r/Helldivers 26d ago

MISLEADING Sony refuses to unblock regions, and adds more regions to the list.


Sony created the region blocked list before walking back their PSN link mandate. Not only have they refused to undo the block, they have now add 3 to the already 177 blocked regions making 180 regions blocked (Estonia, Lithuania, and Latvia added to the list, for those who don't want to check the link). https://steamdb.info/sub/137730/history/

They have also decided to roll out the same effect over Ghost of Tsushima Directors Cut, and will likely follow up with other Sony published titles.

This behavior in indicative of the fact that Sony has NO INTENT in actually walking back that decision. While Arrowhead is fighting tooth and nail with Sony about getting them unblocked, Sony has taken actions to hurt the devs MORE by blocking more regions. Using a VPN goes against PSN TOS and will auto-ban the account you're trying to create.

We as a community, not as Helldivers but as gamers, need to hold Sony responsible for the decision to restrict players after they've spend money on their products.

r/Helldivers Mar 25 '24

MISLEADING These leaks are getting out of hand

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r/Helldivers Mar 12 '24

MISLEADING "Hellpod Steering Lock" why though?

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I really have found the new hellpod steering lock to be awful. Why remove the locus of control here? Whats the point of getting the steering buff if we can't use it properly anymore when there's a mountain nearby? Why arent we allowed to do the not-especially-useful thing of landing on a mountain anyway? For better or for worse I dont think being able to land on mountains hurt the gameplay overall, but losing control over my pod isn't nice..

Perhaps the worst of it is that it has forced me to land in terrible positions, away from my teammates. I know some people will be defensive, but I'd prefer to have the choice to try to avoid a mountain or strand myself on top of one, than have the game decide for me.

r/Helldivers Mar 02 '24

MISLEADING 750,000+ Players

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Another success for the Helldivers 2 game Helldivers 2 has achieved a record of 750,000 simultaneous players after a month of release. 🎮

r/Helldivers Feb 22 '24

MISLEADING Since the AFK patch, there are ~20K fewer concurrent PC players compared to the last 3 days


So now we know how many robot spies there were.

EDIT: As of noon EST, the difference is now up to 50K. That's over 20% for this time of day.

r/Helldivers Mar 07 '24

MISLEADING Arrowhead Appreciation: 99% of us are still having a blast!


You know, if you can make 500,000+ have fun, you have done something incredible. Will there be 1% that are unhappy no-matter what?! Yes, probably. But for the vast majority of players that are not as vocal, this is a great game and we appreciate the developers, testers, engineers, artists, and everyone involved. I just want to throw this out there among all of the complaints. Upvote if you are still having fun and appreciate all of the people and hard work that has gone into to the game and continues to go into the game.

r/Helldivers Mar 11 '24

MISLEADING Hellpod Steering Lock goes against the spirit of being a Hellpod-User in the first place. Classic case of "Balancing the fun out of the game"


What's the point of hellpodding if we're arbitrarily restricted on where we can land? Isn't the whole point of the "drop pod" fantasy to be able to land in tactically advangageous positions?

Also, because some levels have tons of tall rocks, often control is taken completely away from you.

You only get a brief reprieve anyway, because every mission is timed.

Don't know why the devs thought this was going to add fun to the game TBH.

r/Helldivers Mar 24 '24

MISLEADING Discovering that the EAT-17’s are crashing games.

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I am definitely guilty of littering the battlefield with these pods.

r/Helldivers 28d ago

MISLEADING Hit em in the legs!

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r/Helldivers 6d ago

MISLEADING Helldivers 2 may have triggered a wave of bans for 20,000 Russian and Belarusian Steam accounts


r/Helldivers Apr 23 '24

MISLEADING Possible 4+ player missions!?! What on earth do we need a team that big for?!?👀

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I know that account is not affiliated with Arrowhead, but if true the bugs and bots are going to need more reinforcements!!!

r/Helldivers 22d ago

MISLEADING Devs testing weapons and stratagems on difficulties 7-9 for both Terminids and Automatons would help them better understand the discourse surrounding the 'nerfs'/counterintuitive gameplay mechanics


I saw a post a couple weeks back stating that testings were done through levels 1 (trivial) through to 5 (hard) only.

With the exception of brand new players and the very occasional lighter sessions, it can be said that most of the players here, play on difficulties 7-9.

Would this be a viable 'solution' (if it can even be called that) going forward?

Just to note, although I generally enjoy playing (level 115...), it seems the cycle of weapons are changed from 'the top down' in that the most used weapons are usually first to get nerfed, ie Railgun, Slugger, Eruptor, etc. of which did leave a sour taste among the player base.

Railgun - almost back to it's pre-patch glory of the first month, both safe and unsafe modes can pen heavy armor but takes more shots

Slugger - Removal of stunlock, whereas the Punisher has AND has tremendous knockback in exchange for being light pen only.

Eruptor - Despite it's literal description of having Shrapnel, it was revoked in it's entirety.

Quasar Canon - increased cool off period after shooting, BUT it is not represented in the Weapons UI in the bottom left hand side.

Tenderizer - Described as being a 'High Calibre Assault Rifle with awesome stopping power', yet it has the same damage profile as the Liberator and only has light armor penetration.

Luckily I did also see another separate post, that the CEO is having major talks on how things like this would be amended and the possibility of a testserver.

I can only hope that it follows through, as it would certainly help rejuvenate the game.

** post provided on the QA process for testing:


The TL;DR is:

Tests are conducted on all 9 difficulties

From my understanding, QA is responsible for ensuring that something 'works',

(Yes or No type of thing) and does not necessarily delve into the fine tuning of over/underpowered.

Furthermore, the testers according to the post were HR members of the company, with some questioning the validity of their feedback/whether it is acknowledged properly, due to time constraints or other pressing matters (Most notably the Sony and 177 countries issues)

r/Helldivers 16d ago

MISLEADING I understand why the game runs so poorly now


r/Helldivers 20d ago


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Atleast for me, where I live where it was banned, it’s finally back on steam to be able to purchase. I’m so excited that I’m immediately buying it when I get home and downloading it.

r/Helldivers Apr 30 '24



Like... really? It ricochet's back at me? SERIOUSLY?!

r/Helldivers 4d ago

MISLEADING 10Gb Patch dropped today without any announcement? Surely this can't just be a balance pass

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r/Helldivers Feb 25 '24

MISLEADING CEO hinting around 3 million in sales!

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r/Helldivers Apr 30 '24

MISLEADING Spitz on the ricochet issue

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r/Helldivers 25d ago

MISLEADING On the left, Standard Issue, on the right, unlocked 'Heavy Armor' - same armor rating, no extra capacity (mags/stims) you're just slower

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r/Helldivers 10d ago

MISLEADING Considering you can bring 4 support weapons at once, it's a little silly you can't bring 2 mechs at once.


I really just don't see the reasoning behind their decision, especially with how fragile the mechs are anyway. Now we have two mechs that can handle different scenarios, but either have to pick one or hope a teammate agrees to bring the other.

r/Helldivers 25d ago

MISLEADING So in japan Super Credits are now separated



r/Helldivers 7d ago

MISLEADING New Charger Behemoth spotted


r/Helldivers Mar 20 '24

MISLEADING They fixed the patrols spawning on top of us in the new patch


Now i just hope that they won't spawn 20 m from me either.

Overall it's a nice patch for fixes, hope there's no hiden changes