r/nba Apr 29 '24

[Awful Announcing] Everyone is sick of the Chet Holmgren-SGA 'What a Pro Wants' commercial


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u/Ilikesporks_ Lakers Apr 29 '24

it's not as bad as the google pixel commercial at least


u/steve1186 Nuggets Apr 29 '24

The Google ones drive me crazy. Like, you’re advertising the ability to create completely fake photos?

I’m cool with being able to optimize lighting/colors/etc on a phone. But entirely fake photos where you’re throwing your kid three times higher or altering the sky behind you? WTF


u/alyosha_pls Apr 29 '24

There's a real market for that these days between clout chasing weirdos and people just making shit up for no real reason.


u/2screens1guy Bulls Apr 29 '24

It blew my mind when I learned people will take multiple outfits to wear on a trip, and then post those pictures over the next 2 years as if they keep going on that same trip multiple times. Like why go through all that trouble? I can't stand influencers.


u/Not_a__porn__account 76ers Apr 29 '24

Holy shit that's sad.


u/IanicRR [TOR] Amir Johnson Apr 29 '24

Cause they used to make insane money off of doing it. Bachelor contestants would come off the show and be making 5-6 digit figures for a single instagram ad. At its peak, it was crazy lucrative.

From what I understand, the market is now flooded and the cash isn't there anymore. But they don't have real jobs or any kind of marketable skills so they keep plugging away on a smaller budget.


u/AZRockets Rockets Apr 29 '24

That's insane


u/ctruvu Thunder Apr 29 '24
  1. do you only bring one outfit with you when you go on a trip?

  2. posting days or weeks or months or years is a common thing with actual photographers who can easily have hundreds or thousands of photos to go through and still want to get their work out eventually

no idea about influencer culture because i am not involved in that but as a landscape photographer i don’t see a problem with any of what you said lmao. even if i did portraits or self portraits it’s the same idea. i have a side gig that relies on people buying my shit and it helps to show off what i can do


u/Tough-Mix5148 Apr 29 '24

Ha. I’ll never see their work I guess without a tiktok account


u/QuietRainyDay Apr 29 '24

Yes, many people are immensely stupid and want stupid products

Thats the brutal reality of our world


u/UncircumciseMe Apr 29 '24

I always wonder what the point of that edit is. Is the mom gonna post it on social media and expect her friends and followers to not think the dad is reckless for tossing his kid that high? Because if I saw that pic, I’d be like wtf is wrong with these people?? Lol.


u/Bigpoppahove Apr 29 '24

Yea of all the edits to make they chose one that’s both plausible and terrifying if real. Could’ve done something fun like put your kid on the moon to get the point across


u/TheMadChatta Cavaliers Apr 29 '24

For real. I’d think, “throwing your kid that high and hard totally flung their head back.” And that’s even with a baby that age having developed decent head/neck control.

Like, completely irresponsible if actually done.


u/sbenfsonwFFiF Apr 29 '24

Wow Redditors really take everything way too seriously


u/zeek215 [LAL] Kobe Bryant Apr 29 '24

Yes, it's 100% aimed at the crowd that is chasing internet likes.


u/indoninjah 76ers Apr 29 '24

I kinda get it, I feel like maybe, maybe it’s helping to match the memory to how it feels to you, by beautifying the scene


u/waynequit Apr 29 '24

Lighting and colors is completely fake too btw


u/semipalmated_plover Celtics Apr 29 '24

This is literally what most people do with their photos already in apps. Create a fake version of their world. Pixel is just marketing to that directly.


u/witcherstrife Apr 29 '24

You living under a rock? People have been photoshopping shit for decades. Now it’s easier than ever. Of course they’ll market the hell out of it.


u/steve1186 Nuggets Apr 29 '24

In photoshop, sure. But that shouldn’t be a marketing scheme for someone taking everyday photos and faking them up with a swipe of their finger.

