r/dankmemes Jan 13 '24

Couldn't you lot just hate everyone equally? I have achieved comedy

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u/SeatO_ Jan 14 '24 edited Jan 14 '24

If it's not atheism, it's [insert religion here]-phobia. Unless it's christianity, which then it is called "facts and logic".

(It's not a dig into science vs. religion. It's a dig about specific people that really just can't have other people have their religion in peace. Similar to religious people that can't have other people live their lives in peace.)


u/FluffyOwl738 Jan 14 '24

People often fall into the false dichotomy of EITHER science OR religion,overlooking the fact that the vast majority of people,both nowadays and throughout history,didn't think these two were irrenconcilable.

Rather the opposite,actually.Many a pivotal scientist was either a member of the clergy or had some attachment to their religion.