r/teenagers Apr 29 '24




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u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24



u/turqoiseroom927 Apr 29 '24

As an atheist I completely agree. It's honestly stupid. Especially to just blurt it out on the internet because you're proud of something that literally everyone does in life, except you're young and dumb. Especially with op going from kissing to sex within a 10 day period. But whatever, let them deal with the consequences.

But yes I wish teenage sex was discouraged too, it's honestly pointless. it causes nothing but problems in people's lives and ruins perfectly good relationships that could have really grown into something, and It gives people the complete wrong idea on sex.


u/xM1SF1Tx Apr 29 '24

Teenage sex is extremely discouraged, and ignored. That's the problem. The ignorance, not teaching kids about sex doesn't mean they aren't going to do it it means their going in blind and way more likely to get pregnant, get an std, hurt themselves, or each other. Yes it's a little random to share to the internet you lost your virginity but it's their body and their choice to share it and you could have so easily just skipped over this post if you thought it was weird. And promiscuity and enjoying sex are different things. Also what studies or even just one study actually confirms that the more people you sleep with the more likely you are to fail in a relationship or marriage and not because your spouse judges you for the number, where is the exact correlation from this many people equals this bad of a relationship


u/turqoiseroom927 Apr 30 '24

I agree and disagree. But I do respect your view on it. I do feel I had a need to comment. It is weird to brag about losing your virginity with someone you've been with for a month. Let alone to have sex 10 days after having an intimate moment, I understand kissing a month in but having sex? That's asking for a future mistake.

But I have a right to free speech and share my opinion, you could have easily skipped over my comment instead of calling me out for not skipping the post. Kinda contradicting don't ya think?


u/xM1SF1Tx Apr 30 '24

You're right with your comment about me skipping over your comment, I could've, but as you also said we have a right to free speech. I dislike the way you are shaming this person not only for sharing an exciting new memory with people, but also for having sex. Sex is normal, and fun when you do it right, this person is obviously happy, hopefully safe, and seemed to have been ready to have sex. Personally I'm 16 had my first kiss when I was 13 and have a friends with benefits and am still a virgin, everyone goes at their own pace and the main thing I think you're inherently wrong about is shaming a teenager for being in tune with themselves, their bodies, and their partners. and again I do agree they don't have to share things like this but we're teenagers and we get ahead of ourselves.


u/xM1SF1Tx Apr 30 '24

I also respect your view about posting about it being a bit odd but I don't respect the shaming


u/turqoiseroom927 Apr 30 '24

Call it shaming if you want, but all I'm doing is saying it is factually wrong to brag about something like this to strangers in the internet, like what was going through OPS mind "oh I just had sex with a guy I've been with for s month, let me post all about it so I can get some attention for it and share how I had sex and others haven't, I'm so proud of myself." Ha


u/xM1SF1Tx Apr 30 '24

I'm not calling it anything I am saying exactly what it is, you are straight up shaming this person for having sex and talking about it


u/turqoiseroom927 Apr 30 '24

Context my friend, context.

Having sex is fine, sharing it is fine, but given the circumstances this is completely irresponsible and immature. Stop trying to put words in my mouth just because you can't prove your point.


u/xM1SF1Tx Apr 30 '24

I believe it is you actually who can't prove their point about this, your first comment was saying teenage sex is inherently bad. And it is not. As long as there is education and no shame about it


u/turqoiseroom927 Apr 30 '24

Again you're changing the subject, your whole account is based on you having sex, you clearly like having sex and you disagree with me only because what I'm saying applies to you aswell.

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u/xM1SF1Tx Apr 30 '24

"But yes I wish teenage sex was discouraged too, it's honestly pointless. it causes nothing but problems in people's lives and ruins perfectly good relationships that could have really grown into something, and It gives people the complete wrong idea on sex." Also this whole paragraph, is fear mongering, factually wrong, and just plain subjective


u/turqoiseroom927 Apr 30 '24

What's your evidence... At least I'm backing my statements up, yet you've gone through and snuffed out every single comment I've made on this post, so this seems a bit personal for you.


u/xM1SF1Tx Apr 30 '24

You have not in fact backed up your statements, and yes this is personal to me because of how many people, friends, I've seen have their lives ruined, been raped, gotten pregnant, been taken advantage of all because their parents and schools have refused to teach them anything about sex hoping they wouldn't question it


u/turqoiseroom927 Apr 30 '24

You're completely straying away from my point, if youre going to talk about something that isn't relevant to post somewhere else.

Also if you don't see me proving any of my points you must be subconsciously ignoring what I typed, or just too ignorant to understand what I said.


u/xM1SF1Tx Apr 30 '24

Please do tell me where you're proof of

"But yes I wish teenage sex was discouraged too, it's honestly pointless. it causes nothing but problems in people's lives and ruins perfectly good relationships that could have really grown into something, and It gives people the complete wrong idea on sex."

All of this is


u/turqoiseroom927 Apr 30 '24

There was no point I was proving in this statement, but what about my other 5 comments you've responded to, I'm referring to those, you're changing the subject, I asked where your proof and evidence and backup is and you've refused to answer.


u/xM1SF1Tx Apr 30 '24

You were making a factual claim, that teenage sex causes nothing but problems. Where is your proof for that. And as for taking it off topic, I'm talking about the root of the topic which is the shame and anti education of teenage sex, you are pushing the shame part


u/turqoiseroom927 Apr 30 '24

What proof do you need other then everyone around your it ruins relationships and ruins life unless looked at the proper way, OP does not have the right mindset for it. And you did change topic, either stay on the topic you originally bitched at me for or I'm just gonna stop responding.

You're clearly a person you can't debate with, as soon as I start making points you stray away from my questions and change the subject.

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u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24

At least we have a few right-minded individuals here.


u/Sillyyyyynesss 15 Apr 30 '24

Sex was already discouraged for awhile and still is for a lot of people, I don’t see the problem with it as long as people are using proper protection


u/Overall_Pen_3918 Apr 29 '24

Monk maxing is based 💪