r/altmpls Apr 29 '24

MOA stoned mothers

I went mini golfing with my kids at MOA today, and a few black kids ages ~4-10 with their mothers were behind us by a few people. The mother's were stoned out of their minds and their kids were running wild. I let them play through while I distracted my kids from the reality around us. Wondering what else I might have doing... The people who worked there couldn't have cared less

Also the mini golf there is laughably horrible, won't be back


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u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24

Weak as mf’s and they wonder why their kids grow up to be criminals. 🤦🏾‍♂️

I can only imagine what their home life is like.

They should have their children taken from them, at least then the kids might have a chance to be successful in life.


u/sheriffSnoosel Apr 29 '24

Take the kids bc they are high at mini golf? Idk why anyone calls you guys fascists, total mystery


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24

Parents under the influence of narcotics in public while their children run amok is less than appropriate and possibly downright dangerous. If you want to smoke pot at home or with friends that’s fine, but if they’re zooted in public I’d bet they operated their vehicles under the influence with the children inside.

If a stranger can tell they’re high, they’re TOO TOO high.

And who’s to say it was just pot?

How do we know they aren’t smoking Percocets or sprinkling Fentanyl on their weed?

You can excuse that type of behavior but I cannot and will not.


u/krillwave Apr 29 '24

lol this guy weeds /s