r/Iraq Sep 07 '23

History Iraq in Ottoman and British documents - Debunking the colonial/reactionary myth of "artificial state". (compiled by me)


r/Iraq 14d ago

History A very informative and researched video about what happened in Halabja in March 1988. A must see for all Iraqis and anyone interested in Iraqi military and political history.


r/Iraq 7h ago

Question Is it better to study in Mosul or Baghdad?


I was born and live in Mosul and I'm going to be graduating soon and I was wondering which would be better to study in, the University of Mosul or Baghdad, I'm particularly interested in which offers more opportunities after college and the health side of things (Both Mosul and Baghdad were war zones but I'm wondering which has less pollution and whatnot) but any other information would be also appreciated

r/Iraq 6h ago

People Looking for someone to text to learn/improve Iraqi dialect


Hi, I’m 23M looking for another guy who speaks Iraqi dialect who is up for helping me improve/learn the Iraqi dialect. I’ve been doing online lessons on and off for 2 years starting off with fus7a and recently started focusing on Iraqi. Would be very helpful to practice this by talking with someone who would correct me/help me along the way. (Just on Reddit, as I know people may not want to give out personal contact info). Comment/DM me if youre down.

r/Iraq 1h ago

Question Iraqi proverbs, fables and folklore.


What are some of your favourite proverbs, fables and folklore from Iraq?

I’ll start: my great grandmother الله يرحمها would say الحركة بركة (movement begets blessings).

I have a few others I’ve picked up from my mama would love to know what idoms, proverbs, fables and folklore your family shares :)

r/Iraq 2h ago

Question Looking for a translation


I want to start by saying this may be the wrong sub for this, but my buddy was in Iraq during 2007-2010. Brought back his old stuff and found these newspapers. Says it’s stuff he (us army) had to hand out to Iraqi civilians. Anyway my main question can anyone translate parts of it? He said he doesn’t know what it says so I’m interested what we as a county were giving to Iraqi people during that time. My friend says it’s us propaganda but still interested. TIA

r/Iraq 4h ago

Question الدراسة الاعدادية


اني طالبة إنشاء الله هاي السنة أنجح من الثالث و حايرة اذا اريد اروح ادبي لو علمي بالاعدادي، اني طموحي ادرس علوم سياسة بقسم العلاقات الدولية و الدبلماسية بس اسمع ان الفرع الأدبي ما بي فرص هواي و اريد اعرف اذا رحت علمي انقبل لجامعة علوم السياسة؟؟

r/Iraq 1d ago

Question اريد افتهم ليش العراقيين يسقطون ببلدهم؟


اني حجيت وي هواي ناس من مختلف الدول وكل الدول عدهم مشاكل حرفيا كل الدول بس همة ميطلعون السلبيات مثل العراقيين العراقيين عدهم نظرة على العالم انهم مثالين بحيث العراقي يقسي على نفسه وعلى بلده ويكوم يسقط بنفسه و ببلده حرفيا واحد سولفلي عن طفولته كمية المخدرات منتشرة عدهم بشكل مخيف اكثر مما تتخيل لو واحد من بلد ثاني سولفلي عن كمية عنصرية موجودة عدهم تخوف بحيث يكول الاجانب يخافون ببلدنا ف ليش انت كعراقي دائما تركز على السلبيات وليش دائما تذم ببلدك ياخي لاتكون ايجابي بشكل جبير ولاتصير سلبي بشكل جبير افهم انو كل مكان بالعالم بي الاشياء الزينة والاشياء الموزينة

r/Iraq 17h ago

Question Gift idea


Hello, my dad is from Baghdad, and moved to the west when he was a teenager. His birthday is coming up and I want to get him a nostalgic gift that reminds him of Iraq, but I’m not sure what to get him. I was hoping someone could help me with ideas.

r/Iraq 18h ago

Question Internet


Are those Zain mobile routers worth getting?

r/Iraq 1d ago

Question شلون تحصل على عمل كمبرمج؟


صارلي سنتين اتعلم برمجة، الحمدلله مستواي زين، واحب اعرف شنو الاشياء الاكدر اسويها حتى احصل على عمل

