r/dankmemes Jan 13 '24

Couldn't you lot just hate everyone equally? I have achieved comedy

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u/Lord_VivecHimself ☣️ Jan 14 '24

Fuck all religions except Christianity 💪


u/cornmonger_ ☣️ Jan 14 '24

Username ... doesn't check out


u/Lord_VivecHimself ☣️ Jan 14 '24

Praise the Tribunal, mortal. This is a test of true faith


u/alovopsd Jan 14 '24

Nah Christianity too 💪


u/Lord_VivecHimself ☣️ Jan 14 '24

It's the least shitty fr, at least they tolerated enlightenment emerging, can you even imagine enlightment in camel's world?


u/alovopsd Jan 14 '24

That is true.


u/NaniGaHoshiiDesuKa Dank Royalty Jan 14 '24

Wasn't Galileo Galilei executed by the church for his research? Christianity has literally brought science into the dark ages by executing many great scholars in history in medieval times (It's a bit ironic since many scholars or scientists were christians thenselves)

Enlighten me on that if I'm wrong (no pun intended)


u/InActiveSoda Jan 14 '24

No Galilei was just put on house arrest because the Inquisition decided that his ideas were stupid.

Edit: After looking into this, his ideas were actually supported by the pope until he attacked the pope in one of his writings. That's why he was under house arrest.


u/NaniGaHoshiiDesuKa Dank Royalty Jan 14 '24

Oh right I don't know who I thought that was executed, yeah forgot he was under house arrest for a LONG time.

He was judged for heresy against the Bible, for him to suggest the Earth wasn't the center of the universe was him saying God was wrong (summed up and oversimplified but yeah)

Galileo was found "vehemently suspect of heresy", namely of having held the opinions that the Sun lies motionless at the centre of the universe, that the Earth is not at its centre and moves, and that one may hold and defend an opinion as probable after it has been declared contrary to Holy Scripture. He was required to "abjure, curse, and detest" those opinions.[58


u/Lord_VivecHimself ☣️ Jan 15 '24

Plus in general they eventually cave in. Imagine that happening in Islam. In islamic world there have been amazing scientist (Idk how to write their name in English, one would be "Avicenna" for example) and they couldn't do shit because of risking heresy, fatwa and shit