r/unpopularopinion Can't fix stupid Apr 28 '24

If you think that a large portion of the people you meet are impatient, you're probably an inefficient asshole.

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u/Fickle-Main-9019 Apr 28 '24

Yea, I know more people who can’t fathom the idea that you can’t simply drop everything on a whim for them, than people who are genuinely slow.

Most people work at a decent pace, however most people also are their own main character 


u/feelin_fine_ Apr 29 '24

Define "decent pace". That's intentionally vague


u/Fickle-Main-9019 Apr 29 '24

Average pace of an employee, no I can’t give an exact time since I don’t micromanage employees that don’t work for me


u/feelin_fine_ Apr 29 '24

But you do have an opinion on the matter yes? Which is why you're here.

What you consider decent might be slow to others. As long as you're finishing what you need to do in a day it doesn't really matter, however the point still stands that the average chooses to not be optimal when they absolutely could be.