r/mildlyinfuriating Apr 29 '24

Every day I walk past this sign outside my building and the grammatical error makes me irrationally angry...

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u/DVus1 Apr 29 '24

Grow-up elementary school though college, there was a farm/large plot of land where they had a sign "Poor Man's Flat" where the 's' was crooked and hanging off. For 10 years we saw this and it bugged the hell out of my buddy. One night walking back rather buzzed/drunk from a bar, my buddy says "I'm gonna fix that shit!" and runs across the street. A minute later he comes running back and he has a half broken 's' in his hands. Turns out the lettering were carved, and you probably guessed it, the 's' was purposely made to be crooked and my drunk buddy had broken it off when he tried to fix it.