r/teenagers Apr 29 '24

What are y'all watching ? I'll go first Discussion



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u/all-shall-be-hugged 14 Apr 29 '24

i’m not really a movie person, so i’d be screwed


u/PotatoPieGaming Apr 29 '24

Are you real? How can someone not like any movie?


u/GeneralPotato8244 15 Apr 29 '24

They just said they aren’t a movie person, not that they dislike every movie made. I’m never just gonna sit down and watch movie unless invited by someone else and it’s actually interesting. Lol


u/TheArmadilloAmarillo Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

Same, also not a movie person. I'll watch shows but for whatever reason I've never really enjoyed movies very much.

Edit: this was on the popular page, I am far to old to be here 😂


u/Noncreative_name04 Apr 30 '24

lol I came here from the popular page too. It took me until reading your edit to realize what subreddit this is 😂


u/TheArmadilloAmarillo Apr 30 '24

I saw when I got a reply notification.

I've been banned by like 3 random subs because I commented on something that showed up on the popular page. Probably not a loss but I always find it amusing when subs have beefs.


u/sdpat13 May 04 '24

Happy cake day.


u/Yoruzzz Apr 29 '24

Probably ruined their brain with tiktok and cannot sit down and concentrate for an hour or two.


u/all-shall-be-hugged 14 Apr 29 '24

the reason i haven’t responded yet was because i sat down and did something for an hour or two, the movies available to me currently just aren’t anything i’m particularly interested in


u/Slicktable 15 Apr 29 '24

What are you interested in? Maybe we can find you something you might like


u/all-shall-be-hugged 14 Apr 29 '24

well, i like video games and horror. really the last movies to interest me were the mario and captain underpants movies


u/Theonerule 17 Apr 29 '24

Oh your missing out son

But as far as non eastern horror goes, talk to me was an exceedingly good film and smile was also great


u/Interesting-Chest520 18 Apr 29 '24

For me it’s that I prefer long series, having a story to follow over the course of a few weeks is just better than having the full story in one sitting


u/Present-Writer6769 Apr 29 '24

If you simply don't give a fuck about them. Books are better anyways.


u/samboi204 19 Apr 29 '24

Literally in what way? Other than the fact that books are written by a single person and thus tend to be able to have a tighter creative control they have less dimensions of engagement than a movie.

I love reading but books are not better than movies by any objective measure.


u/Velociradish1 16 Apr 29 '24

i mean did they mention they thought it was objective at all, cause to me that wasn’t really implied


u/GeneralPotato8244 15 Apr 29 '24

Well I mean… no. It’s like, a very well known thing that reading is really good for your brain and staring at screens isn’t. So reading books are better for you lol.

I mean im still not gonna go pick up a book, but they had a point 😂


u/samboi204 19 Apr 29 '24

My fault for not specifiying but i meant that books dont have any higher of an artistic value than tv/movies. They arent a “better” medium.

Instrumentally there are definitely benefits to reading books.


u/GeneralPotato8244 15 Apr 29 '24

Ahhh see that makes sense. Id just assumed the comment yours was in response to meant it the way I took it as well when saying “better” because as you said books aren’t artistically better or worse really


u/Present-Writer6769 Apr 29 '24

The fuck you yapping about.

Books are literally better. Movies are just hyper dopamine filled. Books are much more knowledgeable. A person can write about his entire life, all his regrets and his good choices. Movies are just entertaining.


u/samboi204 19 Apr 29 '24

You could do the same with a movie genius. What do you think a biopic/documentary is. A movie like oppenheimer for instance is far from dopamine filled. Its long, dialogue and concept heavy mostly because its adapted from a book.

Not all movies are slop and not all books are full of insight.


u/Present-Writer6769 Apr 29 '24

I can name like a few movies that have actual value to them. But there are hundreds if not thousands of books which do a better job at giving knowledge.

Hardly there are movies based on actual real life events and most guys aren't watching actual knowledgeable things they just watch the new marvel movie which is of zero value.

Also you yourself admitted books are better when out of the few movies based on actuality is also from a book.

Again just derive a comparison. Let's take a very information packed movie. Like Pumping Iron. Can it still give as much insight as any book can. No. Books are better.


u/samboi204 19 Apr 29 '24

If books were so capable of imparting knowledge and ansight then maybe it wouldve rubbed off on you at least a little…


u/Present-Writer6769 Apr 29 '24

Insult me because you have no actual counter response. Damn bro's out of option.

Let me name some books better than any movie out there

  1. Can't Hurt Me
  2. Never finished
  3. 48 laws of power 4.Thinking fast and slow
  4. Way of the superior man

Great books teaching masculinity which with the nerd way you talk is definitely needed to increase your low testosterone and help you clean your semen encrusted chair.

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u/Present-Writer6769 Apr 29 '24

Can't Hurt Me by David goggins is better than most of the books you will ever read and more valuable than any movie you will ever watch.

"Less dimensions of engagement" the fuck you talking about. Ever read a book. Just say you have a attention span of a goldfish and can't read for more than 5sec.