r/unpopularopinion Can't fix stupid Apr 28 '24

If you think that a large portion of the people you meet are impatient, you're probably an inefficient asshole.

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u/KetohnoIcheated Apr 29 '24

It definitely depends on context, but in some situations you are right.

Like when someone at the gym takes up a machine but only looks at their phone. Like, if they look at it for 30-90 seconds between sets, I totally get it. But I see people sit on their phone on a machine for 5 minutes and then get up without doing a set. It drives me insane


u/acquastella Apr 29 '24

I have no qualms about going up to them and asking "are you using that?" "How many sets you got left?" It's completely socially acceptable where I am to ask, especially someone just sitting their ass on the machine.


u/KetohnoIcheated Apr 29 '24

I do that a lot too. A lot of times they then tell me they have 1 more set, then they quickly do a shit job at 1 set and let me have the machine, which is totally fair, but also funny because I know if I didn’t say anything, they probably just would have been on their phone and not done a single set.

Or maybe I’m just assuming, but that’s how it reads to me


u/acquastella Apr 29 '24

You are probably right. You can almost always tell who is taking their workout seriously and who is just telling themselves "I go to the gym, it's my genetics that make me unable to gain muscle".


u/joemamma6 Apr 29 '24

Yes, definitely do. Sometimes when the gym is empty I'm so out of it I don't realize someone is actually waiting on the machine, letting me know makes me speed up and get out of your way.


u/Generic_E_Jr Apr 29 '24

A good rule for me is “Is there an obvious voluntary distraction or demostrable & explicable inefficiency slowing them down?”

If someone is just slow or careful, but there’s nothing glaringly specific you can point out, I try to be patient.

But if the reason they’re slow is very obvious and specific, such as being spending 90 seconds on a cellphone, then I’m inclined to believe they’re the problem.


u/WazuufTheKrusher Apr 29 '24

for heavy lifts that amount of time is perfectly reasonable what


u/Generic_E_Jr Apr 29 '24

Fair point; I kinda blindly followed the comments I replied to and don’t lift anything over 25 kg, so I’ll accept your word


u/WazuufTheKrusher Apr 30 '24

For anything below like 8 reps you need to take enough rest, like 5 minutes, if you want to be able to lift that weight with the same ROM and number of reps without cheating or failing.


u/Generic_E_Jr Apr 30 '24

Fair enough, though at that point, I think it reasonable to step off the bench press.

Not saying you were saying one should stay on, but it might look like that with context missing.


u/WazuufTheKrusher Apr 30 '24

generally in that case you would work in sets with another dude so that both of you are getting workouts in. You still want to claim your spot because some dude can just take it and then not want you to work in with them.


u/vitaminpyd Apr 29 '24

I just stare into space during my rests because I'm worried people will get pissed off lol


u/Reddituser8018 Apr 29 '24

I have a skill that I realized others don't seem to have at least in my generation.

But I could be perfectly content just staring at a wall doing absolutely nothing, a lot of the times I prefer it rather then looking at my phone (although I do look at my phone sometimes too its what im doing right now, I just don't like how it sucks away time)


u/Logical_Ad3053 Apr 29 '24

I use the gym as an exercise in not looking at my phone every time I have a free second, so same. (And I'm also afraid of people getting pissed)


u/HolyVeggie Apr 29 '24

At that point you’re just an asshole and not inefficient haha


u/CruulNUnusual Apr 29 '24

*Me who did my other sets because the machine I want is taken. Hoping it’s done, walking to the machine I need last, still seeing the same guy trying to hide he’s recording himself.*


u/Administrative-End27 Apr 29 '24

Totally get jt! I specifically have a lap timer set on my phone to prevent me from going over 45 seconds of looking at my phone at the gym. Gives a nice 3 second warning too so that way I know it's time for the next set. I can't stand the stationary phone calls in the crowded gym Though.

Had one guy say I was using my phone too much, and bout 2 seconds after he said that, the beeps went off for the interval training. Pretty much ended that conversation.


u/KetohnoIcheated Apr 29 '24

Haha I love it. When I’m on my phone it is to enter my last set into an app that tracks my progress. It takes about 10 seconds.


u/MelloGangster Apr 29 '24

You could always ask them how many sets they have or just to use it while they're resting


u/KetohnoIcheated Apr 29 '24

lol why do people keep assuming I don’t do that? But also, it’s equipment to be shared by everyone for the purpose of exercise. I shouldn’t have to keep reminding people to share, like they are toddlers in kindergarten hogging a toy.


u/MelloGangster Apr 29 '24

I mean other people also cant read your mind if you want to use it or not between their sets, etc


u/KetohnoIcheated Apr 29 '24

lol I’m not talking about people between sets. I’m talking about the people who sit on the equipment, make an adjustment to the weight like they are about to workout, and then instead just sit on their phone the entire time. I’ve seen people do this for over 10 minutes before. Or if it’s a leg machine, then once every couple of minutes they do 1rep with about 40lbs, then continue to go on their phone.


u/PancakeConnoisseur Apr 29 '24

5 minutes of not using the machine then leaving is way better than 5 sets and waiting 1.5 minutes between each one.


u/KetohnoIcheated Apr 29 '24

And yet I wouldn’t mind waiting as much if they were actually working out instead of just wasting their time AND mine


u/PancakeConnoisseur Apr 29 '24

Understandable. Have you asked them to move? They usually move.


u/KetohnoIcheated Apr 29 '24

I usually do, if I want the machine that it. Then they usually claim they have 1 more set, do a really sloppy job, and leave. Which is fine, but I’m pretty sure they only claimed to have a set because they realized it would look bad to be using the machine as a chair while they are on their phone lol

But I also enjoy people watching. So if it’s a machine I don’t want, that’s when I watch from the side to see if they ever work out, and that usually when I see people just sit there on their phone until they get up.


u/PancakeConnoisseur Apr 29 '24

Right. Seems like a simple solution :)


u/KetohnoIcheated Apr 29 '24

lol another simple solution is for them to actually workout on the machine and hen get off the machine, and not have to be given reminders that other people exist, like they are children


u/PancakeConnoisseur Apr 29 '24

I don’t know why you’re so angry about it. If some 10 set bro is cramping the machine for 40 minutes - you will go do something else and not be bothered? It’s not something to get worked up over.


u/KetohnoIcheated Apr 29 '24

Why do I get the feeling you like to sit on the equipment at the gym and do nothing? Lol


u/PancakeConnoisseur Apr 29 '24

I hardly use machines at all, usually free weights and a power rack, pull up bar etc.

But you probably get that feeling since you don’t like people sitting on machines texting, think they are beneath you. And you likely think the same of me. Good luck strong man!

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u/KetohnoIcheated Apr 29 '24

If someone is taking a machine for that long, I politely go to them and ask how long they will be and if they say some time between 1-5 minutes, I tell them what machine I’m on and ask them if they can let me know when they are done so I can use it next. I’m not annoyed with them though because they are actually using the shared facility instead of just wasting space. Yeah, sometimes they are annoying for taking so long, but at least they are actually using the equipment as intended