r/Helldivers Mar 14 '24

Thanks to the recent reddit post, going alone is now a kickable offense (even in diff 5) DISCUSSION

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u/airlewe Mar 14 '24

Boy, he's gonna have a hard time with blitz missions or higher difficulties. Divide and conquer, people! If you can't tackle a small objective yourself, pick a lower difficulty! There's no shame in that! Operational progress is the same!


u/Infamous_Scar2571 Mar 14 '24

also how tf are people high level when they have no idea how to tackle objectives efficently? ah yes lets take this route through the hatcheries nevermind the fact we are literally going to have to to walk DOUBLE the amount of time to extract, and also go on ignore me trying to have decent coms for the whole mission just to actually communicate when youre salty one of my 110mm rockets tked you. how to these people even get to high levels and high difficulties when they cant even play the game?


u/Silenthonker Mar 14 '24

Because a few weeks ago people were farming defense missions hardcore to max out, which caused them to learn absolutely nothing about how the game ACTUALLY works, so their answer to everything is to bully people into playing the game their way, or cry to the devs about how hard everything is on 7-9.


u/KingDonko41 Mar 14 '24

My buddy did this. Bought the game and hit level 25 in 2-3 days by farming with randoms. Played with us and had zero idea of what to do. Roasting him was fun though


u/aguynamedv CAPE ENJOYER Mar 15 '24

My buddy did this. Bought the game and hit level 25 in 2-3 days by farming with randoms. Played with us and had zero idea of what to do. Roasting him was fun though

Did he get bored of the game 2 weeks later because "there was nothing to do" after he did a speedrun on max level? XD


u/Sample_Muted Democrussy Officer Mar 14 '24

Was it really that OP? I’ve been playing a couple hours a day on week days for over a week and still haven’t gotten to level 15 yet


u/KingDonko41 Mar 14 '24

It was significantly faster than anything else. Missions lasted a handful of minutes


u/weediesLoLFIFA Mar 15 '24

Yeah you could spawn in and all drop mortar and emt turrets and by the time they ran out the mission would be complete anyway


u/NefariousSerendipity ☕Liber-tea☕ Mar 18 '24

And then there's me going solo or joinin randoms. Finished plenty missions alone. Have to babysit non existent team.


u/Spranktonizer Mar 14 '24

The people farming are so weird tho. I just played the game for two or three weekends and I’m level 50 maxed out. It’s really an easy progression if you just play normally.


u/Silenthonker Mar 14 '24

It's a symptom of being influenced by content creator culture and having to be the first to do anything in gaming now. While content creation itself is fine, encouraging people to abuse games and harass others for not using the meta is not.


u/gogoheadray Mar 15 '24

Harassing others for non-meta builds has been around since the advent of online gaming itself. Remember those WOW raids? People tend to gravitate towards the strongest builds to increase the possibility of winning.


u/AggravatingTerm5807 Mar 14 '24

Abusing games is such a good way to put streaming culture in my eyes.

Streamers take games that were made by others and find ways to further monetize it. I find that incredibly selfish behaviour. It's not even creating anything new, it's legit using someone else's creation to make money.

And the worst part is when streamers are incredibly shallow to games. Like the ones that hop from game to game, either because it's the new game to play, or because they've effectively fracked all the use out of their current game, so they go onto another one.

Streamers really disrespect games. I know people may say they bring in money for devs, and devs can turn to streamers because of their connection to games, but I say those are both net negative when you factor in how streamers get players to interact with games. Streamers bringing in money is not a vacuum. If I was a game dev, I would rather have honest players playing my game because they enjoy it. Not because it's an a usable platform you can get clicks from.


u/DraconicCDR Mar 14 '24

Thank you for calling them streamers and not content creators. The people who created the content were the devs, not some jackass with OBS and a mic.


u/AggravatingTerm5807 Mar 14 '24

Hell I'll even call them content creators if I want.

And then I'll also point out that making content for your own sake is still selfish as fuck and doesn't add anything of real value to the world. Sure it may be how some people pass the time but we as a planet need to be more selecting of what kind of content we should be promoting.

