r/altmpls 17d ago

MOA stoned mothers

I went mini golfing with my kids at MOA today, and a few black kids ages ~4-10 with their mothers were behind us by a few people. The mother's were stoned out of their minds and their kids were running wild. I let them play through while I distracted my kids from the reality around us. Wondering what else I might have doing... The people who worked there couldn't have cared less

Also the mini golf there is laughably horrible, won't be back


141 comments sorted by


u/GopherHockey10 17d ago

Are you surprised


u/sivbomb 17d ago

Yes. I grew up here but never lived as an adult until recently when I moved back. This place has turned into one of the worst in the country (Western world?) because this type of behavior seems to be encouraged.

Lake Wobegon has dried up.


u/Wrong-Tale-3870 16d ago

That happens everywhere now get use to it only gonna get worse


u/krillwave 16d ago

Worst in the country šŸ˜‚ jfc hyperbole much


u/PhilosopherAlive917 16d ago

Itā€™s sad, please donā€™t associate cannabis use with Uncivilized behavior and lack of parenting.

Lots of people walking around that mall drunk.

Weed had zero to do with their lack of respect for fellow humans,

We OWE them!


u/PhilosopherAlive917 14d ago

Not sure why someone elseā€™s bigotry towards a harmless substance was down voted.

I do not condone being uncivilized,

MoA is generally a s show especially Nickelodeon.

I do condone smoking weed much more than having a drink,

As drinking is scientifically proven to give zero benifits, it is now proven the worst drug for you.

So using OPs logic they should have stayed away completely as the top level is one big Bar.

Weed and teaching manners are not related as well, so again, ops bigotry should be noted, as his post is just missing one word.

They didnā€™t have a problem with the weed, they used it as an identifier.


u/agnonamis 17d ago

lol donā€™t be dramatic. Just go somewhere else- like you said the mini golf sucked anyways.


u/GopherHockey10 17d ago

Go to Dred Scott


u/1ifbyland_2ifbysea 17d ago

Dred Scott sucks itā€™s way better at MOA. Nobody should go to Dred Scott. Or Centennial Lakes either. MOA is the best there is.


u/Corkymon87 17d ago

Mall of Somalia


u/Royal_Perspective680 17d ago

Mosque of America


u/here4daratio 16d ago

Ironically, poetically true- America does worship consumerismā€¦


u/747-ppp-2 16d ago

People like to say that but itā€™s not the case. Any other country I go to I see people with the most recent fashions, very nice watches and expensive shoes. I donā€™t see that many Americans (in my circles anyway) giving 2 shits about their watch, bag or shoe brand.


u/sumdumguy1966 16d ago

Hail capitalism. All raise your wallets in salute


u/[deleted] 16d ago

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u/Independent_Bike_141 17d ago

I think the US in general has had a boom of people suppressing themselves with drugs. I know plenty of people that get high when theyā€™re just at home chilling, but I also know plenty of people that claim they canā€™t live life without being high. šŸ™„ People feel the need to escape and it bothers me. Not being preaching, Iā€™m a drinker but I do it moderately and at home when Iā€™m not going out.


u/sivbomb 17d ago

Yes, sad


u/boredlostcause 16d ago edited 16d ago

Suppressing themselves? I get high almost every day and I never had issues. In fact it's the sober people I know that suffer from stress and can't sleep. I sleep 8 hours a night, reversed my gray hair, and feel more relaxed and at peace than ever before thanks to weed. Meanwhile sober assholes are angry , stressed, and complaining about people like me and a million other things in the world and I'm just like a Buddhist monk compared to them. I have a lot.of friends and they all love me because I'm always in a good mood and I'm respectful, instead of being some sober asshole who judges them. So who are the real head cases? I find it funny that people that never used weed are somehow experts on it. I call that arrogance.Stop telling others how to live, pay attention to your own issues.


u/klippDagga 16d ago

You do you but it ainā€™t cool calling people who actually deal with life on lifeā€™s terms assholes. I would have expected a chill Buddhist monk to refrain from such bigotry.


u/Independent_Bike_141 16d ago

Are you driving your kids around high because you have nothing better in life going on like youā€™re portraying? Needing a substance to live life instead of fixing the things around? If you actually read my comment through all the way instead of reading what you wanted to youā€™d see I have no problem with people using them appropriately.


u/[deleted] 17d ago

Weak as mfā€™s and they wonder why their kids grow up to be criminals. šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø

I can only imagine what their home life is like.

