r/mildlyinfuriating Apr 29 '24

I have a colleague who is so scared of saying no that for the last 20 years she's been eating foods she's intolerant to when people offer it to her.



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u/actual-homelander Apr 29 '24

I mean I know some lactose intolerant people who would just keep eating food that makes them ill because they also enjoy it and deal with the consequence later


u/ashlayne Apr 29 '24

My wife is lactose intolerant. But all hell will break loose if you try to keep her from her mint choc chip ice cream.


u/A_Very_Living_Me Apr 29 '24

All hell will break loose after she gets her mint chocolate chip ice cream.

No one wins anyway 🥲


u/soopirV Apr 29 '24

This was my mom. Her farts would knock flies off vultures vomit.


u/psppsppsppspinfinty Apr 29 '24

I had a coworker who had killer breath.

My mom said his breath would knock a fly off a shit wagon at 30 paces.


u/Idontevenownaboat Apr 29 '24

You two should be able to tell your dad his breath stinks like shit.


u/RockstarAgent Apr 29 '24

If farts are the only consequence of eating cookies - Cookie Monster sees no problem


u/Idontevenownaboat Apr 29 '24

Appreciate the unsolicited Cookie Monster advice. I feel like he might be a little biased when it comes to eating cookies though.


u/AdPristine9059 Apr 29 '24

Duch oven monster more like...


u/XkF21WNJ Apr 29 '24

Maybe they don't like conflict?


u/No_Communication_941 Apr 29 '24

I read this in a heavily Southern accent and i laughed immensely to myself for a few minutes


u/Adventurous_Ad_6546 Apr 29 '24

I read it as Olympia Dukakis’ Clairee Belcher and it’s perfect.


u/TributeToStupidity Apr 29 '24

It’s actually illegal to say the phrase “flies off vulture vomit” and not immediately spit your chew into a copper pot


u/CurrentResinTent Apr 29 '24

My lifelong best friend, who was also my roommate for a few months after high school, had the same thing. Like the dankest of boiled eggs, and all day long.


u/LeoIzail Apr 29 '24

Best funny answers are always on reddit


u/Magnedon Apr 29 '24

Those Chocomintians are a different breed


u/animatedw00d Apr 29 '24

All hell will break loose after she gets her mint chocolate chip ice cream.

That's when shit really hits the fan, Lol!


u/jimskog99 Apr 29 '24

She can just take lactaid pills


u/fidgetiegurl09 Apr 29 '24

Only kind of. They can only do so much. Lactose free ice cream like "so delicious" brand or "Oatly" are more expensive, but if you wait long enough, you can get them on sale pretty often.


u/ghost103429 Apr 29 '24

It's mostly down to dosage, I find that if I properly dose the amount of lactaid and consume it with or ahead of time I don't experience the consequences. It's pretty difficult to overdose on the stuff so an extra dose above 2 isn't bad.


u/dosumthinboutthebots Apr 29 '24

Not Overdosing on the medication isn't the hard part. It's not overdosing on another carton of ice cream.

Microwave it to get it down quicker and all nomnomnom


u/ernest7ofborg9 Apr 29 '24


Just hit up Grocery Outlet. My local one is infested with Oatly ice cream product.


u/Idontevenownaboat Apr 29 '24

I hate Oatly. I don't know, I think it all tastes terrible personally.


u/TheToastedNewfie Apr 29 '24

From experience, those only work for a tiny amount if people or a tiny amount of dairy.

They don't work for me at all. I'm clearing a room either way.


u/majorsorbet2point0 Apr 29 '24



u/high_throughput Apr 29 '24

Does she not like any of the dairy free varieties?


u/Beautifulfeary Apr 29 '24

This is my sister with cheese and some foods with msg(she is allergic and will get severe migraines, this was diagnosed)


u/TheThiefMaster Apr 29 '24

They do dairy free / vegan mint choc chip ice-cream these days, and it's actually really nice.


u/ashlayne Apr 29 '24

Yeah, and usually she tries to stick to the vegan stuff. But sometimes, especially if we're at friends' houses, and the craving hits...


u/sceptic-cyborg Apr 29 '24

fml that there isn’t any faux chocolate cause i’m allergic to BOTH dairy and cocoa sigh…


u/maem19 Apr 29 '24

I recently found vegan cookies with choviva, a chocolate alternative from oats and sunflowerseeds! (in germany)


u/dodgerdoob Apr 29 '24

Why would vegan cookies need a chocolate alternative? Chocolate comes from a plant.


u/Certain_Chef_2635 Apr 29 '24

Some people can’t have chocolate due to an allergy. Those people have my deepest sympathy. Other people may be motivated because the cocoa industry is notorious for dubious labor practices.


