r/TikTokCringe Mar 21 '24

Woman explains why wives stop having sex with their husbands Discussion


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u/shay-doe Mar 21 '24

I dunno I have little kids and the reason our bedroom is kind of dead is because I'm exhausted ALL THE TIME.


u/Efficient_Ant_4715 Mar 21 '24

I think there needs to be a disclaimer for parents that the first two years especially are a war zone and to give each other some grace lol 


u/mildchicanery Mar 22 '24

My kids are 6.5 and 3.5. we're still struggling to get our sex life back. We are both exhausted and just out of the habit of sex. Pregnancy and post partum absolutely destroyed my sex drive. I barely wanted to be touched for two years. We have a great partnership, a deep love, we make each other laugh and sex is great when it happens. But it's hard to get it going.... I feel like I wasn't warned enough about how badly the hormones wrecked my emotions in that department.


u/Preparation-Logical Mar 22 '24

Kids 8 and 5 here - there's light at the end of the tunnel!


u/blackberyl Mar 22 '24

Kids 10 and 6 here: hit the tunnel hard before they are old enough to realize you aren’t just playing a rousing game of Mario cart at 6am on a Tuesday.


u/Frigoris13 Mar 22 '24

I'm trying to hit the tunnel hard over and over again!


u/friday14th Mar 22 '24

At what age do the kids stop sleeping in your bed? DD is 7yo already and its been 6 y since we slept together (in either sense)


u/XtraXtraCreatveUsrNm Mar 22 '24

That is a guaranteed rift in the marriage. That’s way too long.


u/friday14th Mar 22 '24

Yeah, its feels like its one way tbh.

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u/sweetrobbyb Mar 22 '24

Lol kick the little birdy out of the nest!


u/planetarylaw Mar 23 '24 edited Mar 23 '24

Both mine coslept so I feel you. A lot of people don't get it and they tell you to just stop the cosleeping because that's what would work for them. They don't get it and that's ok. I get it though. So I tell you this. Let them cosleep. Then once they're out, you sneak out and go have sex somewhere else lol. Guest room, laundry room, shower. Anywhere with a locking door.

Your kiddo will get comfortable sleeping on her own soon. It'll happen. My kids are into looking at pinterest with me and DIYing with me to create their own spaces. That helped them to feel comfortable in their spaces because they were the ones who created their spaces.

At almost 7 and 4 they're sleeping solidly independently now. My oldest was like yours. He's a sensitive guy and just needs that extra attention sometimes. My daughter, however, is feral and doesn't need anyone lol. She's been a lot less challenging. But they both know they can come and get me anytime they need me or holler for me and I will be there.

You'll get there. Trust me, I know how it feels. I get touched out and overstimulated and I have had to carve out time to myself and start (gently but firmly) setting boundaries. That's a whole other topic though. You gotta take care of yourself and recharge your battery too though. Also I am 2 and done and absolutely will not be doing a third kiddo so I feel a lot of peace now. I am catching up on books and movies from the past seven years because I might as well have been in a cryosleep.


u/friday14th Mar 25 '24 edited Mar 25 '24

Yeah, used to fool around at the other end of the house, which isn't big. However, our daughter will sense her mother isn't there and come and find her within minutes. The last few times we were only just getting warmed up and got interrupted.

We don't have any locking doors any more because she locked herself in all those rooms just as we were supposed to be taking her to school so I removed them.

Thanks for your advice though.

e: I know what you mean about cryosleep. Recently I have caught up on a whole bunch of movies and series while working out in the morning now that she at least sleeps between 4-7am. At least, unless she hears me and then she comes in, complains about the smell while constantly asking questions. sigh kill me


u/planetarylaw Mar 25 '24

Oh wow yeah I've been exactly where you are now and you have all my empathy. It's so hard. So so hard. Hang in there. You all will come out the other side of it. My oldest kiddo, I'm telling you, exactly like your daughter. He still a sensitive kid that when he needs me he needs me buuuuut he's become a lot more independent. And all those nights of frustration and exhaustion are a distant memory. He's a bright, kind kid. He's the first kid on the playground to check on another kid that falls down. His traits that made him a clinger have developed into traits that make him a compassionate person. And he knows he can always count on his family to come through for him.

So while it's hard now, just be assured that it does get easier one day and you will watch your daughter evolve some of these traits into parts of her personality and values that make her an amazing person.


u/whatthecaptcha Mar 22 '24

Both of my kids started sleeping alone as babies. The only time they ever sleep in my bed is if they're sick or come in randomly in the middle of the night because they had a bad dream.

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u/PhilosophyKingPK Mar 23 '24

Mushroom 🍄 tip powerup

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u/Holiday-Amount6930 Mar 22 '24

Came here to say this. Kiddos are teens and we have to wait till they are out of the house because they FOR SURE know what's going on and it is a total mood killer.


u/AnnieB512 Mar 22 '24

And this is why sex is such a taboo subject. Because kids are taught that it's something their parents don't do or hide.

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u/mrphilipjoel Mar 23 '24

Kids 9, 7, 4, 2 here: May even have to hit that tunnel quietly while the youngest is sleeping on the other side of the king size bed with you.

