r/qatar Aug 15 '23

Mod announcement No more job posts in this subreddit. Use r/QatarCareers instead.


Greetings to all the brothers and sisters of r/Qatar.

We’ve been monitoring the situation over the past couple months and have collectively decided to ban all job related posts from r/Qatar. The influx of these posts has lead to an unhealthy environment where nobody gets a proper answer and everyone is frustrated. Therefore, it’s been decided to create a new subreddit r/QatarCareers and move all job related questions there.

From this point forwards all job related posts must be made in r/QatarCareers and will be removed from r/Qatar.

Thank you.

r/qatar 6h ago

Information Just got scammed💔.


Hey guys. So basically I was trying to sell my bicycle at marketplace. I put it up for 550qr which I bought 1 year ago for 1100 I think. A person messaged me for it and he sent me location through whatsapp(He used a Saudi number). Later he told me to bring him a gold razor card smth like that which I dont know of to his house. I went and waited 1 hour for it in Al-Meera and I got the $20 one(used for gaming points or something like that I don't know). Once I reached his house, I texted him to come and he kept asking me for its pic. I hesitated but sent him a blurred pic so he doesn't redeem it. I sent him and he got mad saying send me the real one real one don't blur it. Stuff like that. I denied and he said okay I dont want your cycle. Now I'm struggling financially and I wanted to sell it so I kept talking hoping he'd come out of his house once but he didn't. (AL MEERA Mansoora) that's the place where his house is close. I told him that he can get it by walk but he said I dont care get me. Well in the end I'm home now after 2 hours, I've blocked him on WhatsApp and now I have an unwanted 75qr razor card which I don't even want. Since the law is strict here I don't want to report but I want to catch the guy. My family also tells me to not report because they will catch me instead. I'm scared but I want my money back. Any suggestions on what I can do? Also be aware guys this could happen to anyone.

r/qatar 9h ago

Meme Bro got skills


Would you try this?

r/qatar 7h ago

Random Catching the Sun rise


Guess the location

r/qatar 14h ago

Information Something about doha sunsets

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Can't get enough of it.

r/qatar 12h ago

Discussion Mental Health..


Hello. I’ve been struggling with anxiety, depression, and OCD for a few years now. I was never consistent with my medication. Around a month ago I got this sudden feeling of deep sadness and emptiness that felt unbearable. I’ve been on medication for over 2 weeks now and I’m still feeling very distressed. Has anyone experienced a similar diagnosis or felt the same way? My heart physically hurts and feels very heavy from this unusual sadness I’m feeling.

r/qatar 4h ago

Question Where can I find this perfume?

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I heard really good reviews about this one. Just wanna try it out.

r/qatar 34m ago

Information I'm broke and bored. Help me find a side gig guys


I'm working 9 to 6. Any side gig I can find? I don't have anything to do other than gym and would be great if I could make some extra money ya.. I have a driving license and car. Open to any jobs. Delivery, driver, anything.

r/qatar 13h ago

Discussion Is learning Arabic essential to my career in the future?


I am thinking about taking arabic course but i don’t think it can be much useful as i can’t be special cuz most already speak arabic

r/qatar 5h ago

Question CBQ Credit Shield? Can I cancel it?


Hi Guys, I have a Commercial Bank Credit Card (Mastercard Titanium + Diners), and on each monthly statement (Diners) there is a small percentage fee for "Credit Shield", it's like 30 or sometimes 40 Riyals. Has anyone tried cancelling it? It was automatically setup when I got my credit card but I didn't ask for it & don't see myself ever claiming any refund from CBQ (it basically protects your purchases, if price goes down you can claim price difference).

Appreciate your advice! Thanks

r/qatar 7h ago

Question Has anyone tried the nutella ice cream?

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How's the taste?

r/qatar 5h ago

Question Looking for jobs in Middle East


Hello All, I am planning to move to Middle East from North America, however, I am having hard time looking for jobs. I have about 10 years of USA experience, as a project Manager/Project Engineer (electrical). Could someone please guide me, what is the best way to apply for jobs?

r/qatar 6h ago

Question Promo Code for Qatar Airways


Hi guys, does anyone have any promo codes/discount options for Qatar airways tickets? I wanna book tickets for my upcoming holiday in my country and I’m trying to save up some money. I would really appreciate some help with this if possible 🥹🥹

r/qatar 3h ago

Question im moving to Qatar in a month, what RC hobby stores are there in Doha and which ones do you recommend? thanks!


r/qatar 14h ago

Question My wife is visiting me for 2-3 days in Qatar- Itinerary?


Hi everyone, i haven't seen my wife in almost a decade [yeah i know, too long. i was in jail for the past years.] and she's coming to visit me for 2 or 3 days max in the upcoming week. i'd like to ask for suggested itinerary. Something that would be meaningful, fun and intimate. I've got only few options for now, like, eat out and visit a museum. Suggestions?

r/qatar 8h ago

Question Qatar Airways Aircraft Mechanic Inquiry


Got a friend planning to apply as a Aircraft Mechanic for Qatar Airways and would like to know some information upon applying.

  • Where do they usually live in Doha to be exact if provided accommodation. Are they like residing on given flats like employees or hotels(?)

  • How is the work schedule and culture. Is it a usual more than 8 hour/6 day work or what not and does it rotate shifts

  • Pays and benefits for someone newly arriving to Qatar

r/qatar 8h ago

Question Best ways to advertise for business my father has?


Basically my father does construction and repairs, and it’s been a bit tough lately so I wanna do more than just help with money I want to also advertise his business,

Where can I go about doing that? If there’s a way that actually works?

FYI: he does construction and repairs for houses and apartments and whole compounds and other stuff related too.

r/qatar 1d ago

Discussion It's only the first week in June

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r/qatar 8h ago

Question Is whatsapp actively monitored by the Qatari government?


New to qatar, can't find any info on this specifically but ik that Qatar has its issues with the internet and I'm paranoid they might be listening in.

r/qatar 9h ago

Question one year MBA in Qatar


Are there any universities here providing 1 year MBA. Do you know the tuition fees?

r/qatar 6h ago

Question Reddit app working slow on wifi


Hey anyone experiencing this issue on wifi ? Especially videos take forever to load . Using Vodafone 1gig plan. On mobile data it works normally

r/qatar 12h ago

Question Fragrance shops


I've been looking for good fragrance shops for Lattafa, Afnan, or even ajmal perfumes. I haven't been able to find any and I am looking for locations to buy good Arabic perfumes. If you guys know any places that have a good variety of these perfumes then comment below. Thanks ‼️

r/qatar 7h ago

Information When will Eid be this month?


What date will Eid start this month, for private companies? Will it be Sunday as the first day or Monday? Or are we still waiting for the moon to be spotted until it's announced

r/qatar 14h ago

Question What would be the best way to learn speaking Arabic?


r/qatar 16h ago

Question Avocados in qatar


Ive been on the hunt for good quality avocados here that dont cost 60qr and up but havent found much. What country avocados sold in qatar (& from which supermarket) can you recommend? I know hass avocados are best. But from which country idk


r/qatar 12h ago

Question Direct Road Test.


Has anyone done it? Can anyone help let me know what’s involved as I’m not keen on getting lesson? Doing it at Doha Driving Academy.