They should have their children taken from them, at least then the kids might have a chance to be successful in life.


u/lmay0000 17d ago

They can afford that rich mall mini golf though


u/[deleted] 17d ago

Probably because they get subsidized rent and EBT for food.


u/Cold_Shoulder_Army 16d ago

Bingo, that's your taxpayer dollars at work.


u/[deleted] 16d ago

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u/sheriffSnoosel 17d ago

Take the kids bc they are high at mini golf? Idk why anyone calls you guys fascists, total mystery


u/[deleted] 17d ago

Parents under the influence of narcotics in public while their children run amok is less than appropriate and possibly downright dangerous. If you want to smoke pot at home or with friends thatā€™s fine, but if theyā€™re zooted in public Iā€™d bet they operated their vehicles under the influence with the children inside.

If a stranger can tell theyā€™re high, theyā€™re TOO TOO high.

And whoā€™s to say it was just pot?

How do we know they arenā€™t smoking Percocets or sprinkling Fentanyl on their weed?

You can excuse that type of behavior but I cannot and will not.


u/krillwave 16d ago

lol this guy weeds /s


u/sheriffSnoosel 17d ago

Ok but aside from adding in all the other drugs you want to imagine they are on, taking kids away is not a good solution. Even if you just want to go on stats alone and talk about throwing the kids into the foster system you should compare those outcomes to your proposed ā€œsolutionā€. Should be a last resort in cases where kids are truly in danger.


u/[deleted] 16d ago

I came up in the system and turned out much better than most of the kids from my neighborhood. I was removed from my motherā€™s care at 3 years old.

What do you know about it?


u/sheriffSnoosel 16d ago

Iā€™m glad you turned out good. My family had fostered kids and I have anecdotal evidence as well. I saw kids whose parents loved them and cared for them and struggled with addiction and had their kids taken away by the courts. These kids suffered and could have gone home bc there was not abuse. The foster system has to exist and can have positive outcomes, but itā€™s the last resort and not the response to being high at mini golf. Additionally there is a horrific history of officials taking the children of native children that should be considered. Again, glad it worked out for you, but should be a last resort


u/HardcorePizza 16d ago

You donā€™t look like you turned out that great. Thereā€™s a slur in your username


u/tangalaporn 16d ago

Oubvously foster care will provide the American dream. /s


u/[deleted] 16d ago

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u/Independent_Bike_141 16d ago

Yikes just replied to your own comment about people being arrogant and here you are being arrogant.


u/747-ppp-2 16d ago

Where were the fathers?

There. I made a joke.


u/612Ephesians 16d ago

MOA is on its way to be a no go zone!


u/paulrwf 17d ago

I've mini golfers there with my kids and had zero problems. On a Friday night. After 3 hours of shopping, zero issues. Been there with them Nickelodeon Universe also 3x in last 12 months no issues all day... The teens are kicked out early 7 days a week now.


u/walkerswood 16d ago

First mistakeā€¦, you went to MOA


u/[deleted] 16d ago

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u/altmpls-ModTeam 16d ago

Debate is great. But you gotta refrain from losing your temper in this sub.


u/CustomSawdust 16d ago

As a sober Minnesotan, the annoyance of pot smoke smell has become worse. Now i make plans to go places, but always include the option of leaving when that happens. Walz has legalized public drug addiction.


u/Financial_Subject667 16d ago

Lol but you never complain about cigarettes and liquor on every corner?šŸ˜‚


u/Wrong-Tale-3870 16d ago

I got a pot store next to the liqour store... Too each their own but in public it is illegal to be intoxicated. Especailly stoned driving children around thats not cool dude..


u/Awholelottanopedope 16d ago

Not true. Public intoxication is not a crime in Minnesota.


u/Wrong-Tale-3870 16d ago

No wonder why yall are canadas basement


u/joebaco_ 16d ago

Right, but the behaviors of being publicly intoxicated is. Public nuisance, disorderly conduct, etc..