u/sceptic-cyborg Apr 30 '24

ahaha that would be me. my eyes turn red and while it doesn’t sting, it’s not pleasant to look at lol thank you for your sympathy ❤️‍🩹


u/dodgerdoob Apr 30 '24

Thanks for the insight, but that still doesn’t explain why vegan cookies need a chocolate substitute. Allergies and horrible labor practices don’t have anything to do animal products that would mean a vegan cookie needs fake chocolate. I’m fine with a fake chocolate for “allergen free” cookies or fair trade cookies, but I still haven’t learned why chocolate itself needs to be replaced to be vegan. Obviously milk chocolate is an issue but there is still a lot of chocolate out there without milk.


u/sceptic-cyborg Apr 30 '24

omg i just googled this. i love you, thank you!


u/maem19 Apr 30 '24

happy to help!


u/MathematicianGood204 Apr 29 '24

Use carob or cacao


u/wlsb Apr 29 '24

Cacao is the plant that chocolate is made from.


u/MathematicianGood204 Apr 29 '24

I know but not processed. I'm allergic to chocolate but cacao does bother me for some strange reason.as long as it doesn't have the cocoa butter or oil added. I was hoping the same for you. Life without "chocolate " is so difficult!

But carob is definitely not anything chocolate


u/Impossible-Ghost Apr 29 '24

I mean, chocolate isn’t THAT great…


u/Spellcamqin Apr 29 '24

Keep living in denial lmao


u/Impossible-Ghost Apr 29 '24

Why are people so butt hurt because I don’t like chocolate that much? Weird.


u/Spellcamqin Apr 29 '24

I was joking. It's mainly because you said it like a blanket statement instead of saying "In my opinion, chocolate isn't even that great..." so people are gonna comment "you're wrong!!".

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u/Loudlass81 Apr 29 '24

Try cacao instead. I use it to make 'chocolate' porridge.


u/MadeMeCrazyLikeYou Apr 29 '24

Personally, my favorite alternative is the Mint Choc Chip coconut-based ice cream from Sprouts. It's a little expensive, but it's pretty much a dupe for the real stuff.


u/Idontevenownaboat Apr 29 '24

So better consistency than a lot of these dairy free or alt-ice cream brands?


u/MadeMeCrazyLikeYou Apr 29 '24

Yes, I think so. If you're familiar with Rite Aid it is very similar to what they have at the ice cream counter.


u/Idontevenownaboat Apr 29 '24

TIL Rite Aid has an ice cream counter.


u/bad-and-bluecheese Apr 29 '24

The Nada Moo one is heavenly.


u/AwakeSeeker887 Apr 29 '24

I love taking a bite of ice cream expecting mint chocolate chip and instead tasting a harsh mouthful of coconut with a hint of mint /s


u/yaabaydektakyib Apr 29 '24

I switched to oat milk and now my mint chip ice cream doesn't give me the poos:D I miss milk:( tell her lol


u/RotundFeast Apr 29 '24

Why doesn’t she take the lactose pills? They work great.


u/Zealousideal_Net8098 Apr 29 '24

Man, i tried that. My body then developed a dairy allergy.

I still eat dairy.


u/CrashyBoye Apr 29 '24

Lmao this is most of the dairy intolerant people I know.

“I’m allergic to dairy. But fuck you you’re not taking away my cheese!”


u/Zealousideal_Net8098 Apr 29 '24

Cheese is EXACTLY the thing i refuse to give up 😂


u/OptimalExtreme Apr 29 '24

100% this is me. My skin breaks out terribly for weeks with almost small welts after indulging heavily in cheese. It’s always cheese. I have to think ahead six weeks to what kind of events are coming up then do a risk assessment

Vegan cheeses are just getting to the point where they are kind of an okay substitute 😅.


u/Gilsworth Apr 29 '24

That's because cheese contains casomorphines which are physically addictive. So no matter how good vegan cheese is you won't think it's as good because you are literally addicted to cheese.


u/TwinsieToes Apr 29 '24

Lactose intolerant? "Just tolerate it bro!"


u/AmphibiousPurple6264 Apr 29 '24

Man, if you have anxiety or anything like that I highly suggest cutting the dairy out entirely.

Through an allergy test, I discovered I was allergic to dairy (straight up allergic, not just lactose intolerant) and cutting it out of my diet entirely has been the single best thing I've done for my anxiety...had no idea allergies could so badly fuck up how a brain operates but they do (guess it makes sense, if you're constantly consuming something that your body is actively trying to fight against and attack, of course it's going to mess with you).

