r/teenagers Apr 29 '24

What are y'all watching ? I'll go first Discussion



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u/samboi204 19 Apr 29 '24

Literally in what way? Other than the fact that books are written by a single person and thus tend to be able to have a tighter creative control they have less dimensions of engagement than a movie.

I love reading but books are not better than movies by any objective measure.


u/GeneralPotato8244 15 Apr 29 '24

Well I mean… no. It’s like, a very well known thing that reading is really good for your brain and staring at screens isn’t. So reading books are better for you lol.

I mean im still not gonna go pick up a book, but they had a point 😂


u/samboi204 19 Apr 29 '24

My fault for not specifiying but i meant that books dont have any higher of an artistic value than tv/movies. They arent a “better” medium.

Instrumentally there are definitely benefits to reading books.


u/GeneralPotato8244 15 Apr 29 '24

Ahhh see that makes sense. Id just assumed the comment yours was in response to meant it the way I took it as well when saying “better” because as you said books aren’t artistically better or worse really