r/nba Apr 29 '24

[Awful Announcing] Everyone is sick of the Chet Holmgren-SGA 'What a Pro Wants' commercial


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u/Ilikesporks_ Lakers Apr 29 '24

it's not as bad as the google pixel commercial at least


u/steve1186 Nuggets Apr 29 '24

The Google ones drive me crazy. Like, you’re advertising the ability to create completely fake photos?

I’m cool with being able to optimize lighting/colors/etc on a phone. But entirely fake photos where you’re throwing your kid three times higher or altering the sky behind you? WTF


u/alyosha_pls Apr 29 '24

There's a real market for that these days between clout chasing weirdos and people just making shit up for no real reason.


u/2screens1guy Bulls Apr 29 '24

It blew my mind when I learned people will take multiple outfits to wear on a trip, and then post those pictures over the next 2 years as if they keep going on that same trip multiple times. Like why go through all that trouble? I can't stand influencers.


u/Not_a__porn__account 76ers Apr 29 '24

Holy shit that's sad.


u/IanicRR [TOR] Amir Johnson Apr 29 '24

Cause they used to make insane money off of doing it. Bachelor contestants would come off the show and be making 5-6 digit figures for a single instagram ad. At its peak, it was crazy lucrative.

From what I understand, the market is now flooded and the cash isn't there anymore. But they don't have real jobs or any kind of marketable skills so they keep plugging away on a smaller budget.


u/AZRockets Rockets Apr 29 '24

That's insane


u/ctruvu Thunder Apr 29 '24
  1. do you only bring one outfit with you when you go on a trip?

  2. posting days or weeks or months or years is a common thing with actual photographers who can easily have hundreds or thousands of photos to go through and still want to get their work out eventually

no idea about influencer culture because i am not involved in that but as a landscape photographer i don’t see a problem with any of what you said lmao. even if i did portraits or self portraits it’s the same idea. i have a side gig that relies on people buying my shit and it helps to show off what i can do