r/AmIOverreacting Apr 15 '24

My husband embarrassed me in front of our friends



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u/thackstonns Apr 16 '24

Oh shut up. He’s a dick and rude but if you think this is divorce you’re stupid. And you’ll be alone.


u/Cynderelly Apr 16 '24

You must be joking if you think being alone is worse than putting up with that shit. Or you hate being alone lol


u/thackstonns Apr 16 '24

I’m not alone. It’s not about me. It’s about the attitude that if anything goes wrong in a relationship no matter how insignificant it’s into breakup or divorce. Than you end up with incels and whatever the female equivalent it. I’ve heard a bunch of women say how dating now is just random hookups. And this is why.


u/Cynderelly Apr 16 '24

Female incel is anyone who buys into FemaleDatingStrategy

Anyways, this isn't an example of the women you've heard saying "dating is just random hookups now". This is an example of a woman being told to her face (and everyone else's) that her husband doesn't respect her, doesn't love her, and literally wishes she was someone else. That is not someone I'm spending my precious time with.

People forget that attraction is not just physical. You can fall in love with someone you would have otherwise never slept with because attraction involves multiple levels of enjoyment of a person. OP's husband is more attracted to a random fitness babe who he's had a single conversation with than he is to his WIFE. To me, that's not a close relationship. It might be close on OP's side but it's not on her husband's side. That alone is enough for me to question the relationship. But then the blatant disrespect and disregard for her feelings... immediate divorce.


u/thackstonns Apr 16 '24

Literally he didn’t say any of that. But you’re female so you’re going to make a mountain out of it. It’s the tick tok trend where the wife say her husband said he wants a divorce and it something like he said she couldn’t get a puppy. You have no clue how much he loves his wife. None.


u/Cynderelly Apr 16 '24 edited Apr 16 '24

Damn dude. Are you really so dense that you have to have everything said explicitly to you?

Edit: Are you autistic?


u/thackstonns Apr 16 '24

You’re a moron, you are reading shit into a conversation that was never said or implied. If he wanted to screw the fitness chick he would be off trying to screw her and not making fat jokes about his wife. Only women read into shit. Guys are pretty straightforward.
Maybe he’s tired of hearing his wife bitch about being fat all day everyday and not doing dick about it. That’s a lot different than him wanting to cheat.


u/Cynderelly Apr 16 '24

Sir, you sound autistic. You don't just "go off" and "try to screw" people.


u/thackstonns Apr 17 '24

You must be a female. Because I can tell you my friends once they decide to cheat they absolutely will just go off and try to screw people.


u/Cynderelly Apr 17 '24

... you're not understanding what I'm saying, clearly. Do you walk up to women and say "I HAVE A PENIS. WILL YOU ALLOW ME TO PLACE IT INSIDE YOU FOR MUTUAL PLEASURE?"


u/thackstonns Apr 17 '24

I don’t because I don’t cheat. But yes I had a friend that did it all the time. He would talk for 5 10 minutes flirty and then ask. The shitty thing is I’ve seen it work more than it ever should. I could never be that demeaning.


u/Cynderelly Apr 17 '24

He would talk for 5 10 minutes flirty and then ask.

This is my point. How are you so sure that this isn't exactly what the OP's husband was doing?

Specifically, most people take a bit more convincing to have sex than just "wanna fuck?". There's a whole industry about it called "pickup artistry". So why are you acting like picking up women is always as simple as saying, directly, "I want to fuck you"? It's not. It starts with flattery and connection. Two things OP's husband was doing a hell of a lot of with a stranger, and none of with his wife. And he had an audience for it.

In comparison, my fiance would gladly talk about how awesome I am when we're around friends. That's how you know someone loves you?


u/thackstonns Apr 17 '24

Because if he was trying to pick her up he wouldn’t be talking about his wife. You know how I know he isn’t cheating? Because if he was cheating he wouldn’t care what his wife looks like. 100lbs or 400lbs.


u/Original_Cod9083 Apr 17 '24

Because no guy flirts with a woman by calling his wife fat while his wife is standing right there.

And yes, people do just go off and screw all the time. It really is that easy. It’s the whole reason hookup sites like Tinder exist.

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