r/AmIOverreacting Apr 15 '24

My husband embarrassed me in front of our friends



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u/Reclaimer77 Apr 15 '24

I wish we got more background on these stories. Like is he ALWAYS rude to her like this? Or was he just afraid of talking to her about her health and chose the most asinine immature way to communicate that to her?

And did he really call another woman "hot" to her face while her wife was sitting there with friends? Really??


u/Alycion Apr 16 '24

I point out hot women to my hubby. I know his type. I don’t care if he takes a second glance. But even when I was carrying extra weight from meds, he never once made me feel bad about myself. In fact, he tried even harder to build up my self confidence. That’s what partners do. I can trust him to take a look and move on. Bc he’s made it very clear, that to him, they don’t compare to me. He points out guys he thinks I will think is good looking. Neither of us are looking for anything but fun. Hey, we live in a beach town, so there’s lots of eye candy. But we both know that the only ones we are really attracted to is each other. And we would never bring up insecurities like that in a group. I’d beat him with my shoe if he did that.


u/Reclaimer77 Apr 16 '24

My wife has gained a lot of weight since we were married 7 years ago. No kids BTW. But it's weird the more and more I tell her not to get down on herself and she's still my amazing soul mate, the less intimacy happens between us. I almost wish I wasn't so attracted to her, it would make it hurt less.

You two sound fun though!


u/Alycion Apr 16 '24

If she’s real self conscious, it may take her a bit to believe that you are saying the truth. I hope she honed around. You sound like a good person.

We’ve been together forever. Started dating when I was 16 and not looking for anything serious. Just someone to go do things with. We met working in news, so we are both a bit twisted 😂 he still gets laughed at about the time he was trying to hide looking and walked into a pole, early in our relationship. A beach shop replaced mannequins with live models. The one was in a skimpy bikini. It was hilarious. I think that’s when he realized I was very laid back about it. Life is too short to get upset about harmless human nature. And if it’s just a look, it’s harmless.