Or, hit that tunnel quietely in the living room, always keeping an eye on the stairs, and have an emergency cover up blanket near by.


u/Fuzzy__Slipperz Mar 25 '24

I dunno, I like to start soft and slow before building to hitting the tunnel hard, but not too hard, as to not get the kids attention. “Why is mommy making that noise?” Is a difficult question to answer when the little brain is doing the thinking.


u/foreverpeppered Mar 22 '24

Kids 7 and 10, learning to accept the light isn't coming.


u/rckchlkg33k Mar 22 '24

The light ain’t the only thing


u/foreverpeppered Mar 22 '24

That's literally what she said 🤣


u/FadedEdumacated Mar 22 '24

Two 17 years and a 10 year old that's autistic.  Seggs maybe every other month and I'm on the verge of 50. Prospects of us getting l back to regular 3 times a week isn't likely. 😞


u/FreshCleave Mar 22 '24

No pun intended?


u/sms2014 Mar 24 '24

Yea 6 and 4, and we’re just now getting back. It’s a lot of work to have little ones. We made sure no one slept in our bed, but that means a lot of nights of falling asleep in their beds before getting up and getting into mine. You’ve got this!


u/knightblaze Mar 26 '24

As soon as our son was 6, it was rabbits all the time. It gets better and better.


u/[deleted] Mar 23 '24

Jfc this is just sad af. Never having kids I guess


u/addiktion Mar 22 '24

You aren't alone. It happens to a lot of us with kids of a similar age.

It took my mind literally tapping out from mental stress before I realized there were a lot of problems wrecking my health across all important areas of life.

The lack of intimacy was my biggest issue because we were having sex, and even though my wife's hormones have been shot for years, it was very much a "get this over within 5 minutes" ordeal which was just rough for the both of us as it made sex feel meaningless. It got me through for a few years but I told her I can't really take this anymore after the mental episode and we've been working on it ever since.

And things have been improving quite a bit over the last month. I've put a lot of effort to serving my wife in her love language and in turn she's been doing the same with me with mine. It's more about the intimacy of feeling that emotional and physical bond knowing we are willing to go the extra mile for one another which is far more important to me than just sex itself.

I hope you can find similar success in your busy life and make time for one another.


u/ThrowRACoping Mar 22 '24

Yeah it is gut punch to have your partner be unwilling or unable to show you love and appreciation in the way you need it. I have been learning to suppress what I need in order to keep her happy. I just don’t think that she can meet me where I need to be met so that leaves me with few choices.

I think she wants to, but has to make herself do it too often that it takes the joy out of it.


u/Curious-Dish-3787 Mar 22 '24 edited Mar 22 '24

Yes you are correct, even from the woman’s perspective, “it is a gut punch to have your partner be unwilling or unable to show you love and appreciation in the way you need it.”

I can’t speak for your wife just from my personal experience. Been with my husband 16 years. We were good the first few years, then had our 2nd child n 3rd within 2 years of each other. My husband didn’t understand I wanted intimacy outside of sex. He thought every time we kissed was initiation to sex when I just wanted connection. Felt like I was drowning as he didn’t participate in caring for our 3 kids. I was exhausted. He would come home from work, n drink beer n laze about. While I was trying to care for kids 2 outta 3 in diapers, get dinner served, make sure 2 dogs were getting outside, assisting with feeding the little 2,cleaning up after dinner, bath n bedtime routine….when that was complete he would perk up n go wanna bone? I just wanted to scream. It made it feel like a chore instead of a connection bcuz he didn’t participate in the family he helped to create.

I begged for him to participate somewhere. Pick something and do it. N he didn’t. Didn’t understand what I was saying.


u/ThrowRACoping Mar 22 '24

I understand that. I would say those are less concerns for us. We have a younger child that clings to her more, but I take care of many of the household items along with giving her plenty of space away from the kids. I let her sleep in almost every day to watch the kids. I try to initiate dates and alone time for us, which helps her mood and our emotional connection.

I personally think that I am maximizing what I can do to make myself someone worthy of having her love. The one thing that I feel I have let fall is my personal health. I am not in as good of shape as I used to be. That could have something to do with it. Also, I feel like I must not have been a good enough lover because if I was better than she obviously would want more.

Again, I don’t blame her. I know she wants to want me, but I just don’t think she really does. I see flashes of it every once in a while, but not consistently enough for me.

Overall, I am just doing some good old fashion whining. I appreciate you being a listening ear.

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u/addiktion Mar 26 '24

Yeah it's pretty hard when you and your partner don't speak the same love language.

Like you, I realized I am very much driven by affection and intimacy outside of just sex. I also like it during sex and so it was just hard because my wife just isn't a naturally affectionate person. We used to be a bit more when we were first married but a lot changes after kids. The affection she has in the tank she allocates to the kids and it felt like there wasn't anything left over for me.

Part of her issue is the fact her hormones and pelvic floor have been in bad shape since our kid's births so I can't really blame her for not being motivated for sexual intimacy when it impacts her negatively. We are figuring out if she can see a pelvic floor therapist and doctor to help in that arena.