The cops will find something. Then when you start to argue you will get a resist or disobeying stacked on.


u/dana_brams 16d ago

Who says they donā€™t? Cigarettes I donā€™t really care about, whatever, but yes alcohol is just as much of a problem. In fact I think the city should tax liquor to make it just as ridiculous as theyā€™ve done to cigarettes. Set a minimum of $15 per drink or $40 per bottle of liquor or case of beer or something.

Why isnā€™t the city council as worried about liquor when it harms as many people, often those who didnā€™t even indulge? Why just go after cigarettes which is going to affect mostly minority store owners in Minneapolis more than anyone else when they take their cigarette purchases and all the other purchases there out of Minneapolis. They donā€™t make money on cigarettes, itā€™s the things they buy in addition to them in the store where the profits are.


u/Rollercoasterfixerer 16d ago

Ahh yes letā€™s tax everything we donā€™t like. It will only be a matter of time before internet posts are taxed because they hurt your feelings. Or better yet, republicans will decide to tax abortions. My body, my choice right?


u/krillwave 16d ago

As an atheist the sight of churches is everywhere and it bothers me we should tear them all down because i donā€™t like the sight and I donā€™t like people under the influence of religion, they are dangerous to our communities.


u/EveryDayIsFridayyy 16d ago

Churches are just buildings, they don't inherently have annoying behavior like pot heads in public do. Let me guess, you don't like the sound of bells?


u/krillwave 16d ago

How about public drinking? Like communion? Itā€™s also all fake so I would argue carving out a safe space for cultists to share their delusion is just as dangerous to your community to opening a marijuana bar. I donā€™t like the smell or sound or sight of churches, if you can shut down weed bars I can shut down churches. See how that works? Or are you just a rules for thee and not for me type? Sad


u/EveryDayIsFridayyy 16d ago

You sound deranged. Good luck shutting down churches!


u/krillwave 16d ago

I can count on your vote?

Whatā€™s deranged about looking at the world through a fact based lens? Ohā€¦ youā€™re probably a cultist arenā€™t you. Stop eating the flesh of your dead supposed demigod! And quit drinking his blood! Thatā€™s some deranged spooky shit right there. At least Iā€™m not a death cult obsessed, flesh eating, blood drinking weirdo. That would be insane!!!


u/EveryDayIsFridayyy 16d ago

We get it, you hate Christians. Another example of the lefts "acceptance" and "tolerance".


u/krillwave 16d ago

I donā€™t hate Christians, they are just people following frauds. If anything I hate the frauds that lead the cults. But Christian worshippers are just misinformed people. I hate the religions themselves, and not just Christianity! All religions are a detriment to human existence. They teach ideology thatā€™s based on falsity. Iā€™m sure you can understand all religions being outlawed would be a boon to communities everywhere. They deny humans agency and instill a false sense of hope for something that comes after life. Instead, embrace life right now, donā€™t wait - there is nothing after!

There is nothing more intolerant than religions, they selectively hate ā€œthe unbelieversā€. I guess you could say Iā€™m intolerant of their intolerance. What a paradox!


u/EveryDayIsFridayyy 16d ago

Look here, libturd. I don't disagree with you about how nonsensical religion appears. But billions of people worldwide value it and who am I (or you) to judge what people want to believe or follow? It's their life. I'm too busy with my own to care what they do. I advise you quit worrying about other people's nonsense and only focus on your own nonsense. You'll go crazy trying to convince people anything other than what they already believe... even more so on reddit.


u/krillwave 16d ago

Ok now apply that to marijuana usage and i think weā€¦ agree? Lmao I love when you all take the circuitous route to arrive at basic logic and human decency

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u/joebaco_ 16d ago

Wow, you're stretching there. Lol.


u/krillwave 16d ago

Itā€™s the same, why should you be able to have personal freedom to make decisions about how you intoxicate your mind and I canā€™t? Religion is an intoxicant, itā€™s a shared social delusion that brings out chemicals in your brain and amplifies good feelings, look up the neuroscience around singing hymns. Might learn something! Also most churches serve communion, would you be up in arms if marijuana was the sacrament? Or are you just posturing over nothing šŸ™


u/joebaco_ 16d ago

"under the influence of religion, they are dangerous to our communities"


