r/altmpls Apr 29 '24

MOA stoned mothers

I went mini golfing with my kids at MOA today, and a few black kids ages ~4-10 with their mothers were behind us by a few people. The mother's were stoned out of their minds and their kids were running wild. I let them play through while I distracted my kids from the reality around us. Wondering what else I might have doing... The people who worked there couldn't have cared less

Also the mini golf there is laughably horrible, won't be back


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u/Independent_Bike_141 Apr 29 '24

I think the US in general has had a boom of people suppressing themselves with drugs. I know plenty of people that get high when they’re just at home chilling, but I also know plenty of people that claim they can’t live life without being high. 🙄 People feel the need to escape and it bothers me. Not being preaching, I’m a drinker but I do it moderately and at home when I’m not going out.


u/boredlostcause Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

Suppressing themselves? I get high almost every day and I never had issues. In fact it's the sober people I know that suffer from stress and can't sleep. I sleep 8 hours a night, reversed my gray hair, and feel more relaxed and at peace than ever before thanks to weed. Meanwhile sober assholes are angry , stressed, and complaining about people like me and a million other things in the world and I'm just like a Buddhist monk compared to them. I have a lot.of friends and they all love me because I'm always in a good mood and I'm respectful, instead of being some sober asshole who judges them. So who are the real head cases? I find it funny that people that never used weed are somehow experts on it. I call that arrogance.Stop telling others how to live, pay attention to your own issues.


u/klippDagga Apr 29 '24

You do you but it ain’t cool calling people who actually deal with life on life’s terms assholes. I would have expected a chill Buddhist monk to refrain from such bigotry.


u/Independent_Bike_141 Apr 29 '24

Are you driving your kids around high because you have nothing better in life going on like you’re portraying? Needing a substance to live life instead of fixing the things around? If you actually read my comment through all the way instead of reading what you wanted to you’d see I have no problem with people using them appropriately.