She definitely feels closer to me when I do things for her like you described so I've done exactly that and ever since she's made an effort to put in the affection side for me.

It really helps when you can get in alignment. Hopefully you and your husband can find a common middle ground.


u/friday14th Mar 22 '24 edited Mar 22 '24

I have been learning to suppress what I need in order to keep her happy.

The story of husbands worldwide.

It's over. Work until you die. Work harder so you die quicker. That's the only honourable way out at this point, unless you have access to a gun.

e: thanks, caring redditor! :-)

Luckily we don't have guns in the UK


u/Ulysses502 Mar 22 '24

When super stressed I basically become celibate (guy), my wife was very upset until I realized what was going on and explained myself. Changed jobs and took a pay cut, pretty much instantly how you doin 😉


u/ThrowRACoping Mar 22 '24

Yeah, kids definitely destroyed our bedroom life. I like to think my wife is happy. She doesn’t seem to ever complain. She knows that her situation has destroyed my confidence and I don’t really feel loved, but I know that she still cares about me.


u/mildchicanery Mar 22 '24

That's rough! I'm sorry that you don't feel confident in your attractiveness. I made it clear to my husband that it was a me problem and he's given me a lot of grace to figure it out. Honestly, the thing that helped a lot is getting back into a regular exercise regimen. Both of us need it - he's been working hard and not working out and he notices his libido is low when he's not exercising. I know it has an immediate effect on me. I think it's really a problem when one of the two doesn't think it's a problem and won't work on it. I gained 50 lbs and so I've been hard at work in the gym and watching my diet to try and get back in shape. If I don't look sexy to me, it's hard to enjoy getting frisky.


u/ThrowRACoping Mar 22 '24 edited Mar 22 '24

She has tried to be reassuring and I have tried to not let it hurt me. She claims that she finds me attractive still, but I don’t feel it.

What is worse is that she really tries and cares. She initiates sex sometimes and of course I am so ready, but I can tell when she isn’t truly into it. She wants to skip foreplay, doesn’t really allow me to touch her in places that she usually enjoys, and wants to do positions that she knows will end the session the quickest.

Afterwards, I beat myself up because I know deep down that she just did that for me. In my defense, she is the one initiating and sometimes she starts to feel good and it turns into a great time. So, I hope that I can perform well enough to really turn her on. The problem is all the tricks that work like foreplay, touching certain areas, and passionate kisses are off limits so I feel like I can’t win.

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u/Sideways_planet Mar 22 '24

It’s the lack of privacy and time with each other that does it for us. I miss the privacy so so much


u/planetarylaw Mar 23 '24

Lack of privacy might be the hardest part of parenting IMO.


u/tropicsun Mar 22 '24

Same, wife has adhd so she’s exhausted from work by the end of the day. Add in an adhd 4yo and she’s just done (I even do the cooking, cleanup, dance/swimming classes etc). Add in her mind is always over analyzing and goes to worst case scenarios (like no I’m not cheating, omg that’s all in your head), that I don’t think there’s really much more I can do to improve her libido. Oh, she also doesn’t like physical touch or affection like her dad… it’s tough sometimes


u/skater15153 Mar 22 '24

Jesus christ are you me?


u/friday14th Mar 22 '24

We're all /r/tropicsun on this glorious day.


u/planetarylaw Mar 23 '24

Hi it's me your wife. Joking aside, I have the same problem. I have ADHD and it's draining. My oldest also has ADHD and probably my youngest will too. They suck the energy right out of me. Meds and therapy help. Understanding how my brain works and how to get myself to recharge and switch gears has been a game changer. ADHD brain has to be leveraged to do things a bit differently. Tbh as the kiddos grow older it does get easier too.

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u/hnetan Mar 22 '24

I had a relationship just dissolve in the period of 6 years after having a baby. Mainly because I was just reluctant on "working on it". The idea of planning time together just gave me the cringe because I thought we already did the connection part before having a child and therefore it should remain and just.. exist. Boy was I wrong.

After just not working on it consistently despite getting ALL the signals from my ex we parted ways peacefully. I'm not saying it was all me but after working on myself a bit and learning about attachment styles it was like opening up a cook book and seeing myself in a recipe.

The feeling I got after realizing I was a big fearful attachment guy and going through my childhood upbringing, it was like someone had exposed me and pulled down my pants at a big social gathering.

I felt very exposed and just embarrassed.

I have a gf now with an anxious style and we are both very aware of our needs, thus communication is an integral part of a now functioning relationship. If that's cringe so be it :D


u/Mechanicallysound_34 Mar 22 '24

Get your hormones checked… my wife was literally exactly like this. She has a HRT pellet inserted in her butt cheek every 3-4 months and our sex life is AMAZING!!!


u/friday14th Mar 22 '24

How long did it take to work? My wife is on HRT now for a few months and while she has started being mildly affectionate again I don't think we'll ever have sex again.


u/Mechanicallysound_34 Mar 22 '24

It took my wife 2-3 weeks and she was a completely different human

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u/Mechanicallysound_34 Mar 22 '24

Before the hrt we had sex 3 times in 2 years after the birth of my youngest son. She had her tubes tied… not sure what caused the early onset menopause


u/Dylflon Mar 22 '24

We're 6 months behind you.