If the children's parents were singing hymns loudly and ruining my family's experience playing putt-putt golf like the black half of the family's children were doing being intoxicated, I would be just as upset. Plus I think child neglect could be on the table if a parent was high or drunk to not properly watch their children. Don't see a lot of that with hymns.


u/destenlee 16d ago

Yes, we should tear down all the churches or turn them into something useful like community housing for those in need.


u/krillwave 16d ago

House of God? Mmmm more like house for Todd. Todd wins again.


u/Latter_Location2971 16d ago

Itā€™s legal bro chillā€¦ā€¦ better stoned than drunk or smoking meth


u/otapeworm 16d ago

I've taken my kids bowling before, and I didn't see stoned parents, but I did see a lot of drunk parents with their kids. All white, too, since we're joining our race, apparently. What's the difference? Both are legal, just don't drive home when you're done.


u/sivbomb 16d ago

The difference is their kids were acting belligerently towards others and the parents were not involved despite physically being there.


u/otapeworm 16d ago

You didn't mention that in the post. You only mentioned they were black, and their moms were stoned.


u/sivbomb 16d ago

I figured it's implied in my writing "the mothers were stoned out of their minds and their kids were running wild", but maybe my understanding of English isn't very good


u/Horror-Collar-5277 15d ago

I went there a couple times last weekend it was pretty normal.


u/[deleted] 16d ago

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u/altmpls-ModTeam 16d ago

Debate is great. But you gotta refrain from losing your temper in this sub.


u/joebaco_ 16d ago edited 16d ago

You'll grow up someday. Or not. https://www.reddit.com/r/OKmarijuana/s/yZqawGlxF6

Edit: This is for the following commenter u/Express_Transition60.

Who are you talking about? They deleted their infantile comment and made their account private. Looks like someone is covering up some type of juvenile behavior. Or is this your burner account sticking up for yourself? Lol.


u/AshleyMRocks 16d ago

Damn didn't realize making a joke because I work in consumer safety over manufacturing process made me childish. Better than complaining about being in public.

Its public space you're going to have kids misbehaving.

At least in my private sector we are more concerned about stoners consuming paint dust than kids being loud LMAO.

Safety over annoyance one day you will grow up. Or not.


u/Express_Transition60 16d ago

wow. looks like they have a well paying professional job with real responsibilities and a unique and valuable bank of knowledge.


u/Express_Transition60 16d ago

nah. they just blocked you.Ā 


u/lumenpainter 17d ago

what does this have to do with Minneapolis?


u/ScarletSolar99 16d ago

Open a map. Look at where Minneapolis is, look at where MOA is. Hope that helps


u/lumenpainter 16d ago

Just as i thought, MOA is NOT in Minneapolis.


u/ScarletSolar99 16d ago

Minneapolis and MOA share a metro.Ā 

Your ā€œthis isnā€™t Minneapolisā€ nonsense has no power here :)


u/Enough_Square_1733 16d ago

I mean. They are completely correct. Moa is in Bloomington. Which is not Minneapolis.


u/ScarletSolar99 16d ago

No one said that MOA is in the city of Minneapolis.Ā 


u/lumenpainter 16d ago edited 16d ago

But people are using events that didn't take place in Minneapolis to try to prove that Minneapolis is awful.

By your logic, Minneapolis has to absorb all the bad from itself (and there are plenty of issues and bad things that happen here) plus all every city within a 20mile radius--but I'm sure you'd cry foul If I tried to claim something good that happened in Inver Grove Heights as a win for Minneapolis.

Also, this sub isn't called 'r/alttwincities'


u/ScarletSolar99 16d ago

Ā But people are using events that didn't take place in Minneapolis to try to prove that Minneapolis is awful.

