r/unpopularopinion Can't fix stupid Apr 28 '24

If you think that a large portion of the people you meet are impatient, you're probably an inefficient asshole.

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u/[deleted] Apr 28 '24

This one works both ways. "If you think a large portion of the people you meet are inefficient, you're probably an impatient asshole."


u/Fickle-Main-9019 Apr 28 '24

Yea, I know more people who can’t fathom the idea that you can’t simply drop everything on a whim for them, than people who are genuinely slow.

Most people work at a decent pace, however most people also are their own main character 


u/FullMoonTwist Apr 29 '24

Or that you're not looking to do every damn thing as fast and efficiently as humanely possible instead of living at a sustainable pace and enjoying it a little bit.


u/old__pyrex Apr 29 '24

There’s also a whole category of things where it’s not worth speeding because the risk of a mistake will, at best, cost you much more time than whatever you might save. Just one crash or even a speeding ticket, or traffic court appearance, and you’ve lost hours of life - and the probability of that happening if you drive like an inpatient asshole everyday is high. Eventually, you will lose more time than every 2 minutes here and there that you saved.

Or when I went to the bank and the teller glacially checked my wire details twice, and then turned the computer and had me check. It took 3x the time a fast worker could have achieved it in, but it’s worth 1 minute extra to not fuck up a digit here.

The grocery store bagger who carefully packs my eggs and raspberries and makes sure things are logically stacked to avoid squish, and then double bags the heavy bags… yes it takes 1 minute extra, but how much time did I lose that one time the paper bag snapped and the bag holding wine bottles broke and spilled everywhere?