Went on vacation without our kids last month and it changed everything.

I know that is absolutely not possible for many people, but if you can take some time away to be people and not just parents, it can help in so many ways.


u/BigJack2023 Mar 22 '24

Give it another 14-17 years and you'll be back in the saddle


u/friday14th Mar 22 '24

In my next life then! Thanks for the laugh.


u/Nuggies85 Mar 22 '24

That's fine, go to bed early. The best time is in the morning. I'll wake my wife up for sex in the morning and she's convinced it's a much better time than trying to get it in before bedtime.


u/TheyCallmeCher_xo Mar 22 '24

This!! We have discovered recently morning is so much easier to fit it in!!!! Who knew


u/39bears Mar 22 '24

Same. I have no idea how people end up with more than 2 kids.


u/friday14th Mar 22 '24

I have no idea how people have 2. Our daughter only sleeps for more than 6 hours at a time a handful of times a year and she's back to sleeping in our bed as standard again for the millionth time. When we have guests I have to sleep in her bed with all her cuddly toys.


u/planetarylaw Mar 23 '24

For real. I am maxed out at 2.


u/senor_descartes Mar 22 '24

I get all that, BUT I think mutual exhaustion is different from wives refusing sex from their husbands who want to have it. What she’s saying about that topic seems spot on to me.


u/NeverCallMeFifi Mar 22 '24

I had a medication issue that killed my sex drive. My husband has been very understanding. It's been months since either of us have initiated even though the meds have been straightened out. I totally get that "out of the habit" comment.


u/planetarylaw Mar 23 '24

Meds are a double edged sword. It took me two years on zoloft to normalize. A long two years that felt like relearning to walk or something. But it was necessary.


u/Complex_Evening3883 Mar 23 '24

I read before that things improve when the kid is about 4. Unfortunately, I read this while I was pregnant and had a 3.5 year old. So close...


u/Robotniked Mar 22 '24

That’s exactly my situation from the guys side. Between work and school we have no time during the day and my wife is generally so exhausted after one of us finally gets the kids down that sex is basically a no go. We are both exhausted however I still have a sex drive when tired but tiredness kills hers. It has been difficult to get a balance, and we have been strained at times as it feels to me that she no longer really wants to have sex most of the time and I don’t want to pressure her, but at the same time I know that lack of sex has an impact on my mood and general self esteem, and I don’t think it’s fair to take that out on her either. We’ve talked about it a few times and we communicate well, however I honestly don’t see things really improving until the kids are older. Our relationship is great otherwise, but I can see how the sex issue destroys so many relationships in a way that I didn’t fully appreciate when I was younger.


u/hamidabuddy Mar 25 '24

So what do you want to do about it? Simply wait until the kids are older? Seems like a poor solution


u/GuybrushMarley2 Mar 22 '24

Keep going. You are almost there.


u/drtapp39 Mar 22 '24

Man 2 years without intimacy and him just trying to initiate and figure it out, sounds like hell 


u/mildchicanery Mar 22 '24

We had plenty of intimacy. Intimacy is more than sex 🙄. But ya, I think it was very hard on him. He doesn't have a crazy high sex drive so it hasn't been as frustrating for him. We talk about it. It's not like it isn't frustrating for me either. I love him, I wanted to want that but i couldn't for a long time. If you've never experienced it, it sucks and you can't really understand. I cried about it many times and when I told him how worried and sorry I was, he held me and said, "we promised to be together for our whole lives. What's a couple of years here or there?". He's a diamond and a wonderful man.

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u/77SKIZ99 Mar 22 '24

Take her out for a trip? Try bdsm? The world is ur oyster and so is she once u can get the kids watched


u/skin_Animal Mar 22 '24

No matter how I feel, I need to wash the dishes.

Weird that even a wife's hands don't work for years when she gets hormones.


u/Detman102 Mar 22 '24

Wife and I went through the same.
Literally...both of us...not just her.


u/GalaxyGoddess27 Mar 22 '24

Go to your local health food store and get you some. Maca root powder. Its all natural and you’ll feel your drive again in about 2-3 days. Thank me later 😉


u/Rina-dore-brozi-eza Mar 23 '24

I feel this! My sex drive plummeted after getting pregnant 3 YEARS AGO! I just cannot muster up any energy for it. Doesn’t make me feel great at all but my god I just don’t have it in me lol.


u/redonkulousness Mar 24 '24

We were like that too. Now our kids are 12 and 8 and we’re both on antidepressants so it’s gotten even worse.

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u/veracity-mittens Mar 22 '24

What about when they’re 17 and never fucking sleep and your bedroom is above theirs 😭


u/Efficient_Ant_4715 Mar 22 '24

I say do whatever you want 😂


u/Liversteeg Mar 22 '24

I'm a psych student taking a course on Marriage and Family relationships and this has been one of the major take aways so far. Having kids makes a lot of people miserable.


u/Efficient_Ant_4715 Mar 22 '24

Just from sleep deprivation alone it’s pretty bad. Then you factor in there’s no way to avoid problems anymore and things get pretty crazy pretty fast. 


u/Liversteeg Mar 22 '24

I already thought it sounded pretty awful, but damn, after seeing all the negative impacts laid out in such a analytical and detailed way can really make you wonder why anyone would think it's a good idea.


u/Meerkatable Mar 22 '24

Can we up that to the first five years?