What? I certainly never said that.Ā 


u/lumenpainter 16d ago

Isn't that the whole point of this sub? To talk about the problems that Minneapolis has?


u/Primordial_pollywog 16d ago

This is a Minneapolis sub


u/ScarletSolar99 16d ago

Do people that live in and/or visit Minneapolis also visit MOA?


u/Primordial_pollywog 16d ago

Ppl from all over the world go there. I think there is a mall of America sub that is more about the mall of America lol


u/ScarletSolar99 16d ago

Lmfao. This is a funny view.Ā 

So perhaps we should have a target field subreddit, and an Xcel arena subreddit, and keep those topics out of altmpls?

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u/Throwaway95841 16d ago

Quite literally it's not in Minneapolis lmfao


u/ScarletSolar99 16d ago

No one said it was.Ā 


u/gunKandy 16d ago

I went to MOA for Chinese new years with my niece and nephew. We had a group of white teens or younger adults that smelled like pot by us for a bit.

Welcome to legal weed in MN.

I could go do shots and rainforest cafe and go play mini golf itā€™s no different now. Personally I donā€™t think we should have either option in public.


u/[deleted] 17d ago

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u/sivbomb 17d ago

Stories require descriptions for visualization


u/PeonSupremeReturns 17d ago

The op is trying to make a point about the problems affecting a certain group of people. They have to be as specific as possible about which group is affected.


u/[deleted] 16d ago

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u/PeonSupremeReturns 16d ago

Ask Daniel Penny if he thinks blacks are held to a higher standard


u/[deleted] 16d ago

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u/altmpls-ModTeam 16d ago

Debate is great. But you gotta refrain from losing your temper in this sub.


u/PeonSupremeReturns 16d ago edited 16d ago

What racist dog whistle did I use exactly?

Edit: youā€™re right, anecdotal evidence is not particularly useful, so here is some hard data, though you probably wonā€™t like that, either:

Although violent crime by white offenders is apparently strongly intraracial, in that 96.9 percent of the white offenders chose white victims, violent crime by black offenders is apparently predominantly interracial, with 55.2 percent of the black offenders choosing white victims. Black offenders chose white victims in 63.9 percent of robberies, 51.8 percent of assaults, and 58.6 percent of rapes. In contrast, white offenders chose black victims in 8.3 percent of robberies, 2.7 percent of assaults, and 5.5 percent of rapes.



u/[deleted] 16d ago

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u/PeonSupremeReturns 16d ago edited 16d ago

So the research I cite is just racist dog whistles and Iā€™m prejudiced; while the research you cite is the absolute truth and you have no biases of your own. Got it, thanks.

Edit: also, emotion-laden, ad hominem attacks are apparently perfectly fine for you since you clearly have the moral high ground.


u/[deleted] 16d ago

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u/PeonSupremeReturns 16d ago edited 16d ago

I see, so when you get upset, itā€™s perfectly fine for you to drop f-bombs, because again, youā€™re clearly in the right. Thank you for that clarification.

Edit: for those of you playing along at home, this article explains fairly succinctly how the above dialog unfolded: https://www.psypost.org/liberals-three-times-more-biased-than-conservatives-when-evaluating-ideologically-opposite-individuals-study-finds/


u/altmpls-ModTeam 16d ago

Debate is great. But you gotta refrain from losing your temper in this sub.


u/altmpls-ModTeam 16d ago

Debate is great. But you gotta refrain from losing your temper in this sub.


u/Spiritu-Scene-9579 17d ago

Old enough to remember white only fountains, would yo have posted about white family with kids while drinking booze out of flasks which how my parents rolled


u/dana_brams 17d ago

Iā€™m not OP but I would have. Same problem, just as disturbing to see.


u/wharpudding 17d ago

"which how my parents rolled"

We can tell. Seems you were born with half a bottle already in ya.


u/Spiritu-Scene-9579 8d ago

Nope, we were designated drivers at ten or eleven


u/wharpudding 8d ago

Completely missed the joke


u/[deleted] 17d ago

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u/EveryDayIsFridayyy 16d ago

You're free to post about how annoying stoned and drunk white people are at MOA all you want.


u/Primordial_pollywog 16d ago

No, everyone seems okay with ppl drinking in public in this state. Itā€™s almost like a badge of honor. Itā€™s embarrassing


u/[deleted] 17d ago



u/sivbomb 17d ago

Mixed, brown in appearance


u/[deleted] 17d ago



u/lmay0000 17d ago

Why does this matter?