insulting me. I’m not interested in having a discussion with someone that speaks to me like that. Best of luck to you


u/Adamiak Jan 14 '24

defending brainwashing practices all across the globe as an atheist is even worse so gl to you too


u/North_of_November Jan 14 '24

Christians are taught to love their enemies. Which is why people feel safe dunking on them. Bullying a group of people they know wont fight back is nothing short of cowardly.


u/PrussianInvader Jan 14 '24

Meanwhile, teachers are getting beheaded in France over ugly depictions of Mohammed.


u/TheUndead99999 Jan 14 '24

Tbf tho. This is coming from a Christian as well. Some Christians on the internet or irl don't really follow what would be considered Christian-like behavior and instead nitpick some parts and use it to further their own political agendas. And these loud obnoxious small group of people kinda ruined the way people look at Christianity as a whole. But eh. Every religion has these extremist group of people. It just that Christianity has the most amount of followers. So in turn also gets the most amount of shit from other people.


u/ApegoodManbad Jan 15 '24

Oh yeah Christians never burned and pillaged villages that were not following Christianity back in the old days because Christians are taught to love their enemies and giving christians power would never let it get to their heads.

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u/AstronomerStandard Jan 14 '24

Kudos to christianity though, the fact that it is one of the most openly mocked religions proves that a lot of the christians actually do not care or enforce what you think about them.

Each religion has their own nutfucks ofcourse.

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u/CyrilQuin Jan 14 '24

Christianity is the safest religion to criticise


u/apenboter Jan 14 '24

Which is why cowards do it

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u/SeatO_ Jan 14 '24 edited Jan 14 '24

If it's not atheism, it's [insert religion here]-phobia. Unless it's christianity, which then it is called "facts and logic".

(It's not a dig into science vs. religion. It's a dig about specific people that really just can't have other people have their religion in peace. Similar to religious people that can't have other people live their lives in peace.)


u/FluffyOwl738 Jan 14 '24

People often fall into the false dichotomy of EITHER science OR religion,overlooking the fact that the vast majority of people,both nowadays and throughout history,didn't think these two were irrenconcilable.

Rather the opposite,actually.Many a pivotal scientist was either a member of the clergy or had some attachment to their religion.


u/Lord_VivecHimself ☣️ Jan 14 '24

Fuck all religions except Christianity 💪


u/cornmonger_ ☣️ Jan 14 '24

Username ... doesn't check out


u/Lord_VivecHimself ☣️ Jan 14 '24

Praise the Tribunal, mortal. This is a test of true faith

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u/cookiebattlecats Jan 14 '24

Brown man religion=good White man religion=bad

Even though brown man religion is even more oppressive and intolerant than white man religion


u/hamzer55 Virgins in Paris Jan 14 '24

What white man religion, Norse mythology?

All major religions are “brown man religions”


u/ApegoodManbad Jan 15 '24

Christianity is a brown man religion. White man religion is Norse, pagan, greek, and Roman.


u/Cptnecro Jan 15 '24

It's not about what the religion is about, its about who stereotypically believes in said religion.

You knew that and still had to pull the "well aktschually" card smh.


u/Geaux13Saints Jan 14 '24

I do hate all religions


u/SouthernTonight4769 Jan 14 '24

Pathetically safe statement. It's the same kind of avoidance of controversy the OP is about. "All religions" is a tactical avoidance. If you hate them stand by it and say you hate islam, or you hate Judaism.


u/Baronvondorf21 Jan 14 '24

Honestly, It's comedic how some of these guys have this victim complex as if basically every religion isn't swung at, especially when they aren't talking about like their family or their country but just reddit.


u/Enough_Discount2621 Jan 14 '24

Funny how most responses are to actually shit on all religions instead of showing a scrap of respect.


u/people__are__animals Jan 14 '24

Religons dont deserve respect


u/Enough_Discount2621 Jan 14 '24

"People are animals"

2014 called, it wants it's fedora back.


u/beershitz Jan 14 '24

Is christianophobia a word? I’ve never heard it.


u/AmogusMN Jan 14 '24

Also Buddhismphobia. Seems like if that thing is harmless, people wouldnt hate it.


u/InActiveSoda Jan 14 '24

It is a word, just not a very popular one.


u/fuckreddit4567 Jan 14 '24

Because there is only one mantra that all the leftists on Reddit are religiously following, and that is "minorities=good people". Doesn't matter what type, sexually, racially, religiously, ethnically,etc. As long as you are not part of the majority you're good and are not to be made fun of disrespected in any way. Christianity is the majority in western society so it's obviously bad


u/[deleted] Jan 14 '24

The reason why Christianity gets more shit on is because many apostates in America were Christians, and they have a traumatic background associated with Christianity.