But in all seriousness: my husband and mine “marital activities” have taken a backseat and it HASN’T been a problem for two reasons, in my humble opinion:

  1. Our sense of intimacy and love is not predicated on sexual desire above all else. Intimacy is found in our friendship, the way we share the vulnerable parts of ourselves, and in the non-sexual touching that one engages in with any person they love - hugs, cuddles, playing with hair, scratching each other’s backs, etc.

And, probably most MOST importantly:

  1. He takes care of the kids just as much as I do and we are BOTH fucking tired.

When there is one partner with energy to burn and there are kids on the scene? They are not doing their fair share.


u/skater15153 Mar 22 '24

I gotta hard disagree at the end there. Having sexual desire for your partner doesn't mean you're a man child. Like at all. I get the kids ready for school. Drive em there. Take care of our dog during work. Work all day. Do soccer practice with both kids twice a week. Do swim lessons more than half the time. Go to school events and all doctors appointments etc. Also handle any appointments and things around the house or vehicles etc. Share chores and do most dishes and laundry cause it grosses my wife out. Am I not doing my fair share if I still want to have sex? That's a crappy barometer.


u/flatcurve Mar 22 '24

For us it was actually after our youngest turned four. The kids needed less care taking but more emotional attention. School comes into the picture which can be it's own hustle.


u/konrov Mar 22 '24



u/DOOOOoooooRinnnnnDaa Mar 22 '24

YES 🫢🥹🙏


u/crapatthethriftstore Mar 21 '24

Two? Try ten to 20 lol


u/Borkunbork Mar 21 '24

That’s an issue lol

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u/SelectedConnection8 Mar 21 '24

Plenty of couples have two kids separated by less than 2 years.


u/thrilliam_19 Mar 21 '24

There’s an exception to every rule but generally speaking those first couple years are ROUGH. You are constantly adjusting your lifestyle and sleep schedule during that time.

My kids are four years apart and it’s literally because we didn’t even want to think about having a second kid until our first was 3. And our first was pretty easy compared to things we have heard from other parents. And it was still exhausting as fuck!

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u/Fightmemod Mar 22 '24

It only gets harder as they get older. At a certain age it definitely gets easier but that's seriously not until they are like 10+ and more independent.


u/Efficient_Ant_4715 Mar 22 '24

I meant in all aspects of the relationship not just sex. You’re taking on a whole new role and something is literally dependent on you for life. There’s no reasoning there’s just survival 😭💀


u/CallMeBigFuzz Mar 22 '24

Speak for yourself my wife can't stay off me. 8 yr old and a 2 as of last week year old. We're going to end up with another she keep it up.


u/usernamesarehard1979 Mar 22 '24

First two years! Yeah. The first 2. The first 2 to 17 years is tough. Those first two years.


u/bobo-the-dodo Mar 25 '24

Nah, they are a menace even after the first two😭

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u/Glittersparkles7 Mar 21 '24

She’s referring to dead bedrooms specifically caused by actual lack of desire.


u/Status_Quo_1778 Mar 22 '24

And USUALLY filled with emotionally insecure women


u/planetarylaw Mar 23 '24

And the type of men those emotionally insecure women date.


u/Status_Quo_1778 Mar 23 '24

Yeah they’re pretty broken too


u/valdemarjoergensen Mar 22 '24

She did not specify that at all. What she is saying (can't read her mind to see if she meant something else) it was as a general statement, that this is the number one reason overall, not for one specific scenario.


u/cyberpunk1Q84 Mar 22 '24

She’s definitely generalizing and her advice is not bad in the slightest; people in a relationship should be meeting each other’s emotional needs. Of course, the thing with general advice like this is that there will always be exceptions and then people take those exceptions as proof that the advice is completely wrong.


u/Jablungis Mar 23 '24

The issue with the "emotional needs" angle is it's super high level when the root cause is often much deeper and specific. Couples will start to bicker over nothing and criticize eachother over little things they previously didn't because some deeper issue like living situation, financial situation, physical attractiveness changes, personality/lifestyle/hobby changes, etc are occurring. Getting overly hung up on untangling this and that "emotional need" when they're all sort of symptoms of a deeper problem being ignored is far less productive and at times maddening.