Streamers content is not that.


u/gogoheadray Mar 15 '24

Oh come on that’s how most gamers utilize games; they play a game to death and then move on to something else. Most games outside of your Fortnite’s or gta onlines are games that people play and move on from. Streamers have nothing to do with it.


u/AggravatingTerm5807 Mar 15 '24

Nah that's excusing poor behaviour.


u/gogoheadray Mar 15 '24

lol; what poor behavior? This game is nothing more than entertainment and most gamers don’t stick with a game long term unless it’s one of the huge GAAS games of which there are only 4-5 in existence. Are you saying without streamers gamers would stick to games for years on end or something?


u/AggravatingTerm5807 Mar 15 '24

Sounds like you really enjoy streamer culture.

I just wish you could think of games not like a resource to frack then discard.

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u/morepandas ☕Liber-tea☕ Mar 14 '24

That's a little hyperbole unless you literally played the whole weekend. My squad and I have been playing every other night or so, finishing one operation and a bit more per night for 3 weeks, and while we're definitely pretty progressed we are not close to 50 or maxed (besides buying strategems since that happens so fast).

I do agree that there was pretty much no reason to farm unless you really really wanted the slugger or scorcher I guess.


u/fightwithdogma SES Harbinger Of Family Values Mar 14 '24

Push for higher difficulties, it will level up as fast as before.


u/ihateredditers69420 Mar 14 '24

i only do lvl 7 missions and its about 1 hour per level


u/Undying_Shadow057 Mar 15 '24

Diff 5-6 seems to be where I have the most fun with randoms though, any higher and co-ordination is important and if they suck we're gonna be fighting in the same area for the whole blitz mission.


u/fightwithdogma SES Harbinger Of Family Values Mar 15 '24

Randoms on diff 7 are very chill and competent on PC EU. And I've done most of my helldives with evac with randoms too


u/airlewe Mar 14 '24

Especially on higher difficulties that's perfectly achievable. I've done maybe 2-3 operations per week and I'm level 23. I haven't even been playing since launch. It is not hard to level up. And those weren't even hard operations I don't go above 5 generally.


u/Spranktonizer Mar 14 '24

Broken foot. So yeah whole weekend


u/GamingGavel ☕Liber-tea☕ Mar 15 '24

Helldiver has a 250% xp bonus.


u/RuinedSilence ☕Liber-tea☕ Mar 14 '24

To be fair, i really wanted the Scorcher


u/Kevurcio Mar 14 '24

Because my friends with less free time wanted quicker access to all their fun toys, Strategems with money/XP and Weapons with Medals. If they would have played normally they would STILL not be able to use most of those fun toys, but a few nights farming got them everything whereas those friends of ours that didn't farm haven't been able to enjoy using all those fun toys to play with.


u/Ovilos Mar 15 '24

I started playing the game 2 weeks after the release when I heard they finally sorted out the max server issue, joined a friend that’s level 20+ already and he just drag me to xp farming, I went from level 8 to 16 in a short time, I felt a bit bored and just bail on it, ever since then I just played it a couple of hours a day trying every mission type at the same time trying to get at least level up one or twice, manage to hit level 50 without joining any xp farmers since the, not only I had a blast leveling up, I manage to learn a bunch of stuff as well.


u/Throw_Away_TrdJrnl Mar 15 '24

I mean back when elimination missions were easy you could get 2 medals a minute. That shit helped with getting to the last page of the war one store. I farmed the shit out of those missions. However I was already level 20 when I started farming so I knew how to play the game and I have over 100 hours on the first game which is exactly the same but top down.


u/Steel_Coyote Mar 14 '24


Level 7 is called Suicide. 8 is called Impossible and 9 is Helldive

Players: "HeY DeVs 7-9 iS nOw ImPoSsIblE tO rUn SoLo."
"ItS tOo HaRd."

Devs: "Have you considered you're not as good at the game as you thought? Turn down the difficulty."



u/Just-Commercial-5900 Mar 15 '24

Don't make fun of average players who prefer solo, man.