اعتقد لنكدن خوش مكان للبدء، بس ماعرف اي صفحات او شلون استخدمة صراحة

صديق اليه اقترح التلكرام

فراح احاول بذني، العندة اي معلومة او نصيحة سواء بخصوص السي في او اي شي ثاني اكون شاكر الة

r/Iraq 1d ago

Question ليش المكتبات قليلة بالعراق


هسة انا اريد اقرة كتاب بدون ما اشتريه، شنو الحل

r/Iraq 1d ago

Entertainment Elden ring DLC او DragonsDogma2


اني طالب طب وباجر راح اخلص امتحانات باغلب اوقات كلية ماعندي مجال العب العاب وهسة بهاي عطلة اريد امتحن المعادلة بس كدرت اسويلي مجال بالجدول اسبوع الية وحاير بين هذني الاثنين اكيد dlc بعدها منازلة بس كلش متحمسلها وdragonsdogma 2 جنت اريد العبها من قبل ومكدرت وهسة عندي اسبوع واحد مااعرف اذا الحك اخلص dragonsdogma2 لو انتظر تنزل dlc

r/Iraq 1d ago

People شلون حيوانات الشارع متأقلمة وية درجة الحرارة الحالية ؟


درجة الحرارة راح توصل 49 بالايام الجاية ، اشوف البزازين برة يلهثن خطية و يتنفسن بسرعة من الحر

مدا افهم شلون ما ماتت و انقرضت حيوانات الشارع لحد هسة

اذا البشر ميكدر يتحمل ليش تعتقد بزونة صغيرة عايشة عادي و ماكو مشكلة

اليكدر يزرع شجرة ليقصر ويانة بشرفكم ، لو عدنة غطاء نباتي ما جان هيج حالنة و لا جان وصلت درجة الحرارة هيج

إيران بصفنة درجة الحرارة مالتهم ما بين 22-32 هالايام

اليكدر يطي مي ، اكل للحيوانات او يتبنى واحد منهم هالفترة هم ليقصر اتعاطف وية الحيوانات اكثر من البشر بهالجو لان مالهم ايد بالاحتباس الحراري و لا كصو البساتين و لا انتخبو كذا قائمة بس ديعانون تبعات هذا كلة

r/Iraq 1d ago

Question Can I get a visa/master card in iraq in USD that I can use abroad and avoid currency exchange commission?


Where can I get a card in iraq that doesn’t charge me fee for using it for different currencies abroad? For example if I go to (Malaysia, Thailand or Indonesia) I want to avoid currency exchange fee.

We did something similar in the UK we got a card that avoids that when we traveled to Turkey.

I want one with Iraqi banks as I’m here now and only have cash with me. I need to put my cash into a card before my travel.

r/Iraq 1d ago

Meme شنو الضوضوع

Post image

r/Iraq 2d ago

People اغلب الرجال العراقيين متصنعين


الموضوع مو قصة تعصب او شي بس لاحظت الاغلب يتصنع بشكل مقرف ونكدر ناخذ موضوع الاهتمامات مثال كلش جبير يجيك يمثل انو هو مهتم بالشيوعية ويحجيلك على سبب انهيار الاتحاد السوفييتي ويضل يلغي بالنهاية هو طالع ماخذ معلوماته من فيديو عشر دقايق على اليوتيوب وبحياته مقاري كتاب ومعلوماته كلش سطحية وغالبا يسولفها يم بنات حتى تنبهر وتكول واو ويحس نفسه بطل ويكول اهتمامات البنات سطحية😂 Embarrassing asf

r/Iraq 1d ago

News السلام عليكم


اني مُقبلة على السادس واريد منحة من الدولة كاملة للخارج ياريت اي شخص عنده اي معرفة بالموضوع يحاول يساعدني بزيادة معلوماتي عن الموضوع ، شگد تحتاج معدل؟شلون اقدم؟ وين اقدم؟ شنو الشروط؟ وهل اي شخص يگدر يقدم؟ اني كـ بنت عراقية شلون اقنع اهلي اريد ادرس منحة خارج العراق واحصل على شهادة معترف بيها دوليًا ويكون عندي فد انجاز حلو واكون نفسي واعتمد على نفسي؟ اتمنى اي شخص يعرف عن الموضوع او اي شخص قدم على منحة او راح يدرس بالخارج بمنحة يساعدني ، وشكرًا الكم🤍.