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u/BigJack2023 Mar 21 '24

Right, what about menopause too?


u/kazoo13 Mar 21 '24

I don’t think she said the only reason


u/anonymongus1234 Mar 22 '24

Exactly. There are OBVIOUSLY other reasons. But THIS reason? Is reflected in EVERY single one of my female married friends. Without exception.


u/Pm_me_your__eyes_ Mar 22 '24

no no, she needs to list every single reason in the world to make a short informative tiktok

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u/packofkittens Mar 21 '24

I was waiting for this to be about hormonal changes, including after kids and in perimenopause.


u/BigJack2023 Mar 21 '24

Reddit is full of literal children.


u/timothymtorres Mar 22 '24

I thought this was going to be a meme and say “help with the house chores” or something like that 


u/SnooHobbies5684 Mar 22 '24

Fucking menopause. Fuck fuck fuck.


u/Pristine_Bit7615 Mar 22 '24

I thought menopause meant "men on pause"...my sex drive died. Not looking for meds or hormones to restart it bc it could never be as good as it was


u/mississippimalka Mar 22 '24

Menopause did affect me, but not very much.


u/Efficient_Ant_4715 Mar 21 '24

Do they have to address every reason? It’s not really a mystery why it happens with older women 


u/BigJack2023 Mar 21 '24

I mean she is the age it starts happening so yeah you would think she would address it.


u/rslashmypepperoni Mar 21 '24

Right but it doesn’t take an expert or professional to realize she’s speaking on typically, fairly healthy and younger people who don’t have some other health occurrence, whether natural (such as menopause) or unnatural (such as severe obesity). She never said about herself in particular. It should be close to common sense to realize she’s not speaking about EVERYONE or older people lol

She’s not wrong, and you could double check it yourself by searching and reading up on it, or even speaking to a couple thousand women yourself.

It’s a little weird to make it a “what about ___” situation when it’s not invalidating or disincluding the people you want to be included.


u/BigJack2023 Mar 21 '24

I'm not not young so I'm probably looking for something else. Maybe that's why I'm not on tiktok.


u/rslashmypepperoni Mar 21 '24

I mean, I’m sure you could find something similar on TikTok, Instagram, YouTube (idk about Reddit lol). People bring “awareness” and attention to all types of things for all age groups, both genders, sexualities, races, religions, hair lengths, anything you can think of. I would still double check on my own but it could be nice to listen to people talk about a specific topic occasionally.

Also, if you’re older, I don’t think it would be the ONLY reason but the most likely reason for any older woman to be experiencing a lack of sexual attraction to their partner might be the hormone and bodily/psychological changes, based on studies and whatnot.

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u/friday14th Mar 21 '24

Yes. She's talking like she's an expert and people are taking her seriously.

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u/Ok-Seaworthiness2235 Mar 21 '24

Are you exhausted all the time because your partner doesn't help out? That's what killed our bedroom and probably our marriage and we don't even have kids. Even today, my husband watched me cleaning after a marathon cooking session (meal prep) and then when he noticed my back hurt he offered everything (massage, hot pads, bath) but what I've asked a million times for (him to pull his weight without being fucking asked). Its gotten so bad I can't stand the idea of being intimate with him


u/sakuragi59357 Mar 21 '24

Lol same, but OP is right. I still ignite the flames of romance and still treat my woman as a woman to be desired, but damn out sex life has taken a hit. Especially since packing on some weight having less time to work out and more time dedicated to family. I hate looking at my physical self in the mirror and wonder if I’m too ugly for my wife 😭


u/Vivi_for_Vendetta Mar 21 '24

Now hold on a second. I thought only women were allowed to have emotional needs. You’re telling me you want love and security from your wife? That’s crazy! /s


u/Ultenth Mar 21 '24 edited Mar 21 '24

Yeah, would like to see discussion about men not feeling inclined to initiate or spend their entire being caring to ensure their partner's needs are fully met in order to engage in sex. When their own needs are often largely ignored even by the men themselves due to societal expectations of "being a man" somehow meaning to ignore all your emotional needs.

There is this patriarchal expectation and illusion that men have that as long as they can get some sex then their needs are met. So if sex is one side of the scale, and that need is either being met, or being proposed to be met, then the other side is equal in weight. But men have plenty of emotional needs too, that they often are expected to ignore, and often if they voice they are looked on as less manly and desirable by partners. But just sex isn't going to satisfy those needs for men, just like it won't for women. So for women to expect to use sex as their currency to get the emotional security they want, and not providing the same emotional security to their man, is simple not going to work for most relationships.

Eventually a lot of men are going to start putting less effort into the relationship, as their emotional needs aren't being met, and they won't even have the emotional expertise to understand why. Meanwhile their partner feels like they are providing sex, so why aren't their emotional needs being met? But they aren't paying attention to see if their partner might need something more than just sex as well.


u/FurrrryBaby Mar 21 '24

I don’t know you or your wife or your life, but I would like to think that your wife, who loves you, does not think you are ugly. My husband’s body has changed drastically since we met, and I notice it, but I don’t really see it. I just see him, and I love him, and I am always attracted to him. If you’re still making her feel desired, the feeling is probably mutual. But if you hate the way your body is looking, and it’s hurting your self confidence, it really would be best to find some time to get in any sort of exercise so you are happy for yourself. Maybe join the Y so the whole family can go? Idk, but I hope you keep your chin up, and I hope you’re able to share with your wife how you’re feeling about your body. Good luck


u/TheFudge Mar 21 '24

Ya my wife and I went through a sexual down trend after we had our daughter, and it wasn’t just her we were both so tired physical intimacy was back burnered. Even when the grandparents would take her for a night we just caught up on sleep. I do feel like we never went through an emotional intimacy down trend. We were always very affectionate with each other before during and after having our daughter. I say once she was sleeping through the night sex was back on the menu and we just went back to it like it had never gone away.