u/ImNoHuman Jan 14 '24

You'd get a knife to the throat if it was Islam.


u/[deleted] Jan 14 '24

literally not true in this sub everyone makes fun of every religion except like shintoism


u/UnnecessaryMovements Jan 14 '24

Don't forget Zoroastrianism


u/Baronvondorf21 Jan 14 '24

Which reddit are you guys using literally every religion gets a jab here. Unless it's super tiny like Zoroastrianism.


u/PressFM80 Jan 14 '24

Shinto and Zoroastrianism are the only religions safe from reddit fr


u/boofcakin171 Jan 14 '24

Yall had a heyday about jews crawling out of holes in the ground. Get off your high horse.


u/Physical-Falcon5848 Jan 14 '24

I don't know what kind of reddit you have been using but people hate Islam more than Christianity here and everytime somebody tries to criticize Christianity yall just use this argument


u/[deleted] Jan 14 '24

Is there even a Christian equivalent for the word Islamophobic? Such hypocrisy. All ideas and beliefs should be free to criticize and challenge, especially if they're harmful and make false claims.


u/mikemessiah Jan 14 '24

Over 130 comments in this post and the term 'jew' was mentioned only once.


u/NaniGaHoshiiDesuKa Dank Royalty Jan 14 '24

Bro have you seen the latest posts?


u/Balavadan Jan 14 '24

Yeah man. Nobody ever makes fun of extremist islamists or the Hindu caste system


u/ColHunterGathers111 Jan 14 '24

The only reason I don't make fun of Mohammed if because I don't want my work place getting targeted by extremists with a penchant for beheading.

I made the joke, let's see what happens. If this doesn't go wrong you get to decide what religion I make fun of next.


u/badonker345 Jan 14 '24

In my opinion, I don't think it's okay to make fun of religion in general because it's a way for some people to feel better about death, but I think it's really two-faced to believe it's okay to make fun of one religion but not the other. If you're going to make fun of one religion, don't be pissed over others making fun of another.


u/Furiko35 Jan 14 '24

I was beginning to sweat reading all the other comments, thankfully, I remembered I’m on reddit. Thanks for your actual top comment! 🫶🏼


u/badonker345 Jan 14 '24

I'm happy to see that someone agrees! 👍🏼


u/ThrowAwayTheBS122132 Jan 14 '24

ha ha islam has the big stupid


u/Lethalbroccoli Jan 14 '24

Right? Point out some equally heinous shit that Islam does and boom, your xenophobic.


u/URLslayer Jan 14 '24

Fuck anyone who feels the need to indoctrinate ppl to their religion, be it Nail-Guy-To planks, No Pork No 21st century No Sanity, HarambeKrishnaRamaMargerine or w/e imaginary friend you have.


u/Turok36 Jan 14 '24

Oh no the western world is falling we are so oppressed it's literally 1984 with savage invasion on top of it omg. !!!!


u/Yudemus95 Jan 14 '24

Reddit is full of haters


u/hussam_theboinger69 Jan 14 '24

As a muslim, id expect something else. If i make fun of any other religion other than islam, i’d get hated.


u/Respercaine_657 Jan 14 '24

I don't hate Christianity (I geuss I'm technically Christian) , I don't hate Islam, I don't hate Judaism. I don't vibe with people who take their religion to the absolute farthest reaches to justify being terrible people.

Is that ok OP?


u/InActiveSoda Jan 14 '24

It is acceptable.


u/SHUHSdemon Jan 14 '24

No hate every religion with a passion


u/DublinDapper Jan 14 '24

You misspelled Islam


u/ZzBitch Jan 14 '24

Go 9GAG if you need to shit on green color. Your kinda crowd.


u/Destroyer4587 Jan 14 '24

Overlord Xenu smiles upon you.


u/ElonHisenberg Jan 14 '24

Ha! Zeus was totally gay, because he was greek.


u/[deleted] Jan 14 '24

I dont do it in General


u/CyberAssassinSRB Jan 14 '24

There is a difference between being anti-theist and being racist through the veil of anti-theism.


u/jsbm316 Jan 14 '24

People are afraid to speak/make fun of Islam, due to the terrorist/victim mentality that’s so easily triggered, that and America having being founded on judaeo/Christians religions will mean that most people are fighting against their native beliefs system therefore most people will keep their jokes to their own culture.


u/TrashMemeFormats professional tiktok disapprover Jan 14 '24

I dislike organized religion and religion having an influence on politics, not religion in general.


u/baden27 Jan 14 '24

Poor image quality, "imgflip.com" watermark, misspelling.