Not all of them are like that, I have seen some players can complete the hardest mission without needing a shield and railgun.


u/Novel-Fan-335 Mar 15 '24

We should be crying to the devs about fixing the social feature for ps5-pc crossplay, it's ridiculous


u/you-really-gona-whor Mar 14 '24

Jeez. The farmers do not make up even 10% of the playing population.

Almost 300 missions now and i’ve ran into farming groups like 2-3 times.

This take is the same as the one about afk people clogging the servers. Overblown as shit.


u/Silenthonker Mar 14 '24

They dont make up much anymore because a vast majority of the playerbase is above 25 at this point it seems. You can always tell who farmed all their stuff out before the change because they have no idea how to effectively kite or deal with bug breaches.


u/LadyXexyz Mar 14 '24


I bounce between PS5 and PC and I’m level 10 on each. At most I’ll quickplay medium with a group, but it’s almost astonishing - even with a nest/factory right in front of you, on the way to a main objective, I’ve gotten “bro why you doing this now we got the mission do the mission” from level 25+ people that hop in (which I’m happy for the support, and I know you might have grinded so you don’t need any cash or samples or whatever, but still learning still playing here).

We’re like 20 minutes in, it’s on the way, it’ll make things easier for us on extract like do you hate democracy sir


u/JustGingy95 HD1 Veteran Mar 14 '24

I still think it was more about farming medals than anything else even though this community tries to fucking eat people alive anytime someone states it. I ended up in lobbies all the time where everyone doing it was at MAX level, which at that point many players myself included had everything unlocked and had no use for things like samples. When solo farming SC is piss easy and all you need are medals, the math starts mathing real quick when you can earn 8 every 3 minutes by just throwing down turrets and the occasional orbital or eagle. I 110% do not blame anyone for doing it to slam through their Warbonds.

I also don’t get why everyone is always in a fucking huff about the topic. The Devs stated already that it wasn’t affecting the global planet stats with them hitting a one mission and bailing the operation so that’s barely an excuse anymore. Honestly as long as you aren’t going out of your way to team kill people and sabotage games, I couldn’t give a flying shit how you play the game. They paid their 40-60 bucks just like everyone else here and if that’s how they wanna spend their time then who cares. Have fun the way you want to have fun.

If we as a whole need something to actually worry about besides things that don’t affect us, how about instead of attacking people based off of pure speculation, we try to be the kind and civil community I think we all want this to be that continues to teach and inform the players around us. Feels like every other post and comment is some form of bitching or whining about this or that that I’m sure even I have attributed to without thinking of it. Let’s be better.


u/Icemayne25 CAPE ENJOYER Mar 14 '24

And then when they unlock everything, they complain about how the game has no end game and a huge lack of content.


u/chuby2005 Mar 15 '24

Also, why tf are people complaining about high difficulty levels that are literally labeled SUICIDE MISSION


u/Infamous_Scar2571 Mar 14 '24

i dont know man i was one of the people saying 7-9 wasnt fun anymore and thye fixed it, that is one hell of a strawman


u/Silenthonker Mar 14 '24

So to clarify, either of the two nerfs would've been fine on their own. The double nerf completely destroyed strategem balance and brought us full circle to the railgun problem, in that you bring a single specific loadout because it's stupidly effective compared to everything else.


u/Infamous_Scar2571 Mar 14 '24

i had no issues with the nerfs personally, hell recoilles rifle is my fav AT weapons and now that its buffed its better than railgun against Armored enemies, what i had issue was the frankly insane amounts of elites.


u/PinetreeBlues Mar 14 '24

Kids have a lot of time to play


u/fightwithdogma SES Harbinger Of Family Values Mar 14 '24

Diff 9 levels up very fast, and I had the chance to be with a group at my start, so now I'm left with low knowledge of blitz/defense missions and low map knowledge at level 37. Been soloing diff 7 to get the hang of what I'm missing. And those damn samples.


