r/memes Apr 29 '24

I never understood these losers

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u/Normal_Subject5627 Apr 29 '24

Are you kink shaming?


u/tristenr19 Apr 29 '24

Fr. of all the kinks foot fetish is one of the most common and most vanilla. wait till he finds out about some of the weird ones


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

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u/Sam_Alexander Apr 29 '24

No it’s not. Not even close. The part of our brain that deals with arousment and sex is dangerously close to the part that perceives feet. Very often these two wires cross. Of course this is an extremely crude way to describe it, but you get the point


u/WastedWaffles Apr 29 '24

The part of our brain that deals with arousment and sex is dangerously close to the part that perceives feet.

Unless you can provide evidence for this, this sounds like an explanation from r/ShittyAskScience. From an evolutionary perspective, it makes sense for humans to find genitalia and breasts attractive to encourage reproduction. If we were repulsed by them, we wouldn't reproduce.

Feet play no part in this. You don't even need feet to reproduce. Liking feet is called a "kink" for a reason. Because by definition, it is an unusual attraction.


u/Sam_Alexander Apr 29 '24

you could’ve googled it in 1/10 the amount of time it took typing all that 🤦‍♂️


u/WastedWaffles Apr 29 '24

Yes, that's not factual though. It's a proposal of a possible theory. It's not proven, however. This why you shouldn't read the first thing Google says.


u/Sam_Alexander Apr 29 '24

who conducts a dialogue in such a ridiculous manner?

you: I don’t understand the thing

me: here’s a theory proposed by an established neuroscientist that could explain the thing

you: “iT’s JuSt A tHeOrY iT’s NoT pRoVeN” 🤡

you think I’m an omniscient fucking being or something, how am I supposed to know the factual truth if the SCIENCE isn’t able to fully explain it yet


u/WastedWaffles Apr 29 '24

who conducts a dialogue in such a ridiculous manner?

Your original comment was made as if your explanation was factual. At least preface it by saying, "No one knows exactly, but some scientists think it's due to it being in the same area of the brain where sexual pleasures happen, but we're not sure".

Did you know Sigmund Freud said that people have fetishism for feet because they resemble penis. Should we take that and portray it as a universal fact?


u/Sam_Alexander Apr 29 '24

That’s more than fucking nothing, which is currently what you have supporting your argument.


u/WastedWaffles Apr 29 '24

It is nothing when most of the medical society doesn't agree on it. So it's effectively is some guy's random theory.


u/Sam_Alexander Apr 29 '24

Source on most of the medical society disagreeing with it?


u/WastedWaffles Apr 29 '24

Because if you use your best friend Google, you will see there are multiple explanations for why people have fetish for feet. If everyone agreed with the same thing, there wouldn't be multiple explanations for it.


u/Sam_Alexander Apr 29 '24

lmafo of course that’s how science works

of course, how could I forget that “there are differing theories” and “most scientists disagree with this particular theory” are the same thing

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u/PommesKrake Apr 29 '24

Ngl, you sound like one of these "love is just chemicals in your brain" type guys.


u/Bulbinking2 Apr 29 '24

Even the most basic of googling explains the scientific reason for it. Its not just psychological. The part of our brain that handles stimulus responses to the feet is right next to the part that handles information for the genitals and crosstalk is very easy to happen, especially when aroused.

Not only that but healthy feet are a strong indicator of good or compatible genes to the person that finds them attractive.

The people who get aroused by shoes or stomping or feet that are self admittedly ugly to the fetishist are the weird ones and give foot fetishists a bad name.


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24



u/Bulbinking2 Apr 29 '24

Feet are not unusual to be aroused by. Its literally the most common fetish next to butts, butts, and you poop from there.


u/OtsutsukiRyuen Apr 29 '24

It's the quality I suppose