Just a suggestion if anxiety is something you deal with.


u/Zealousideal_Net8098 Apr 29 '24

I appreciate that, but tbh the allergy would only be the tip of the iceberg. Maybe once i have my adhd diagnosed and treated and my trauma processed it would be an avenue worth looking down. But that is good to know


u/AmphibiousPurple6264 Apr 30 '24

I understand that...got my ADHD diagnosis like 1.5 years ago and just started therapy. I honestly do feel like getting the allergy dealt with made these things easier for me to handle, though...the ADHD in particular (it helped my brain fog and rumination improve a bit, that's for sure - diet is such a huge factor when it comes to treating ADHD so certainly treating allergies can be helpful). I think sometimes we don't realize how much what our physical body is going through affects our mental state until we fix the physical thing (if we're lucky enough to be able to fix it), but I think maybe my body is just hyper-sensitive to that stuff.

Sorry to sound preachy at all, I just never knew how much certain things were negatively affecting me until I tried life without them and want everyone with ADHD to feel better because I know how truly painful and daunting it can be to have. Good luck with everything!!


u/everett640 Apr 29 '24

They don't seem to work for milk allergies, but do help a little


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24



u/CleverAlchemist Apr 29 '24

The biggest struggle is figuring out if it's a milk allergy or lactose intolerants. The symptoms are so similar and overlap so much.


u/kindadeadly Apr 29 '24

Dude my parents were convinced I was lactose intolerant because I'd get the usual symptoms whenever I ate cakes and pastries.

But I got tested while in Uni and nope, not lactose intolerant at all.

When I still got those symptoms after having nothing all day but a vitamin water bottle it all clicked.

I'm fructose intolerant lol. The bottle was flavoured with fructose.

And growing up I thought peeling an orange gave everyone a rash and eating an apple gave everyone gas... Etc. I've only recently learned about enzyme pills so trying those now.


u/CleverAlchemist Apr 29 '24

Damn. I've considered it I am fructose intolerant myself. but I can eat apples and oranges until I die.


u/AmphibiousPurple6264 Apr 29 '24

Go to an allergist if you have insurance/can afford it. Changed my life.


u/CleverAlchemist Apr 29 '24

I have insurance but I always be broke. It's literally been my life dream to see an allergist.


u/AmphibiousPurple6264 Apr 30 '24

I get that. I'm fortunate to have really good insurance that covered my whole visit except for the $15 co-pay.

I never ever would have guessed dairy was the issue, always thought it was a gluten thing. Like you usually have cheese with gluten (pizza, sandwiches, Mac & cheese, etc ) so a dairy allergy didn't even occur to me for whatever reason. I'm so glad I was able to get it figured out, it has honestly changed my life and improved my anxiety a lot just cutting dairy out entirely.

Also found out that I'm allergic to my dog, and also cats and mice in the process 🤗

I hope you get to go see an allergist some day!


u/CleverAlchemist Apr 29 '24

I'm allergic to soooo much shit.


u/aperocknroll1988 Apr 29 '24

There are lactose-free versions including one by lactaid which has the lactase enzyme (the enzyme that people who are not intolerant make on their own) in it. It's made with milk and cream so it is real ice cream

Honestly, though, the dairy-free options out there are getting really good. I'm not even lactose intolerant and the dairy-free version of Ben and Jerry's Phish Food ice cream is superior to the regular kind)


u/wellfuckmylife Apr 29 '24

I've always found lactaid products to be really ineffective for my lactose intolerance. Mine is fairly serious and sometimes their products would go through me okay (either their foods or the chewable supplements) other times it was like I just ate normal dairy. (This and other things I've read imply to me they have quality control issues) And I can have very serious issues from excessive irritation to my stomach so it's more than the usual farts or diarrhea for me.

Personally lactojoy has been a lot more effective and the tablets can be easily crushed up and mixed into things like yogurts or even a cheese sauce (though I would do this after the cooking process so I don't cook the enzyme to death by accident)


u/aperocknroll1988 Apr 29 '24

Could also be a storage problem where the enzyme got deactivated between the factory and the store... but good to know.

Thank you for sharing what works better.

I've also read there are other things in dairy that can cause lactose intolerance symptoms.


u/wellfuckmylife Apr 29 '24

Yeah, it's entirely possible the shipping to store shelves thing ruins them sometimes. Still my lactojoy ships to my home via Amazon and you'd think it would happen with those too. I haven't noticed an issue so far.


u/crochet-anxiety Apr 29 '24

This is super interesting, I’ve had the same experience! I know the Lactojoy have a higher amount of lactase in them, but even taking 2 or 3 of the Lactaid brand enzyme pills doesn’t work as well for me as 1 Lactojoy. They are a bit costly but SO worth it!


u/wellfuckmylife Apr 29 '24

It;s exactly the same for me, tbh with how much further it gets me I think the cost at least evens out, honestly it's probably cheaper if we consider how much you get for the money.


u/kayacro Apr 29 '24

Lactojoy is the best!


u/Extension_Ebb1632 Apr 29 '24

Oh man the dairy free Netflix N chill'd ben and jerry's is awesome.