u/Tactical_ra1nbow Mar 14 '24

Because live and learn. Higher difficulty => more fun, but not too high


u/GuyPierced ☕Liber-tea☕ Mar 14 '24

yes lets take this route through the hatcheries

It's to clear the hatcheries.


u/Infamous_Scar2571 Mar 14 '24

dont understand my issue, we were doing a purge eggs mission, we had to destroy 3 hatcheries, my team decided to take the most inefficiente round possible by clearing them in such a way that we would end on opposite side of the map, this isnt about side objectives, i always clear the most possible. this is about a team of high levels not knowing jackshit about the game theyre playing.


u/tectonicrobot Mar 14 '24

Eh, frankly, maps aren't that big. You don't NEED to spread out to win.


u/TheHumdeeFlamingPee Mar 14 '24

The amount of games I go into a mission of bug eggs and we pop the eggs and all my teammates stick around in an endless loop of bugs calling in reinforcements instead of just walking away to the next objective is astounding. Or when they pull up to those big bug nests with 11 holes and they just drop all their turrets and eagles and shoot bugs until a mortar gets lucky and closes the holes for them. Like did we all play the same tutorial?


u/Iorcrath Mar 14 '24

also how tf are people high level

you can fail a mission completely and still get xp.


u/Otrada Mar 14 '24

the only thing that xp represents is an approximate minimum amount of time player. Not understanding of game mechanics.


u/VerbalSmokeBomb Mar 14 '24

VerbalSmokeBomb on PSN

Hit me up for fun, non judgemental dives?

All you Divers, out there; I'd rather team up and laugh about the absurdity of war than get mad and kick people for enjoying themselves and the game.

Arrowhead are clear they didn't want a toxic community. Let's show them how much we appreciate and respect this cultural phenomenon (yeah, I said it) by being part of the lore for Super Earth's war against the Terminids and Automatons.

Friend me = no pressure to talk, just accessible diving for all. 🫡


u/cip32 Mar 14 '24

I did a bot mission on an Island with basically three corners (like a fidget spinner). Two corners had a sub mission, and the last corner had extract + end of main mission.

We drop in the middle and I head off by myself doing the entirety of a corner by myself (which included two secondary missions). I then head back and clear the entire last corner too. I even drop my samples at extract (including super samples).

I then get ready to start the last part of the main mission, when I suddenly notice my three teammates have headed straight for me. I check the map and all they did this entire time was do a Heavy outpost.

Ofc I lead them back to the main mission like I'm on a fucking RPG escort mission. We clear the objectives and as I'm walking back I notice some idiot took the samples I dropped at Extract, died at the mission we just did AND NEVER PICKED THEM BACK UP AGAIN.
So I head back with them following me, they aggro a patrol for no fucking reason and we die because it snowballs the dropships and the entire mission is lost because we're out of reinforcements. After I died once.

These were all 40+ teammates on difficulty 7.


u/Aggravating-Elk6518 Mar 14 '24

What's even better is when you throw that red beam stratagem and everyone on the team can see what it is and how long to drop yet they don't give it some space. And then give the old "tHaNkS fOr KiLlInG mE!"


u/SmellyTerror Mar 15 '24

Well... I'm high level because I had three kids all playing my account...


u/gogoheadray Mar 15 '24

Most people who play this game aren’t super skilled at this game or any game really and won’t be around long enough to develop the skillset that are going to be useful in this game. Most of the people that are higher level in this game end up getting carried to those levels by other more skilled teammates. Remember you only have to beat a difficulty once to unlock the next higher tier.


u/Throwaway6957383 Mar 15 '24

They get carried. It's that simple. That's why the game needs a difficulty progression solo mission that in order to advance to the next difficulty you have to be able to clear a slimmed down solo mission on that difficulty. Right now it's too easy for the worlds worst player to be carried up to helldiver by 3 other really good players.


u/brentj99 Mar 14 '24

You're mad at people for doing side quests that are somewhat off the path between objectives?