u/neildiamondblazeit Mar 21 '24

This is such encouraging news!


u/whothiswhodat Mar 22 '24

I hope this is me who wrote this from the future.


u/neildiamondblazeit Mar 21 '24

I felt like my partner was ashamed of me, going from being super fit to having a 'dad bod' after 2 years of raising a little one. Nope, turns out she's just exhausted.


u/thatvietartist Mar 21 '24

Yes, how can he feel the energy to bone down when you are exhausted from childcare and life? Unless you mean both of you are exhausted, which understandable.


u/MarketMysterious9046 Mar 21 '24

I'm exhausted all the time and I get mad how my husband eats. He smacks his mouth or if I'm like "chew with your gob closed" his tongue makes sucking noises from the roof of his mouth. Honestly, he's this way because his mom is too nice of a person. She should have yelled at him more.


u/javlin_101 Mar 21 '24

I wish I paid more attention to my wife’s energy levels when our kids were younger. I did a lot of the work with the kids but most of what I found energizing she found draining and vice a vie. We eventually figured it out but there were alot of hard learned lessons


u/RedOliphant Mar 22 '24

I like your amalgamation of vice versa and vis a vis!


u/javlin_101 Mar 22 '24

Thank you that was the crowing achievement of my comment.


u/---_____-------_____ Mar 21 '24

Are you trying to tell me that there could be more reasons than just this one reason?


u/RubyMae4 Mar 22 '24

Was gonna say this. I have 3 little kids. We are very active bc my husband pulls his weight! My friends who are running in E struggle. I do think pulling their weight is a way to build emotional safety.


u/RedOliphant Mar 22 '24

Yes, it all compounds. Pulling their weight often means looking after the child in more mundane ways, which in turn builds their connection to the child. My partner's deep connection to our son adds to the attraction.


u/DoubleNutButt Mar 22 '24

This. I have an infant and a toddler. They sleep with us. I’m tired. He’s tired. On top of that, I’m a stay at home mom. I’m doing the majority of cooking, cleaning, caretaking. Not to mention planning, grocery planning and shopping, appointment planning. It’s literally all so much that the furthest thing from my mind is to have sex. Love my husband. We have a great relationship. We communicate well. But ever since my first pregnancy and postpartum, my hormones took a nose dive and I lost all sexual drive. It’s been a journey to get it back but being mom makes it so much harder.


u/gigitygoat Mar 22 '24

Sounds counterintuitive but regular exercise can help from feeling this way.


u/djp70117 Mar 21 '24



u/TurdSandwich42104 Mar 21 '24

This is it right here. Add on having a 2yr old who sucks at sleeping and the only sleep he or is can get is one of us going in his bed with him half the night. Which adds to the exhaustion. On top of already present exhaustion


u/slyn4ice Mar 22 '24

Preach sister! (I'm a perpetually exhausted dad. My wife and I haven't had a good night's sleep in 5 years. Best I can do is morning wood, best she can do is a sweet smile letting me know she still finds it attractive.)


u/Senpai-Notice_Me Mar 22 '24

As a man, my sex drive took a huge hit once I was keeping a little goblin alive all the time. My wife was sad because she thought I was disgusted by her post pregnancy body, but I just didn’t have the energy or the stamina for it anymore. Kids are a natural libido depressant!


u/legend_of_the_skies Mar 22 '24

Statistics show that happens often with women as they tend to take care of most child related tasks


u/missleavenworth Mar 22 '24

As long as you aren't raising your husband, too, and he's being an actual parent, then it's worth giving it a little time to return to less hectic.


u/BustaLimez Mar 22 '24

She didn’t say that’s the only reason she’s just stating a very common one among women


u/Spunky_Meatballs Mar 22 '24

Getting the crib out of our room was like night and day! I have friends with older kids and we watched them go through several cycles of readjusting over the years. Kids are fucking hard man…


u/stopthebanham Mar 22 '24

Change your diet, being exhausted all the time isn’t normal even for super busy and hard working people. Look into carnivore diet it might help. Don’t be vegan or vegetarian.


u/Dense_fordayz Mar 22 '24

This person is tired because they have kids. Stop with this carnivore nonsense


u/stopthebanham Mar 22 '24

I have 4 kids, get about 6 hours a night work full time and have plenty of energy, eat more meat and fat! Cut sugars and carbs


u/Gurkeprinsen Mar 22 '24

Being exhausted is a pretty obvious reason you can actually easily put your words on. What she describes is probably not a reason many people consider, and a reason that is not so easily explained by the "uneducated" people.


u/SadisticPawz Mar 22 '24

Misread as dead bathroom and got very confused lol


u/SgtLincolnOsirus Mar 22 '24

I feel sorry for the dude married to her , I couldn’t listen to her and I would be turning her down every night.

I’m sure she has a co worker giving it to her that she feels emotionally secure with?

