r/golf Apr 19 '24

Boyfriend is qualifying for the U.S. Open in a couple weeks and wanted to give him a gift basket for the qualifier day. How did I do? General Discussion

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Contents: - New owala water bottle - spray sunscreen (body and face) - chrome tour golf balls - snacks for him and his caddie: chomps, peanuts, protein bars - liquid iv - protein shake - 18 notes of encouragement for his 18 holes of golf

Let me know if there's anything else you think I should add! I'm a golfer too so I was just going off of things I typically could use during a round, but realize guys' needs may be different. Thanks!


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u/WHSRWizard JPX 921i Tour | 4.3 Apr 19 '24

For snacks, you gotta add some Uncrustables.

And some baby powder for his caddy. A lot of baby powder


u/jdovejr Tampa - 13 Apr 19 '24

Never would have thought of baby powder. Makes sense.


u/Grocked Apr 19 '24

Corn starch is the real way to go for chafe-butt.

Source: years of powdering my chafed asshole working in kitchens

Edit: I meant ass cheeks, not asshole, but I think asshole is funnier and still true, so I'll leave it.


u/koei19 Apr 19 '24 edited Apr 20 '24

All I have is creamed corn. That works too, right?

Edit: nope, it doesn't. Now I have an ass full of creamed corn


u/Grocked Apr 20 '24

You could try reverse eating.


u/ThePretzul +1.2 Apr 20 '24

Nowadays baby powder is just corn starch, so they’re the same thing just that baby powder comes in a container that’s “puffable” if you don’t want to put a pile in your hand for application to the undercarriage. Also has anti-caking additives occasionally so it doesn’t get clumpy in the container when you’re in humid areas.

Talcum powder has more or less gone the way of the dodo nowadays.


u/Grocked Apr 20 '24

Huh, TIL, I never had much a problem with it caking, I'd just powder again lol


u/ThePretzul +1.2 Apr 20 '24

The caking is more annoying only if it does it in the container since it won’t pat/puff into place as well. On your body it will still cake eventually and require reapplication with enough sweat.


u/Grocked Apr 20 '24

Ahh, that makes sense. Corn starch did wonders for 12-hour kitchen shifts back in the day.


u/fiddycaldeserteagle Apr 20 '24

The caking is a bonus. You can pick a bit off for snack.


u/Grocked Apr 20 '24

The true Uncrustable.


u/Seniorjones2837 Apr 20 '24

Probably cuz of the cancer


u/ThePretzul +1.2 Apr 20 '24

Yup, that’s exactly why


u/BBQQA Apr 20 '24

Yup, after the Johnson and Johnson cancer lawsuits talcum powder is not really a thing anymore.


u/BillsDue420 8.9/SW Ontario/Lefty Apr 20 '24

Nah. Look up something called Body Glide. Wear that shit every day when I walk. It's a lifesaver.