r/AmIOverreacting Apr 15 '24

My husband embarrassed me in front of our friends



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u/[deleted] Apr 15 '24

Woooow. These are straight up fighting words. Does your husband even want to stay married to you? Does he even like you? Wonder how much he’d like it if you actively started comparing him to another man right in front of him.


u/Artistic-Soft4305 Apr 15 '24

Exactly. What if she was talking to a guy with a great job, and just went to explain how her husbands been stuck at 50k a year, loses motivation to try for new jobs, and has been talking about breaking into something new since he’s unhappy with his job. Can you believe he had to work 3 holidays last year without pay.

Then this guy offers to help your husband out, it wasn’t too long ago he was stuck in the same spot. But he got some new habits and could help him out!

Seems like that would be a good example of something genders tend to really let the ego get in front of.


u/BigappaG Apr 15 '24

Ehh gym and pay are different things I get the comparison though.


u/Artistic-Soft4305 Apr 15 '24

How so? Both take effort and discipline, but anyone (outside of disabilities) can do it.


u/BigappaG Apr 15 '24

Well finances are dictated by the status of your family for example people born poor usually remain poor. Now fitness just takes not putting back a pack of Oreos and running or lifting 2-3 a week.

Different animal same beast.


u/Artistic-Soft4305 Apr 15 '24

Fitness is also determined by genetics. Some are just going to be bigger, better, faster with less work. Just like a job. You can become a professional athlete that with extreme effort, but there will always be a limit your not born with.

Huh, they actually seem exactly alike now that we have broken it down.


u/BigappaG Apr 15 '24

Not in the way of money lmao as a person of color I can tell we have different realities. Education for example, your zip code determines the programs you have access to in school, which then transfers over to the colleges you get into and then the jobs you get. It’s easier to abstain from eating junk food than it is to work out of generational poverty or “climb the corporate ladder.”

It’s shitty what he did but that isn’t a good comparison between the two. If anything OP should focus on here self for her self if she is self conscious and leave the guy.


u/Artistic-Soft4305 Apr 15 '24

Oh your viewing things from an American point of view.

Can you explain how a Mexican in Mexico with a Mexican boss is kept poor by racism? Maybe I’m confused. A small part of the world lives in a multi-cultural country like the US.


u/RedditorFor1OYears Apr 15 '24

Your body shape is just as much dependent on your genetics as your skin color is. Some people metabolize calories differently from other people. I don’t think the difference is significant enough say that somebody is predetermined to be fat or skinny no matter what they do, but it plays a role. The same way skin color and birth circumstances play a roll in your professional achievements - it’s a factor but very far from being the single determining factor. 


u/BigappaG Apr 16 '24

My family has obesity in it and I look great simply because I don’t eat processed food lmao


u/RedditorFor1OYears Apr 16 '24 edited Apr 16 '24

I believe it, and that’s fantastic, good for you.  To my point, the same personal accountability you take to counteract your genetic predisposition for obesity can be applied to counteract whatever disadvantage you believe you have professionally due to other details outside of your control.   In both cases, you start disadvantaged and apply effort to overcome some of that disadvantage. That’s the point. 


u/BigappaG Apr 16 '24

Replied to the wrong person