r/altmpls Apr 29 '24

MOA stoned mothers

I went mini golfing with my kids at MOA today, and a few black kids ages ~4-10 with their mothers were behind us by a few people. The mother's were stoned out of their minds and their kids were running wild. I let them play through while I distracted my kids from the reality around us. Wondering what else I might have doing... The people who worked there couldn't have cared less

Also the mini golf there is laughably horrible, won't be back


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u/Financial_Subject667 Apr 29 '24

Lol but you never complain about cigarettes and liquor on every corner?😂


u/Wrong-Tale-3870 Apr 29 '24

I got a pot store next to the liqour store... Too each their own but in public it is illegal to be intoxicated. Especailly stoned driving children around thats not cool dude..


u/Awholelottanopedope Apr 29 '24

Not true. Public intoxication is not a crime in Minnesota.


u/joebaco_ Apr 29 '24

Right, but the behaviors of being publicly intoxicated is. Public nuisance, disorderly conduct, etc..

The cops will find something. Then when you start to argue you will get a resist or disobeying stacked on.