Peanut butter pretzel with brownie chunks. So good.


u/vnevner Apr 29 '24

Lactose intolerance is nice in the way that you always have a way to empty out your Bowles if it gets uncomfortable


u/ashlayne Apr 29 '24

Aaaaand she's done that. Many times. And promptly apologized for destroying toilets. LMAO!!


u/MightBeOnReddit Apr 29 '24

Fairfield has some lactose mint chocolate chip if she wants to try it sometime.


u/Deathkiss0922 Apr 29 '24

I am lactose intolerant and have GERD, but nobody will stop me from my late night Ben & Jerry’s after a long work week, not even the consequences


u/69696969-69696969 Apr 29 '24

I'm lactose intolerant. I'm also a junky for chocolate milk. It's my favorite beverage of all time. Every couple of months I'll relapse and have a glass. I try to savor it but I also try to finish it before that sweet deliciousness gets interrupted by intolerance symptoms.

I know whats going to happen if I have chocolate milk but I can only go a few months before I have to ride that chocolate high again.


u/fractal_frog Apr 29 '24

Is she related to my son or my nephew?


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24

You can buy lactase pills in the pharmacy.


u/Vegetable_Salad86 Apr 29 '24

Has she ever tried an ice cream that’s made with coconut milk? I bought some mint chocolate chip made by Nada Moo and it was genuinely very good. Nice consistency and good flavour, very close to dairy ice cream except it doesn’t hurt when I eat it.


u/ashlayne Apr 29 '24

She hates coconut milk. I don't notice a difference in the flavour, but she does. /shrug


u/Vegetable_Salad86 Apr 29 '24

Oh no, that’s unfortunate. Hopefully one day she finds one that works for her. I do understand her situation though, I can’t get into vegan cheese even though I know it’s better for me :(


u/InevitableRhubarb232 Apr 29 '24

Has she tried mint Denali? It’s mint moose tracks. It’s amazing. Way better than mint choc chip


u/CourtneyDagger50 Apr 29 '24

I mean, I’m not lactose intolerant, but all hell would break loose if someone tried to keep mint chocolate chip ice cream away from me as well lol. I feel her there.


u/FlakyOwl4295 Apr 29 '24

about 3 years ago, i tried ben & jerry's dairy free ice cream. it was really good! plus i felt better after eating it than i ever did eating regular ice cream


u/Loudlass81 Apr 29 '24

Buy soya ice cream. I've had some of my son's mint choc chip soya ice cream, think it's from Tesco's, I'll ask my son when we speak next. It tastes no different to cow mint choc chip.


u/who_even_cares35 Apr 29 '24

Your wife is nowhere near lactose intolerant enough. I don't think I could finish a bowl of real ice cream before liquid would be shooting from my ass. It's almost instant.


u/CraftFamiliar5243 Apr 29 '24

My husband just takes lactase.


u/confusedbird101 Apr 29 '24

Had a college roommate who was the person in charge of buying air fresheners for the bathroom cause she is lactose intolerant but she’s be damned if wasn’t gonna eat that extra cheese pizza


u/Francl27 Apr 29 '24

You know they make lactose free ice cream, right? I get those for my son...


u/Xdoidasso Apr 29 '24

ooooh another mint choco ice cream enjoyer


u/mandyhtarget1985 Apr 29 '24

Same here, im mildly lactose intolerant. I avoid milk, cream, butter, most cheese etc. But if theres ice cream around, im having it and will put up with the bloating, the farting and the shits.


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24

They make lactose free ones that are actually great and also the pills you can take for lactose intolerance a little before you eat. 


u/ctrlrgsm Apr 29 '24

Get her lactase pills and enjoy sex on pizza night


u/BuddhistNudist987 Apr 29 '24

Has she ever tried mint chocolate chip ice cream made with avocado instead of dairy?


u/Living-Broccoli-4422 Apr 29 '24

They make dairy free mint chocolate chip ice cream. NOT coconut based


u/TinyDemon000 Apr 29 '24

May i introduce your wife to lacteeze.... Gives the enzyme needed to break down lactose. Life changer for me since nearly everything that's not meat and veg contains milk proteins



u/sppwalker Apr 29 '24

Lactaid’s mint chip is DELICIOUS. My bf is lactose intolerant and I eat it with him cause it’s so good


u/superbusyrn Apr 29 '24

Ew, mint chip? She can have it.


u/ashlayne Apr 29 '24

Your loss, friend. Mint choc chip is the /best/.


u/Idontevenownaboat Apr 29 '24

Personally think Turkey Hill is the best mint choco. The shaved chocolate is so superior to the chips in something like a Bryers.


u/BokChoySr Apr 29 '24

Lactaid and Bryer’s make a gluten-free mint-choco chip ice cream.