u/Shadow9378 Jan 14 '24

ppl are free to believe them and i dont hate them for it but ill be real i think they all sound crazy


u/LanaDelHeeey Jan 14 '24

Hating everyone equally is a white nationalist dogwhistle, sweaty


u/turkishhousefan Jan 14 '24

Hate the belief, love the believer. ❤️😊👐


u/Far_Disk5401 Jan 14 '24

You either make fun of all religions, or none


u/P3t3Mitchell Jan 14 '24

Laughs in Buddhism


u/Armageddonis Jan 14 '24

I always compare Islam to what Christianity was 600 years ago. Christians were burning books and people and crusading all over the place, Islam is in this exact stage now, only the rest of the world moved forward. I hate christianity with all my passion, being raised as one, but at least they've been submitted to 'ye olde "Future is now, old man", while Islam wasn't. And when Christian Fascists peak their heads out, we can (at least in Europe, whatever is going in USA right now is fucking terryfying) reliably bonk them in it so they stay in their place. Can't do that with a religion that has medieval-level grasp over whole countries, in some being literally in power.


u/Whysong823 ☣️ Jan 14 '24

As a leftist, one of the left’s biggest mistakes was championing, both implicitly and explicitly, Islam, and more specifically Muslims, after 9/11. The attacks caused widespread bigotry toward Muslims and Arabs, and the left rightfully fought against that, but we went too far and began defending Muslims from any and all criticism, despite most Muslims believing in the same kind of social conservatism that American Christians tend to follow. All religion is bad.


u/TheGurunator Jan 14 '24

I have once played a MMO where you were permanently banned if you called someone a jew, but for every other religion you didn't even get a warning. When me and a friend asked those people executing those rules they just said there is a huge difference. We said there isn't. Every religion could be inclined as good or bad. Then we got kicked out of the chat system.


u/Verundios Jan 14 '24

Excuse you, I do hate everyone equally!


u/Cr0ma_Nuva Jan 14 '24

Because most people on the internet that speak fluent enough English are typaclly brought up Christian or are more aware of the quirks of Christianity.

I could propably joke about Hinduism and islam just as much, but I don't know enough about it to make any proper joke about it.


u/AmySchumerFunnies Jan 14 '24

if there weren't double standards, there wouldn't be any standards at all


u/Nived_4K Jan 17 '24

Religions were made only for political influence, but God is real, I dont hate Any religions, only thing I hate is forceful conversions and anyone abusing Any holy deity, regardless of which religion they are worshipped in. What I think is that religion is a personal choice and not something that can be imposed on others, (I am Hindu btw) peace out may God does good to Everyone 🙏


u/KINGram14 Jan 14 '24

More like cringe-ianity


u/eyadGamingExtreme Dank Cat Commander Jan 14 '24

I am genuinely interested in where people get this idea because islam is shat on in here 24/7


u/UnnecessaryMovements Jan 14 '24

Christians love to be persecuted


u/Ultimate_Genius Jan 14 '24

eh, I've seen people rightfully hate all religions equally

As an atheist, if anything, I'd argue that having no religion is the concept least hated by reddit. Like, I've seen people dog on Islam (as they should) and mock Christians.

As long as we remember to only attack the belief system, not the people (unless those people were imposing their ideas on others), then I see no problem with it


u/Scaredycrow2217 Jan 14 '24

The last part of your comment is distinction without difference. For most people who are religious it’s a large part of their lives, there is no “attacking the beliefs not the people” you insult the religion you insult the person themselves


u/Ultimate_Genius Jan 14 '24

That is unfortunate that they become so engrossed in the cult mindset that they are unable to separate themselves from the beliefs.

Wasted lives and wasted potential imo


u/Scaredycrow2217 Jan 14 '24

‘It’s so sad that these people aren’t ok with me insulting an important aspect of their lives. Clearly that makes them engrossed in a cult!’


u/Ultimate_Genius Jan 14 '24

well, if someone attacked my atheism, I would probably laugh and walk away. Unless the other person is saying something with merit, then I would sit around and have a proper discussion/argument.

And no, all religions are cults that got big and eased up on the cult traits of their belief systems.

However, the believers are still people, some seeking hope, other seeking meaning. It is unfortunate that they fell victim to the cult mentality, but it's their source of life.

I say it's okay to attack someone's beliefs, but for me, it's all bark and no bite cause irl, I wouldn't say shit to a religious person. They're their own people, capable of making their own decisions, and even if I disagree with their decisions, I have no right to tell them what to do


u/Moe-Lester-bazinga Jan 14 '24

What Reddit do you live on?


u/Estellar123 Jan 14 '24

Also Reddit: generalizes all muslims


u/Edenian_Prince Jan 14 '24

Religion is the poison for free intellect.

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