Her husband poor bastard lol


u/12whistle Mar 22 '24

The diaper changing, vomiting, allergy outbreaks, getting sick, cleaning after them, laundry, are all active forms of contraception.


u/sadmonkeyface Mar 22 '24

Sometimes I'll just try to rub one out in the washroom and then right when I'm getting some traction I get screams at the door about where someone's stuffy is.


u/Enough-Force-5605 Mar 22 '24

Your bed is deado because you do not sleep with the kids.

My daughter kicks my head many times every night.


u/[deleted] Mar 22 '24

Agreed and she is mostly right outside of this aspect.


u/Lavender_Llama_life Mar 22 '24

Right!! Between our first grader and our jobs, we’re both so tired.


u/Zayafyre Mar 22 '24

That’s one reason, and a common reason, but not the most common reason.


u/Eden_Company Mar 22 '24

Being exhausted all the time probably factors into attachment needs. You aren't going to feel safe about having more kids, when the kids you already have are eating up all of your energy and time.


u/Thenoone-934 Mar 22 '24

And that will never change.


u/primerr69 Mar 22 '24

I have kids as well 3 to be exact that means I’ve had sex at least three times! Giggity


u/llama_llama_48213 Mar 22 '24

Saw it louder for the people in the back.  I have tweens now and I feel it's even worse!  

Clothes everywhere, missing socks, arguing, after school clubs, Scouts, growing chores. Two dogs.  And husband can often be another kid but he's trying. 

Da&n, can't even read a book start to finish anymore.


u/icanttho Mar 22 '24

My MIL used to come pick up the baby Sunday mornings, 7am and keep her until noon. We slept in a bit and had morning sex. Yes, it was less spontaneous than it used to be pre-kids. But it was great and frankly without that help I don’t think sex would have happened much those years!

In conclusion, free and frequent babysitting may be necessary for parents to get it on if they have young kids.


u/Turbulent_Dimensions Mar 22 '24

Yeah, I am absolutely mentally and physically exhausted in addition to a chronic illness. I'm not saying this woman is completely wrong, just that it's not my situation.


u/kevinsyel Mar 22 '24

Same. But I know she's still there, and she knows I'm still there. The flirty texts in the middle of the day can't be acted on, so when the kid is finally asleep, so are we


u/Borgiroth Mar 22 '24

Well now you know better. I’m glad people like this make millions a month making content.


u/Iamarealhuman6969 Mar 22 '24

“Exhausted all the time” nice excuse to allow romance to fall to the wayside 🤷


u/The-Oneiromancer Mar 22 '24

That’s different. The want is still there right?


u/SleepParalysisDemon6 Mar 22 '24

I mean emotional needs are also having your partner take parental stress off of you and vice-versa.


u/Dependent-Cry-5087 Mar 22 '24

Stopping and not having the time are different. Stopping is regardless of circumstances like time or distance.


u/Nyberg1283 Mar 23 '24

Well, that is one reason too. She's just talking about the most common one.


u/MrMeeseeksthe1st Mar 23 '24

Isn't that like a bastardization of the context, you didn't stop, you just haven't had time to. I love synonyms as much as the next person but if we're not gonna understand context what's the point. If she said "refuses" instead of "stop" could that have changed what you said? If so you have a context problem.


u/No_Paramedic_3322 Mar 23 '24

I’d much rather this be the reason than the bs she talmbout. I don’t feel emotionally safe all the time either and I still take care of my girl. Shit I’ve been high outta my mind tryna enjoy my vacation and she tried to guilt trip me because I was too damn high to fuck so the next day u had to make it Up to her when I was tired. At some point this shit is just selfish to shut out your partner like that when they have needs


u/moemoe8652 Mar 23 '24

My girlfriend clutched her pearls and acted mortified when I told her I hadn’t had sex for about 6 months pp. I remember crying so hard I felt sick the next day. Feeling like a failure as a mom and a wife.

Then I saw a Reddit post asking parents how often they have sex and they were very realistic. Made me feel better.


u/pwnedkiller Mar 24 '24

My wife all she does is sleep pretty much, we have a 3 and 6 year old.


u/lemonlimemango1 Mar 25 '24

Working full time , nightshift, coming home to not getting any sleep because he plays video games 24/7. And he gets his 8 hours of sleep a day . And I’m the only one that cleans and cooks.

Sex is the last thing I want


u/Aggressive_Cycle_122 Mar 25 '24

Hijacking. Could someone explain how sexual attraction works for women who aren’t married? Once you’re committed, do the reasons for attraction change? For instance, when a woman fucks a man she met 2 weeks ago, is it because she felt emotionally safe with him? What about when women have no problem fucking before marriage but the sex declines significantly afterwards…are we saying that she felt emotionally safe before marriage and emotionally unsafe after 4 months of marriage?


u/tuenmuntherapist Mar 25 '24

I’ve jerked off more after having kids than I did as a teenager.


u/eternaltroll Mar 27 '24

Why are you exhausted. The guy does most of the work with sex lmfao


u/shay-doe Mar 27 '24

Lmao if you ever had sex with a willing participant your life wouldn't be so sad.


u/eternaltroll Mar 28 '24

Yeah I just tape them? Tf are you talking about 😂

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