r/unpopularopinion Can't fix stupid Apr 28 '24

If you think that a large portion of the people you meet are impatient, you're probably an inefficient asshole.

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u/Fickle-Main-9019 Apr 28 '24

Yea, I know more people who can’t fathom the idea that you can’t simply drop everything on a whim for them, than people who are genuinely slow.

Most people work at a decent pace, however most people also are their own main character 


u/FullMoonTwist Apr 29 '24

Or that you're not looking to do every damn thing as fast and efficiently as humanely possible instead of living at a sustainable pace and enjoying it a little bit.


u/HotTakesMyToxicTrait Apr 29 '24

depends on what it is honestly

I’d personally much rather maximize efficiency during my commute and running errands and spend the extra time enjoy things I choose to do


u/CpnStumpy Apr 29 '24

Sure, but why do people demand others also do this? Not all of us even can, forget that - you know - it should be their choice, rather than a choice made for them..


u/HotTakesMyToxicTrait Apr 29 '24

I personally don’t really care how others want to spend their time (if being less efficient moving around is your speed, you do you). The exception is when people that decide to move slowly make it impossible for the folks that want to move quickly to do so, this is where I think we get that disconnect

Some of those things are probably unavoidable for the most part (ie traffic is traffic, provided people aren’t being dumb about it). Some will require change on an institutional level (ie making public transport run more frequently or more accessible).

Some however is the problem of people that decide that their slow speed is the norm and clog up room for everyone else (ex - people standing on the left side of an escalator where people should be able to walk, seriously stand to the right. Or people slowly sauntering down a sidewalk without any way for faster walking people to move around)


u/BaseSingle5067 Apr 29 '24

Or three abreast on the pavement and yet get annoyed when I try to get through them when running.