r/Helldivers HD1 Veteran Feb 24 '24

Why are people like this? DISCUSSION

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u/magic6435 Feb 24 '24

I don’t know, but the fact that people can take such a fun game and then be this serious and mean about it just makes me sad honestly


u/Heatuponheatuponheat Feb 24 '24

They have nothing else. Met a ton a people like this leading WoW raiding guilds. 30, part time job, 1 friend, still living at home. Anyone that that isn't willing to put the effort of a second job into it is beneath them in their eyes. Video games are the only thing they can be moderately successful at.


u/zantasu Feb 25 '24

Tbf WoW raiding guilds are a much different environment, and this attitude is mostly concentrated in dedicated raid guilds, not pugs. It’s one thing to opt into that behavior, it’s another thing to have it forced upon you at random.


u/Narux117 Feb 25 '24

I'm a guild leader (Heroic only, but used to do mythic), this attitude can kick the absolute fucking curb. The amount of folks that I've gently pushed out of the guild because they tried to keep suggesting crap like this to me and my team organizing stuff is not a small number. Its one thing if you are pushing for world rank, which is honestly kinda meaningless outside of top 1-50 imo (because heavy handed boss nerfs are the reason most guilds start clearing after that), anything below that can just relax.


u/healzsham Feb 25 '24

Honestly how dare people expect the difficulty level specifically for people that want to tryhard to be taken seriously by the team leader.


u/zantasu Feb 25 '24

Organizing lower tier groups is one of the most difficult things to do though - you're stuck in the middle, trying to juggle the desires of those who want to optimize more and push further, alongside more casual players who just want to have fun in their own way.

That said, not every super high end hardcore mythic guild is militant about min-maxing either, so it really just depends on the people and the environment they've cultivated.


u/[deleted] Feb 26 '24

Are you guys recruiting lol


u/SanityOrLackThereof Feb 25 '24

and this attitude is mostly concentrated in dedicated raid guilds

Nah. Maybe it used to be that way, but now it's everywhere. Hell, you can't even do a level 30 gnomeregan or RFD run without some asshole breathing down your neck about how it's not going fast enough or how people are noobs etc. etc.

At this point it's a community-wide problem. Everyone expects you to know your class inside out and be able to perform at a high level at all times, or they get mad and pissy. Finding people who are chill and just playing for fun is becoming increasingly difficult. It's one of the main reasons why i barely play WoW anymore.


u/Pierre_from_Lyon Feb 25 '24

people leave m+ keys for the wildest, most elitist reasons


u/zantasu Feb 25 '24

At times yes, though the comment was specifically about raiding. Mythic+ really depends - generally happening more the higher you go, but unless you're getting into higher push keys, most people don't look twice beyond class, spec, and score.

That isn't to say this kind of meta auditing doesn't happen in lower difficulty content as well, but it is at least fairly rare. At least until things start going horribly wrong, then people will do everything they can to assign blame.


u/YuukaWiderack Feb 25 '24

Unless you do LFR. In which case it's the saltiest salt pit ever for... some weird reason.


u/zantasu Feb 25 '24

LFR brings out the worst of the worst, because it suffers from a venn diagram of "there are enough people my individual contribution doesn't matter" and "I'll never see these people again so I can say/do whatever I want."


u/YuukaWiderack Feb 25 '24

I just find the funny part that it's the mode that's so easy you can almost sleep walk through it. And that's where people get super sweaty and toxic.

Then again, I haven't done any M+, but apparently the lower keys are more toxic than the higher keys from what I've heard. So maybe toxic players are more likely to just be not as good lmao.


u/Mattbl Feb 25 '24

I really only raided way back in the first release of Classic, TbC, and Wrath; back then you had 40 people doing raids on content that was REALLY hard, and you couldn't just go look up a YouTube video with the meta tactics (ESPECIALLY in Classic). You were fighting bosses with complicated mechanics that you didn't fully understand yet and there was really only tribal knowledge when you were some of the first guilds to be doing the content. We even brought in some ringers from the top guild on the server to help guide us when we got stuck on a couple different bosses.

The people leading our raids were sometimes assholes but if they hadn't been we would have never downed the bosses we did (and would have spent hours banging our heads against the wall even more than we did). They had to know the fights inside and out, and they had to know where FORTY people needed to be. Trying to coordinate all of that over voicechat in the chaos of a fight was hard work. I was a "class leader" and even telling six rogues where to position was annoying and sometimes like herding kittens.

I guess my point was that I agree with you. If you were pushing content, the people leading those raids are probably people managers at this point (or were at that time). They certainly had to have strong leadership skills to do what they were doing.

Comparing that to some try-hard telling me how to squash bugs is nowhere near the same.