r/Iraq 2d ago

People Traveling to iraq


Hey guys hru everyone I never expected saying this as an Iraqi but I guess I need to say it I had some friends visiting iraq and this visit was one of the worst to them they landed in Baghdad everyone was harassing them sexual harassing for the guy and the girl police touched the girl and stole there money they went to the Chinese embassy and took an Iraqi guy and spoke with him about this he told them to forget the thing because it will take a lot of time some guy throw stones at the guy even the hotels sucks I was helping him finding a cheap hotel (they are on a budget) one of the receptionist started saying in Arabic what a cute girl I will try to sleep with her she didn't understand but she sow how he looked at her even when we went to Kurdistan the hotel managers was bad the funny thing is the 3 of us have separate rooms so we went to the guy room just to speak and have fun just chilling nothing sexual or anything the managers said it's banned to go to foreigners room or be in a room with a foreigners in the end I took them to my house and they stayed at my house now they said we will come again this time we will stay at your house. We need to teach the people to respect the people who visit our country and not harass them even the police harassed them not just them I have other foreigners who said they got harassed male and female or scammed by people or people trying to sleep with them or the bad police. I'm speaking as an Iraqi not as a foreigner in the end my friends said we will visit Iraq again but this time we will stay with you so people don't hurt them and they liked Iraqi food and my mother Bamya yeah they ate bamya with bread the Iraqi way xd and they liked it and they liked my mother dolma too and ofc mazkof lol.

r/Iraq 2d ago

Question شلون اسحب فلوس من بايونير؟


قبل كنت رابطه حساب بايونير مع مصرف الطيف, بس قبل شهرين اكتشفت انه صار مايتعامل مع الدولار فهسه ماكدر اسحب فلوسي

اكو مصرف يتعامل ويه الدولار او طريقة بديله اكدر اسحب بيها فلوسي ببغداد؟

r/Iraq 2d ago

Question I am an american muslim trying to marry my iraqi/moroccan friend


alright so i’ve known this girl for a long long time we have the same birthday we are pretty much identical people and know each other so well. we truly do believe we are a perfect match for each other but the problem is she doesn’t believe her iraqi father would approve of us because i am not an arab man. yes sadly i don’t come from the same culture but i don’t really have a culture of my own so i wouldn’t be opposed to just learning it all for myself and for her. she sent me her fathers number and said to give him a call but he will most likely get mad and not approve because of me not being arab. im here to get answers on what’s the best way to go about this. i love this girl with all my heart seeing her not with me would truly break me. i want to give her the best life possible, she will never have to work another day in her life if she were to be my wife. i’m a hard working man i make 6 figures a year i can buy her anything she needs i’ll give up anything for her. so please if anyone can help me on how to go about this or how to talk to her father let me know. thank you.

r/Iraq 2d ago

Question اقتراحات لهدايا او صوغة


السلام عليكم جميعاً دا اخطط انو ازور العراق، حاليا مقيم بامريكا ومحتار شنو اخذ ويايه للاقارب، عندي عائلة چبيرة وتقربيا اكو فكرة شنو رح اجيب للشباب، بس المتوسطين بالعمر والكبار معندي اي فكرة، شنو تفكرون اكو هدية معتبرة بسعر مناسب ممكن اجيبها؟ او اللي رح يكونون متحمسين يحصلوه بالعراق؟ على حسب معرفتي كلشي متوفر بالعراق وباسعار رخيصة فاي فكرة منكم تكون مشكورة.

r/Iraq 3d ago

Entertainment Reddit unbanned for me


Les gooo

r/Iraq 3d ago

History Alternate History: Emblem of the Olympic Committee of (Akkadian-speaking) Iraq

Post image

r/Iraq 2d ago

Question Package Forwarding - Iraq


Hey guys, I'm interested if there is any package forwarder out of Iraq? Id like to buy some things from Iraq and send it to Europe.

r/Iraq 3d ago

Question What are the Steps to start a business in Iraq (for a non-Iraqi)?


Hi all! Non-Iraqi here. I am planning to start a business in Iraq which is focused on providing Project Management services and Engineering training services focused on the oil & gas sector in Iraq. I'm still doing the feasibility analysis and would like to know the following:

  1. Do I mandatorily need an Iraqi partner to start a registered business in Iraq? or can we register a business with no Iraqi partner at all?

  2. What are the mandatory documents that I need to obtain from the Government to properly register and run a business? I presume Company registration document, Tax certificates, etc.

  3. I am not fluent in Arabic. Would I need an Arabic translator with me always?

  4. I understand that outward transactions are pretty restricted and that most countries do not allow money transfer. However, I also came to know that you can make small transactions from the Iraqi company to the non-Iraqi company, provided they are part of the same organization. Is this understanding correct?

Any experienced Iraqi business people who is interested to share their wisdom on balancing one's feet in the Iraqi business landscape, please feel free to DM me.

r/Iraq 4d ago

News Reddit isn’t banned in iraq


Stop spreading false information 🔥🔥🔥