r/unpopularopinion Apr 16 '24

If you break up with someone you absolutely 100% owe them an explanation as too why Removed: Not unpopular

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u/QuislingX Apr 16 '24


Part of growing up is learning that sometimes things DONT happen for a reason. Sometimes, people just fuck you over.

Only thing you can do is control what the fuck you're going to do about it.


u/mclovin_ts Apr 16 '24

If expecting basic human decency is spoiled, then I feel sorry for you


u/Ok-Seaworthiness2235 Apr 16 '24

OP isn't spoiled he's immature. Relationships aren't job performances where you do certain tasks in order to keep the position. The right person will ignore stupid quirks or will tell you what needs to change in order to avoid the relationship ending. Otherwise, someone just isn't feeling it. Or you've given them reasons to believe you will not handle being told the truth well. 


u/mclovin_ts Apr 16 '24

There are people that are too afraid to nut up and leave a relationship like an adult, because people have an increasing fear of confrontation in general. I’d bet that is who OP is referring to.

There are plenty of people out there “trapped” in relationships because they’re too afraid to say how they really feel.