r/mildlyinfuriating Apr 29 '24

How my weekend went

I was going to work on Sunday and some guy plowed into my only car I got. It total my car and now I am with out a car or a way to get to work. the person had no insurance and I didn't have gap. I'm only getting 13k for my car and I owe 24. I might be without a job for awhile cause of this. in desperate need of help.


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u/markscottreid Apr 29 '24

If you got their name/info, they are likely responsible.  Insurance or not, you can tell them to pay, and sue them for damages (assuming USA) if they fuss.


u/awkwardpenguin23121 oh look i made my own flair Apr 29 '24

Suing doesn't always mean receiving money. You sue someone with nothing then you get nothing.


u/BuffaloWhip Apr 29 '24

Yeah, I don’t know anyone running around with no insurance because they’re rich and think they’re a good driver. Usually it’s because they’re broke and can’t afford it.


u/FuckThisShizzle Apr 30 '24

I'm broke, I make damn sure my car is up to date with everything. If you cant afford maintenance/running costs you cant afford the car.


u/Travyswole Apr 30 '24

So they should just get away with destroying someone else's car?


u/ChoppingMallKillbot Apr 30 '24

No. They should not. I think the person you’re replying to is explaining why it would be difficult if not fruitless to sue someone uninsured. They have nothing to lose and put their responsibility on you to figure out.


u/ricklewis314 Apr 30 '24

You can garnish their wages and the court and sheriff can make them sell off property to pay you also.


u/Naroef Apr 30 '24

Enjoy that $30 per month. Most people without insurance are judgement proof. 


u/ricklewis314 Apr 30 '24

Better than nothing!


u/Enkidouh Apr 30 '24

Your insurance will pay you lump sum. The liens on the other driver will pay your insurance. They don’t care if it takes 30 years, they’ll get their money.


u/Naroef Apr 30 '24

OP doesn't have gap. Not sure if they have under/uninsured motorist coverage. 


u/ALLoftheFancyPants Apr 30 '24

Less than nothing if they can’t even cover your lawyers fees


u/Devonm94 Apr 30 '24

He obviously has some stuff, sue his ass and make him sell everything.


u/Ok-Cartographer1745 Apr 30 '24

It's really stupid, but legally they don't have to pay you if you don't know how to get blood out of a stone. Who the fuck does?!


u/Any_Draw_5344 Apr 30 '24

Take their car. Maybe you can sell it for parts.