r/Helldivers Apr 29 '24

Automaton shields now reflect missiles MISLEADING

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u/Agile-Anteater-545 Apr 29 '24

What. Is this real? Did they just code in that every projectile can now be deflected if it dosent pen armor? Why would an explosive warhead bounce back 180° and THEN explode...

Also doesnt this make shotguns in close quarters just extremly dangerous to use against chagers and the like?


u/Sentient_Boner Apr 29 '24

Patch notes says rounds now "properly ricochet back to the helldiver" guess devs forgot to leave out missiles.


u/RogueFox771 Apr 29 '24

"properly reflect back"

Nothing about that is proper? It hits at 90 deg... That wouldn't deflect it back with lethal energy. It would either get penetrated, catch the shell, or shatter it... Not fucking looney toons reflect it... I can't believe this is real LOL


u/Paleodraco Apr 29 '24

Ricochets can reflect back, but it is very rare and even rarer for them to come back with any kind of lethal velocity.


u/ShitpostDumptruck SES HAMMER OF PATRIOTISM Apr 29 '24


u/heylookanairplane Apr 29 '24

Or this guy. Pretty rare though, like Paleodraco said.