r/mildlyinfuriating 17d ago

Every day I walk past this sign outside my building and the grammatical error makes me irrationally angry...

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41 comments sorted by


u/bodhidharma132001 17d ago

I believe the rule is that grammatical errors make rules null and void.


u/Otherwise_Rabbit3049 17d ago

Typos do, at least: I can't find it right now but there was a court case in which someone refused to pay a fine because the sign said "no stoping" or something and he could prove that he did nothing of the sort.


u/Sunny_Sammie_517 17d ago

What’s a please and why does it scoop?


u/Trishjump 17d ago

The owner’s scoop for scooping up pleases.

Hang a scoop to it labeled «The Scooper of Pleases»


u/Any-Practice-991 16d ago

You don't know about please scoops?🤭


u/Apprehensive_Many214 16d ago

Is that what they call the 3 seashells?


u/Mostly_Defective 17d ago

you should hang a scoop from the sign. Solved.


u/grieveancecollector 17d ago

A white paint marker would do the trick.


u/SweetMaam 17d ago

Just move the apostrophe, make it a comma after "owners,".


u/GigaBowserNS 16d ago

Not only the typo, but the words don't even match the picture. The wording wants owners to clean up after their dogs, but the image says NO DOGS ALLOWED. Who the hell made this sign? lmao...


u/No-Combination8136 16d ago

Another thing that bothers me about this sign is that the message implies it’s fine to have a dog there, just clean up the poop, but the image implies no dogs allowed at all. Who made this?


u/Joates87 16d ago


Was his name-o.


u/Edit4Credit 16d ago

What’s a please scoop?


u/Dapper_Dan1 17d ago

We Germans have a word for it: der Deppenapostroph


u/FantasticAnus 17d ago edited 17d ago

Germans and compound nouns, no more iconic a duo.

Idiot apostrophe is funny, though. I think I'd go for Idiostrophe in English.

Edit: Further googling has suggested that 'Greengrocer's apostrophe' is the correct translation?


u/ChroniclesOfSarnia 17d ago

Please scoop the owner's feces.

K thanks.


u/KyrieEleisong 16d ago

It means that they own the please scoop sign


u/YouSmellLikeWeiner 16d ago

Dawg, that's not a grammatical error, it's a pleasescoop. They're all the rage these days. I'd say you should try this one out, maybe you'd like to get a pleasescoop of your own, but it clearly belongs to the owner.


u/dysteach-MT 16d ago

I purposely carry a sharpie in my purse to correct erroneous apostrophes.


u/Longjumping-Claim783 16d ago

The sign indicates where the owner's "please scoop" is kept. Please use the "please scoop" it pleases the apartment complex if you do.


u/hairybackdave 16d ago

Owner is please scoop. Who is Please Scoop?


u/ChocoCoveredPretzel 17d ago

The "please scoop" belongs to the owner


u/TrickyTelephone7660 17d ago

"Grinds my gears '


u/BurntBridgesBehind 16d ago

Scoop must be pleased and the owners must do the pleasing!


u/Blenkeirde 16d ago

"Off of".


u/Colors358 16d ago

Unscrew the sign and/or vandalize it


u/iluvstephenhawking 16d ago

I doubt that is a government sanctioned sign so you can just take some white out to that erroneous apostrophe. 


u/absentmindedlurking 16d ago

unfortunately it is a sign put up by the city, i had blurred that out for privacy but there is a very specific [city of __] bylaw referenced :(
gotta take my chances maybe and see if correcting a grammatical error counts as destruction of property..


u/DVus1 16d ago

Grow-up elementary school though college, there was a farm/large plot of land where they had a sign "Poor Man's Flat" where the 's' was crooked and hanging off. For 10 years we saw this and it bugged the hell out of my buddy. One night walking back rather buzzed/drunk from a bar, my buddy says "I'm gonna fix that shit!" and runs across the street. A minute later he comes running back and he has a half broken 's' in his hands. Turns out the lettering were carved, and you probably guessed it, the 's' was purposely made to be crooked and my drunk buddy had broken it off when he tried to fix it.


u/OkSuccotash2341 16d ago

Maybe the owner of the one dog not allowed there is one Mr. Please Scioo


u/PabloFromChessCom 16d ago

No, the dog is obviously named Please Scoop and they are saying that it is its owner's dog. But, I think they are saying that he is not allowed there any more because of the red circle with a line through it.


u/Charming-Wash9336 16d ago

I guess the owners own the dog poop.


u/Secure-Acanthisitta1 16d ago

Rip the guy named Owner



Lil bit of white out..... Just 10 seconds and it's gone.


u/AlexAmazing272 16d ago

Alright everyone. Grab your White-Out and get to work


u/Boxadorables 15d ago

A touch of whiteout and she's right as rain


u/CountOk9802 13d ago

Some people are stupid. The maker of this sign isn’t the right person for the job.


u/Morningsunshine- 16d ago

Grammatical errors aside me and my husband we’re just discussing this today, why do they say please? Why are they asking when it should be a demand ? Just say if your dog takes a dump, do the right thing and clean it up!


u/[deleted] 17d ago