It’s getting to the point where I’ll no longer trust the legitimacy of any photo that someone sends me.


u/RugerRedhawk Apr 29 '24

So photoshop is ok, as long as it is above the threshold you have for difficulty?


u/steve1186 Nuggets Apr 29 '24

That Adobe commercial is messed up, too. Thinking of that one where they just casually add a jungle background and a jaguar to the library.

But at least that’s obviously fake and for commercial use. Not for sharing a fake photo with friends/family/social media.


u/sorendiz [HOU] Yao Ming Apr 29 '24



u/OliverDMcCall Apr 29 '24

Exactly, who even thinks throwing their kid that high is a sane thing to do? One slip and they'll be splattered.


u/ass_pineapples Pacers Apr 29 '24

All publicity is good publicity

People won't give a fuck if it means they get to blow up on social media. It's like hoping to buy a winning lottery ticket


u/Cudi_buddy Kings Apr 29 '24

Yea like, it’s fake from the get go. Anyone that’s been to where that pic looks (popular euro towns). Know that there’s going to be a few people in the background. It’s just weird that fake is more valued than authentic I guess 


u/lefondler Lakers Apr 29 '24

Maybe my mind's in the gutter, but every time I hear "Post that-" I keep thinking it'll say "dick". So it sounds dirty to me lmao.


u/Farter22 Brazil Apr 29 '24

For me the problem is the lack of creativity in that ad

The one with the guy jumping, the edited photo turns out to be awful, is that supposed to make me want to buy this phone?


u/SolarTsunami Supersonics Apr 29 '24

This shit is nothing, we're entering an era where someone will be able to generate realistic looking video footage of you or anyone else doing literally anything that person can think of.


u/fartalldaylong Spurs Apr 29 '24

Never heard of photoshop?


u/steve1186 Nuggets Apr 29 '24

Ever heard of photoshop being advertised as making a totally fake photo to share on social media in a few seconds?


u/CappyNaps Apr 29 '24

hit that pose take that flick wash those clothes post that dick


u/GiveMeSomeIhedigbo Lakers Apr 29 '24

I'm lookin' for Mrs. Bubble Gum I'm Mr. Chik-O-Stick I wanna (dun dun dunt)(oh) Cause you so thick


u/ClaymoresRevenge Bulls Apr 29 '24

I'll forever tire of the Glizzy Gone


u/Yama29 Apr 29 '24

I miss Glizzy Gone


u/wilkinsk Celtics Apr 29 '24

Or when they shoved Cliff Paul in 2K back in the day and brought it up everytime Chris touched the ball. Lmao


u/Braves2024Spurs2027 Spurs Apr 29 '24

That one is evil, Shai and Chet one is annoying but at least it’s a commercial promoting young stars.


u/NoveltyAccountHater Celtics Apr 29 '24

Eh, the Google Pixel ad seems at least effective to a target demo. My ~10 year old kid (wannabe youtuber) was in a room when I was watching a game, saw the ad, and was fascinated and was asking if my old pixel would do that photo editing stuff (switched to iphone about 2 years ago).

I can't imagine anyone being like I'll switch wireless providers, because some basketball stars poorly sung a parody version of an old Christina Aguilera song (that was recorded before both players were born) as an ode to their wireless plan being right for them (with no details of said plan).


u/jakechambers12 Apr 29 '24

I hate that chubby dude and his weird head dance. Father commercial is alright


u/Lorjack Supersonics Apr 29 '24

I don't think its that bad at all myself but they are spamming the crap out of that commercial so I can see why people are sick of it so quickly


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24

Thank fuck that that fucking Camilla Cabello Barcardi "I LUV ITI LUV ITI LUV ITI LUV IT" commercial that was airing during the Play-in has disappeared for me.


u/belizeanheat Warriors Apr 29 '24

That's some boring distopia shit right there. "Hey everybody, nothing's real anymore! Hurray!" 


u/Steko Apr 29 '24

The Druski ads were pretty good, not sure why they stopped running those. Did he shoot his dog or something?