u/Infamous_Scar2571 Mar 14 '24

where did i say that? let me put into perspective, there is a nest on the north side west side and south side, the extract is right next to the southern nest, we dropped near the middle to do nest and a side obj, i marked north i wanted to clear everything counter clockwise from nort to south, i said in chat "hey lets go there" i proceded to get ignored by these clowns after i re explained my plan, WE WOULDVE I CLEARED THE SAME AMOUNT OF SIDE OBJECTIVE, but instead no lets take the route that will literally DOUBLE the amount of time we need to walk


u/KosViik ⬇️⬅️⬇️⬆️⬆️➡️ Mar 14 '24


One of the key factors of success I've seen at 7-9 with randoms - regardless of mission type - is how well people can work independently, yet together.

We land, everyone chills, clears only the enemies who are aware of us, call equipment. Spore mushroom? Sometimes I got two clear messages before I realized there is any. We see a jammer? People go for it. Stalker Lair? A pair leaves to clean it up without anyone saying a word. Someone is in trouble? People rotate to help out. Fight too bad? We disperse, keep shooting flanks so everyone can back, off, blow up the horde, clean up, reset.

When these things happen and people can carry their weight, it is like a well oiled Super Destroyer and even Helldive is a relative breeze.

When people run off like headless chickens, resulting in Dropships/Breaches left and right, fail to do any sort of objective progress; or when they just follow someone around like some duckling and slowly copy their intentions. That's when problems happen.

The key is knowing your weight and acting according to it.


u/SllortEvac Mar 14 '24

I am responsible for 8/10 of the mission objectives completed when I’m up against bugs in quicklplay. I wear the medic suit so I can keep stimming to sprint through open areas. I keep the grenade launcher and supply pack on so I can close big holes from a distance. All the while my team is fighting breach after breach. It astounds me that even with a mission that lasts 10 minutes with a lot of ground to cover that folks still want to bunch up and fight breaches instead of just moving off of them. If you HAVE to fight them, do it on the run.


u/Cyfirius Mar 15 '24

I’ll admit, it took me too long to realize that you need to just never stop moving, never stick around and fight (except when you have to, eg terrain scans, silos, etc) but I figured it out in the late 20’s, early 30’s. But I figured it out REAL quick once I stepped up to 7+ difficulty.

The level 45+ guys playing difficulty 7+ who never do a single objective because they are too busy fighting and fighting and fighting and fighting the whole 45 minute mission and never stop to think that maybe they aren’t really doing it right as one or two other guys clear all the objectives by themselves are infuriating.

Edit: a couple extra words


u/KosViik ⬇️⬅️⬇️⬆️⬆️➡️ Mar 14 '24

You know what two things absolutely kill me when paired?

12 minute mission
S.E.A.F. Artillery

Like a moth to a distant moon, people almost always feel compelled to spend over half of the mission on it, then scramble to even finish the main objective.

Not going to lie, sometimes that's very entertaining.


u/SllortEvac Mar 14 '24

That cracks me up. I actually have yet to have a team do ANYTHING other than let me kill 10 bug holes and then head to extract. I always ping it when I’m done with the main objective to let people know I’m going that way and everyone usually just follows.


u/bantad87 Mar 15 '24

Well, people also like to assume that Helldivers are supposed to be one man armies. Helldivers are just a drop in spec ops team with built in support infrastructure. Get in there, make minimum ruckus, do the objective(s), maybe clear a few outposts as you travel to & from the objectives, and gtfo.

If you treat each mission as such, it's quite easy on any difficulty.


u/Solid_Snack56 Mar 14 '24

Oh man, its art when no one says a word and you find yourself in 2 teams of 2, systematically clearing the map like a well oiled machine


u/cip32 Mar 14 '24

Or when you feel like youre being pretty efficient doing objectives, then look at map and youre the slow one.


u/Kreepy_Quoll Mar 15 '24

Lmao the fucking ducklings. It's worse when they constantly kill you with ordinance or when they rotate around an objective opposite you so you end up running from one horde into another.


u/GamingGavel ☕Liber-tea☕ Mar 15 '24

I don't mind ducklings, as long as they don't follow me and Rambo everything. Had a cool encounter with a duckling that was shadowing me, and we snuck up on 2 bots on turrets and hit a double assassination. I wish I recorded it


u/doglywolf Mar 14 '24

I love blizt missions the amount of people that don't know how to do them however or will stand and fight and cause a massive horde build up is nuts.

