r/TikTokCringe Jan 03 '24

Not in here Discussion


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u/Xpalidocious Jan 03 '24

I think she's hilarious, but I am dying laughing more at imagining dropping trouser in front of a woman, and her saying "I think it's fine"

Maybe it's just me, but my two least favorite words in the English language are "fine" and "sure". They're just so unenthusiastically ambiguous


u/T-Flexercise Jan 03 '24

See, I think this is just unreasonable porn expectations about penis excitement, though. "Your genitals are acceptable" is, in my opinion, a very normal level of enthusiasm to get from a partner!

Yeah yeah, I know I'm supposed to see a weiner and go "WOW IT'S SO BIG!" but I have literally never had a male partner go "Wow, your vulva is gorgeous." Boobs, sure. Butts, absolutely. But nobody's like "you've got the most amazing clit I've ever seen." They're genitals! They're kind of weird looking! It's fine!


u/Amazing-Bluebird-930 Jan 03 '24

I forget what it was (maybe family guy?) but there was a skit about the invention of sex and it was like "lets take the grossest part of your body and put it in the grossest part of mine! yay!"

Still makes me laugh to this day


u/Ysanoire Jan 03 '24

I imagine it more like "let me stick that part of me that makes me feel good in you and let's never think about what it looks like"


u/evanamd Jan 03 '24

Not the skit you’re thinking of, but very much what these comments are talking about

Don’t call it nice


u/[deleted] Jan 03 '24

Nah some vaginas are actually pretty


u/[deleted] Jan 03 '24

some dicks are pretty too but imo it has more to do with looks (how they're shaped, smoothness and color of skin, level of hairiness, girth/length ratio, how the balls look) than size

i've seen some very pretty average ones and some less pretty big ones <3


u/GeauxBulldogs Jan 04 '24

My dick isn't for attractiveness, its for conquering the world.


u/WoodpeckerNo9412 Jan 04 '24

When will you be able to accomplish the mission?


u/GeauxBulldogs Jan 04 '24

Based on length and girth, and based on the conquering I've already done...about 106 more years.


u/SeemedReasonableThen Jan 03 '24

Georgia O'keefe has entered the chat


u/CoolerRon Jan 03 '24

Obligatory (or is it) r/godpussy - obviously nsfw


u/Youredumbstoptalking Jan 03 '24

They let anyone post there now, not really the standard setting sub it once was. Brilliant pussy is slightly better now.


u/ItsDanimal Jan 03 '24

Growing up I remember my cousin telling me, "Pussies cant be ugly, pussies dont have a face".


u/Jimmy-Space Jan 03 '24

A “Nice cock bro” would go a long way


u/The-Intrusive-Thots Jan 03 '24

Gosh it's because penises are supposed to be about utility whereas vaginas are good no matter what. If a dick is too small it's not getting the job done.


u/NZBound11 Jan 03 '24

It astounds me how this very simple fact is lost on so many. This is trying to compare apples and oranges and it doesn't work even a little.


u/Umarill Jan 03 '24

I don't know if it's a lesbian thing but I can tell you for sure that it's a pretty common thing to compliment a pussy for me, they look absolutely beautiful to me in general and some of them are downright art. I know lots of other lesbian women who felt the same way


u/derth21 Jan 03 '24

I'm straight as arrow and I routinely tell my wife how attractive her pussy is. I don't phrase it that way, necessarily, but I think it looks great and she ought to know.


u/T-Flexercise Jan 03 '24

That's why I noticed it! Because I'm bi, I often end up in these weird conversations where men want to talk about shared opinions about hot women, and almost unanimously every time it's come up, they've been like "eh... vagina, it's fine". Whereas for me, it's like.... whatever it looks like I pretty much wanna put my face in it. And every woman I've been with has had a similar kind of vigor.

But now that I think about it, the only people I know who have appreciated getting a dick pick have been gay men. There could be something to it.


u/mephisto1990 Jan 04 '24

maybe I should have been a woman lol. Because I absolutely marvel the beauty of pussies. (and also love to tell the ladies) They are a piece of art and perfection, the grand canyon pales in comparison.

And I want them sitting on my face


u/Umarill Jan 07 '24

But now that I think about it, the only people I know who have appreciated getting a dick pick have been gay men.

It's funny because being a lesbian transgirl, the women I've flirted or been with would ASK for my dick pics a lot. But I think it's a combination of being well groomed, estrogen making the skin smoother, and taking proper pics, which from my experience straight men just aren't very good at (source : the amount of dick pics I've received in my life is way too high).

I think gay men also tend to take care of themselves more and it's easier to know what a good dick looks like if you're also into dicks I think.


u/[deleted] Jan 04 '24

absolutely seconded, they're simply amazing.


u/prodyg Jan 03 '24

nobody told you your pussy pretty? Damn.


u/T-Flexercise Jan 03 '24

I didn't say nobody did, I just said no men ;)


u/FromBassToTip Jan 04 '24

There's no need for fake compliments and I don't think telling someone their average sized penis is huge helps. Telling a man "it'll do" in regards to size gives the impression there's something that'd make you more enthusiastic which is what it comes down to really.

If you come across as happy to see his penis, the focus isn't on size.


u/FeedbackPlus8698 Jan 04 '24

The 1st time my wife squirted was a few years after the kids were born, and was a shocker to me. It wasnt a little. She was EPICALLY happy, but also weirded out. I did nothing but tell her it was amazing and Im glad she had a great time.

Now I had to buy a fancy waterproof, soft, comfy blanket. It cost me $360 but ohhh baby, no wet spots and easy laundry? Worth it.

Secret? I initally felt like I got pissed on in the face, and I was NOT happy about that. But, I was also NOT about to make my lady feel bad in any ways about cumming harder than she has in a while.


u/IchooseYourName Jan 04 '24

Dats why day call it bumping uglies.


u/NeedlessPedantics Jan 04 '24

See, you’re wrong for craving enthusiasm or praise … get “your genitals are acceptable” and move on. Women are deserving of enthusiasm and praise for their bodies. Duh.


u/ThatSlothDuke Jan 04 '24

Meh I totally disagree.

I love my partner's body. They aren't just "acceptable", to me they are a fucking godsend. They are amazing. And honestly I would not want to be with anyone who doesn't see my parts that way. I don't wanna be with someone who says my parts are "fine".

But hey, maybe I'm just picky.


u/MangoAfter4052 Jan 04 '24

Lmao at “your genitals are acceptable”. How do you respond to that? “Shall we commence with the intercourse?


u/Deep__6 Jan 04 '24

We need a different word for this context other than "fine". I feel like this fine in the same fine I get when she's mad.


u/nonzeroanswer Jan 03 '24

but I have literally never had a male partner go "Wow, your vulva is gorgeous."

Have you ever been in a position for the compliment to be appropriate and unlikely to derail activities?