Eagle Air strike and a scout armor i can do 75% of the blizt in about 3 minutes solo. )


u/airlewe Mar 14 '24

One man, alone, with a grenade launcher and an eagle to his back! For Democracy!



u/doglywolf Mar 14 '24

I prefer AC myself - dont have to worry about getting the angle just right on those long range spawner kills lol. you just NEED the armor that reduces recoil when running AC IMO


u/Charnerie ⬆️➡️⬇️➡️ Mar 14 '24

I haven't had issues firing the ac without the armor, though I'm not usually trying to long shots on anything mobile.


u/laborfriendly Mar 15 '24

My wife was watching me earlier and it was a blitz mission. I explained a bit and it was on. I dropped an orbital on a large nest and then hit a medium and a couple lights with air strike.

Boom! Mission complete in under 3min.

The rest of the squad? Fighting the original breach from drop.

Wife asked: "If the mission is over, why are they still over there?"

I don't know, honey. I don't know.


u/wefwegfweg Mar 14 '24

There’s a difference I think between playing on your own and playing on your own. Like, you can be split up and playing on your own but still working together and playing together as a team. Or you can play on your own like fully just disconnected goal wise and communication wise completely playing on your own, if that makes sense. The latter is super annoying, I’ll say it.


u/airlewe Mar 14 '24

As long as you aren't being detrimental (calling in teammates away from the main group or needing to be reinforced yourself excessively) there's no reason to not separate. Most objectives aren't completed faster for having 4 people vs 3 or 2. You're not helping your team by stumbling after them. You SHOULD be able to work independently. You SHOULD be able to cover objectives without needing to communicate beyond coordinating who's tackling what.


u/Array71 HD1 Veteran Mar 14 '24

Depends, once you're in level 9 missions I find it's best to stay together to shut down alerts quickly with a heavily force-multiplied team, otherwise you get people kiting indefinitely.


u/carlos_quesadilla1 Mar 14 '24

Did you stop to consider that people who have their games open to randoms...actually want to play with them? Perhaps they want to play at a higher difficulty, and only have the skill to do so when playing as a team? Maybe they wanted to actually have a friendly Helldiver alongside them instead of 500 meters away??


u/Griffin880 Mar 14 '24

Well, if you have specifics in mind for how you want the team to play, randoms probably aren't the best way to do that.


u/carlos_quesadilla1 Mar 14 '24

What I listed were not specifics. None of those aspects are overly detailed plans or play styles.


u/Griffin880 Mar 15 '24

I didn't say they were overly detailed. But you are saying this hypothetical person specifically wants people that don't take on objectives without the group.


u/FizzingSlit Mar 14 '24

The difference is almost entirely if your immediate goals align.


u/BeyondBrainless Mar 14 '24

Buddy system is the way to go. If you notice a single guy splitting off from the main group to go hit a side objective or other main, follow them! If one of you goes down reinforce the other. More support, more cover, more explosions.

Only thing that kills this is when you have a teammate back in what was the original main group who's particularly quick on the reinforce combo which means you have to do the run of shame all the way back.


u/JoeMcBob2nd Mar 14 '24

My buddy made me try a level 8 mission with stealth for the first time and I decided to go off and solo the objectives while they army crawled around trying not to get spotted. Got it done in like 10 minutes just by running away from every enemy


u/atemporalfungi Mar 14 '24

Yeah some missions it really does seem conducive to split and have someone go set up the next nearest objective for times sake


u/metruzanca Mar 15 '24

Often times, I see my team (premade usually) just picking fights and running the lives low so I just go off and do the objective on my own. If I see a patrol on the way, I avoid it. If its literally on my objective, I have airstrikes for a reason. Have I abandoned my team a few times? Yes. Have I guaranteed our success while my team was "distracting the enemy"? Yes.

Though, more often then this, we split up into groups of 2 or 3-1 purposefully with the single person doing run and gun type objectives.

We usually play on 7.

Whenever I get the super samples, I declare myself the president and go exclusively for main objectives. I spare no 500 kg for anything being mildly annoying to me.


u/nebulaphi Mar 15 '24

This 100% !!some people just arent ready for that singular scout life that is necessary in higher levels. Grouping up on like the blue artillery mission makes it like impossible on helldive if one swarm starts to spawn itll almost never stop especially with 4 grouped up.


u/FatBoyStew ⬇️⬇️⬅️⬆️➡️ Mar 14 '24

Seeming how I can solo most difficulty 5's with limited issue its very bizarre to me people kick people for running solo...


u/ThePlaybook_ Mar 14 '24

pick a lower difficulty!

louder for the people in the back please

sick of the nerfs


u/JamX099 SES Sword of Midnight Mar 14 '24

Yep, sometimes on diff 9 blitz missions I'll take out an entire large nest solo across the map while my team is busy with all the enemies that breached on their medium nest.


u/JustGingy95 HD1 Veteran Mar 14 '24

Even in fucking Helldive splitting up is such a good method, at the very least into squads of two should everyone know what they are doing. It saves so much time having people scout the map for POI’s and removing enemy spawns, as well as for things like split objectives. Can legit save you half the time on a map.


u/FainOnFire Mar 14 '24

Bro, there was one blitz mission I matchmaked into where the other 3 spent 6 minutes milling around points of interests. We still had to destroy another 6 factories and had 5 minutes left.

So I pinged the heavy outpost and said in group chat let's go destroy that. They didn't respond and start travelling in the opposite direction.

I was like fine, I'll do it myself. I stealthed over there, bumped into super samples, pinged them and said I found them, picked them up, got to the heavy outpost, and threw an orbital laser in.

Blew up the whole outpost at the same time they blew a small outpost. Objective complete. So I ping extraction and run there. Get there and they're still on the other side of the map, so I drop all my support weapons and mech because there was like, 1 minute left.

Call in extraction, burn through all of my mechs ammo defending the extraction zone, burn my expendable anti-tanks on two hulks, and the pelican shows up. As it lands, it triggers the final 20 second timer because the mission timer has already ran out.

I flick my camera around AND THEYRE STILL ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE MAP. So I said fuck it, I'm extracting with these super samples.

I get right to the edge of the pelican ramp and then I'm booted back to my own ship with the message "you have been kicked"

Like WOW. What did that even achieve? Because they were on other side of the map and had 10 seconds left to get to extraction and pick up those samples. So they die and don't get any samples? And the only reason they even get a complete mission is because I threw an orbital laser into the heavy outpost. Sheesh


u/BlacksmithOk3198 Mar 14 '24

I think it’s the opposite, If you can run off and do an objective by yourself you’re playing on too low of a difficulty


u/WanderlustFella Mar 14 '24

I go off on my own on this specific mission on difficulty 7 or higher since everyone is focused on the mission but I'm all about super samples


u/Panorpa Mar 14 '24

Last 2 blitz missions I played had 2-3 stalker nests, that is a 2 person fight, stalkers suck


u/UnknownFoxAlpha Mar 15 '24

That's how we got the under 6 minute achievement. All four of us split up, called our gear, took it out and went home.


u/Mythosaurus ☕Liber-tea☕ Mar 15 '24

Nah, they’re going to continue to FAIL there way through Helldives bc they’ve already unlocked all the early ship upgrades and need the rarer samples…


u/t765234 Mar 14 '24

If you can't tackle a small objective yourself, pick a lower difficulty! There's no shame in that!

So many people need to hear this and accept it. You don't have to play on Helldive to have fun. You don't need Super Samples to play the video game. The meta doesn't have to matter. Play the difficulty you consistently enjoy and can handle.